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An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 13, 2015
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East Texas
Political Leaning
This is just an honest question, in that once I saw on TV a bunch of Sanders supporters start booing as soon as Hillary appeared on one of the TV screens they were all watching.

Sanders supporters do not seem to care for Hillary all that much, so....

How do you feel now that he has done a complete 180 and endorsed the very same person you all have been fighting all this time?

Do you feel;
a. Betrayed
b. a bit sad
c. politics as usual
d. Hillary made some back door promises to him she does not intend to keep
e. Hillary make some promises to him she DOES intend to keep
f. the revolution / movement will continue on without him
g. anyone but Trump


f. fill in the blank ____________________.

I am interested because the media did not really cover much about how you Bernie supporters felt after he gave his complete support for Hillary. Whereas before you guys were always very passionate and vocal about your support for Bernie. Now all you hear is crickets.

I feel maybe it is because much of what you had to say could not be broadcast over the air, or are still trying to sort it out and figure out what to do next. I can't see all the passion put into this movement just fizzling out and moving over to Hillary. Someone who is completely in the pockets of Wall Street.

So how do you guys feel after Bernie said he was going to get behind Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

How is this any different than any reubllicannt "also ran" (or their supporters) now supporting Trump? What alternative (e.g. say nothing or back some other third party candidate) did Sanders (or his supporters) have?
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

I'm not exactly a Sanders supporter, but out of the last few people running in the primaries, he was the only one I particularly liked. I'm personally a bit disappointed in Sanders, but I can see why he fell into the "anyone but Trump" trap.

I think the revolution will go on without him, and I will be doing my part by voting for Gary Johnson.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

How is this any different than any reubllicannt "also ran" (or their supporters) now supporting Trump? What alternative (e.g. say nothing or back some other third party candidate) did Sanders (or his supporters) have?

Well, my misunderstanding is that Bernie was not a Democrat, but an Independent, so did not need to adhere to any of the Democrats rules.

With the Trump issue, all of them were already Republicans.

Whereas, Bernie was not in their party at all.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

I'm not exactly a Sanders supporter, but out of the last few people running in the primaries, he was the only one I particularly liked. I'm personally a bit disappointed in Sanders, but I can see why he fell into the "anyone but Trump" trap.

I think the revolution will go on without him, and I will be doing my part by voting for Gary Johnson.

...and so the march of freedom goes on. This is as it should be.

Thank you.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

This is just an honest question, in that once I saw on TV a bunch of Sanders supporters start booing as soon as Hillary appeared on one of the TV screens they were all watching.

Sanders supporters do not seem to care for Hillary all that much, so....

How do you feel now that he has done a complete 180 and endorsed the very same person you all have been fighting all this time?

Do you feel;
a. Betrayed
b. a bit sad
c. politics as usual
d. Hillary made some back door promises to him she does not intend to keep
e. Hillary make some promises to him she DOES intend to keep
f. the revolution / movement will continue on without him
g. anyone but Trump


f. fill in the blank ____________________.

I am interested because the media did not really cover much about how you Bernie supporters felt after he gave his complete support for Hillary. Whereas before you guys were always very passionate and vocal about your support for Bernie. Now all you hear is crickets.

I feel maybe it is because much of what you had to say could not be broadcast over the air, or are still trying to sort it out and figure out what to do next. I can't see all the passion put into this movement just fizzling out and moving over to Hillary. Someone who is completely in the pockets of Wall Street.

So how do you guys feel after Bernie said he was going to get behind Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.

I'm not nor never was a Sanders supporter, but I have to wonder why this is any different than Rubio or Cruz supporters. They all lost. Now it's time for all losing supporters to go to plan B.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

Well, my misunderstanding is that Bernie was not a Democrat, but an Independent, so did not need to adhere to any of the Democrats rules.

With the Trump issue, all of them were already Republicans.

Whereas, Bernie was not in their party at all.

If you make the claim that Bernie is not a Democrat, doesn't the same apply to Trump?
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

I'm not nor never was a Sanders supporter, but I have to wonder why this is any different than Rubio or Cruz supporters. They all lost. Now it's time for all losing supporters to go to plan B.

a small difference. Rubio and Cruz were Republicans, and Trump was also running as a Republican, therefore it was all within the Republican party.

Sanders was and is NOT a democrat.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

a small difference. Rubio and Cruz were Republicans, and Trump was also running as a Republican, therefore it was all within the Republican party.

Sanders was and is NOT a democrat.

I believe Sanders ran as a Democrat.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

This is just an honest question, in that once I saw on TV a bunch of Sanders supporters start booing as soon as Hillary appeared on one of the TV screens they were all watching.

Sanders supporters do not seem to care for Hillary all that much, so....

How do you feel now that he has done a complete 180 and endorsed the very same person you all have been fighting all this time?

Do you feel;
a. Betrayed
b. a bit sad
c. politics as usual
d. Hillary made some back door promises to him she does not intend to keep
e. Hillary make some promises to him she DOES intend to keep
f. the revolution / movement will continue on without him
g. anyone but Trump


f. fill in the blank ____________________.

I am interested because the media did not really cover much about how you Bernie supporters felt after he gave his complete support for Hillary. Whereas before you guys were always very passionate and vocal about your support for Bernie. Now all you hear is crickets.

I feel maybe it is because much of what you had to say could not be broadcast over the air, or are still trying to sort it out and figure out what to do next. I can't see all the passion put into this movement just fizzling out and moving over to Hillary. Someone who is completely in the pockets of Wall Street.

So how do you guys feel after Bernie said he was going to get behind Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.

The revolution/movement marshes on under the Trump banner!!
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

So how do you guys feel after Bernie said he was going to get behind Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Well, I was (and am) a die-hard Sanders supporter and while I will never support Hillary I understand why he did it and I don't hold it against him personally. He ran in the Democratic party and he made a pledge to support the eventual nominee, and he is a man of his word. If you look at Sanders' record he's always argued very passionately for progressive ideals but always ended up being pragmatic and compromising in the end to at least further the agenda a little bit instead of getting nothing at all.

I'm a lot more stubborn and the Democrats can lick my nuts, I'm done with them. I'll be voting 3rd party and while Sanders won't become president he definitely left his mark and what happened here will have an effect on future elections.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

The revolution/movement marshes on under the Trump banner!!

**** that, Jog. No movement led by an authoritarian is about freedom - at least not for the son of a bitch in charge.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

Ron Paul never adhered to many of the GOP rules, especially on the foreign policy front. But he ran as a Republican, and I'll bet most of his supporters will be voting for Trump.

Party loyalty is far too strong in this country. Most people don't even look at the candidates anymore, they mostly vote (D) or (R). Which is why there's so many politicians in our government who don't represent the views of their constituents, only the views of their party.

No matter what happens this year, the Dem and Republican Parties have nothing to worry about.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

Ron Paul never adhered to many of the GOP rules, especially on the foreign policy front. But he ran as a Republican, and I'll bet most of his supporters will be voting for Trump.

Party loyalty is far too strong in this country. Most people don't even look at the candidates anymore, they mostly vote (D) or (R). Which is why there's so many politicians in our government who don't represent the views of their constituents, only the views of their party.

No matter what happens this year, the Dem and Republican Parties have nothing to worry about.

So much this! I was a huge fan of Paul in 2012 and when he didn't get the nomination I didn't just blindly vote for whoever the Republicans served up to me. I vote for a leader, not a party. Frankly I think we let too many politicians hide behind a vague party platform in order to avoid any scrutiny of their actual positions or character.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

Well, my misunderstanding is that Bernie was not a Democrat, but an Independent, so did not need to adhere to any of the Democrats rules.

With the Trump issue, all of them were already Republicans.

Whereas, Bernie was not in their party at all.

Bernie caucused with the demorats as a congress critter for a long time and ran for the POTUS nomination as one. Trump seemed to have self declared as a republicant fairly recently and is (still?) at odds with several (current?) republlicant issue positions. In national party politics you are what you run (ran?) as.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

**** that, Jog. No movement led by an authoritarian is about freedom - at least not for the son of a bitch in charge.

That's the problem with movements. And what is on top of that is that most leaders are replaceable. BS and Trump are only two faces on the same head.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

I voted for Bernie in California, but I knew he was a "dead man walking" the day he started his campaign.

Hillary has the Clinton machine, the DNC machine, and the MSM. Bernie had "a following".

IMO, Sanders was merely the democrat's anti Hillary candidate and was allowed to play on the field because of the super delegates acting as a "back up plan" that was not needed** because her delegate total beat his.

** We should pay homage to the Clinton machine power, getting the AP to announce Bernie DOA in California before the vote, thus suppressing turnout. Polls had him competitive. Bernie could not pull favors of that magnitude like a Clinton machine can.

I'm not too happy about Bernie removing the knife from his back, wiping the blood off on his pants and handing it to Hillary with a love letter and a wet sloppy kiss. So much for being an "Independent". LOL
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

[chuckiechan;1066090321]I voted for Bernie in California, but I knew he was a "dead man walking" the day he started his campaign.

Hillary has the Clinton machine, the DNC machine, and the MSM. Bernie had "a following".

IMO, Sanders was merely the democrat's anti Hillary candidate and was allowed to play on the field because of the super delegates acting as a "back up plan" that was not needed** because her delegate total beat his.

** We should pay homage to the Clinton machine power, getting the AP to announce Bernie DOA in California before the vote, thus suppressing turnout. Polls had him competitive. Bernie could not pull favors of that magnitude like a Clinton machine can.

I'm not too happy about Bernie removing the knife from his back, wiping the blood off on his pants and handing it to Hillary with a love letter and a wet sloppy kiss. So much for being an "Independent". LOL[/QUOTE]

He was/is no better than Trump and possibly more dangerous. His movement has a stonger argumentative basis albeit worn out and discredited for those that interested in political history and economics. But the appeal is simple and thus persuasive for many.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

Well, my misunderstanding is that Bernie was not a Democrat, but an Independent, so did not need to adhere to any of the Democrats rules.

With the Trump issue, all of them were already Republicans.

Whereas, Bernie was not in their party at all.

I would say the party affiliation matters much less than the political lean - pretty much all of Sanders' supporters were liberal, and generally significantly more liberal than Hillary's. In the end - as with Hillary's supporters who initially claimed they'd never vote for Obama after she ended her campaign in 2008 - they'll go with the more liberal (or at least, the least conservative") candidate. Some will not vote, but very, very few indeed will vote for Trump.

When it comes to Trump's supporters, though, pretty much all of them are (by their own definition) conservative. Oh, we've seen more than a few conservatives who claim that Trump isn't a conservative (and they're right IMO), and we've seen them claim that those who support Trump can't be conservatives...but if you ask those who DO support Trump, they do indeed believe themselves to be conservative. Oh, some might say, "I'm not conservative - I'm libertarian", but I'd just point to the old saying that "libertarians are just conservatives who want to get stoned and get laid."
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary


It shows the same thing that shows with Warren. It shows that at the end of the day he is a partisan hack that has no values.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

This is just an honest question, in that once I saw on TV a bunch of Sanders supporters start booing as soon as Hillary appeared on one of the TV screens they were all watching.

Sanders supporters do not seem to care for Hillary all that much, so....

How do you feel now that he has done a complete 180 and endorsed the very same person you all have been fighting all this time?

Do you feel;
a. Betrayed
b. a bit sad
c. politics as usual
d. Hillary made some back door promises to him she does not intend to keep
e. Hillary make some promises to him she DOES intend to keep
f. the revolution / movement will continue on without him
g. anyone but Trump


f. fill in the blank ____________________.

I am interested because the media did not really cover much about how you Bernie supporters felt after he gave his complete support for Hillary. Whereas before you guys were always very passionate and vocal about your support for Bernie. Now all you hear is crickets.

I feel maybe it is because much of what you had to say could not be broadcast over the air, or are still trying to sort it out and figure out what to do next. I can't see all the passion put into this movement just fizzling out and moving over to Hillary. Someone who is completely in the pockets of Wall Street.

So how do you guys feel after Bernie said he was going to get behind Hillary?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Inquiring minds would be more patient. This question isn't very relevant at the moment as the wounds are fresh and the real question "Will you vote for Hillary" can't be answered by those emotionally invested in Bernie for a few more months. You are likely to get a reaction that will not be indicative of what will really happen.

You are asking the right question, but at the wrong time if you want a meaningful answer.
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Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

I believe Sanders ran as a Democrat.

LOL...jimbo...that just shows you how much I pay attention to the whole thing.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

The revolution/movement marshes on under the Trump banner!!

now that is very confusing.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

Well, I was (and am) a die-hard Sanders supporter and while I will never support Hillary I understand why he did it and I don't hold it against him personally. He ran in the Democratic party and he made a pledge to support the eventual nominee, and he is a man of his word. If you look at Sanders' record he's always argued very passionately for progressive ideals but always ended up being pragmatic and compromising in the end to at least further the agenda a little bit instead of getting nothing at all.

I'm a lot more stubborn and the Democrats can lick my nuts, I'm done with them. I'll be voting 3rd party and while Sanders won't become president he definitely left his mark and what happened here will have an effect on future elections.

That is a very pragmatic way of looking at it. A little gains are better than loosing the whole thing.

Sanders also keeping his word is why I respect him more that others. Just look at some of these ball baby Republicans who once promised to support the nominee, and are now staying away and pouting at home. Kaisick(sp), all the Bushes, and a few more immediately come to mind.

Sanders has much more integrity than they have, by keeping his word once he gives it.

That is a big point in my book.
Re: An honest query. How do you Sanders supporters feel now that he endorsed Hillary

I would say the party affiliation matters much less than the political lean - pretty much all of Sanders' supporters were liberal, and generally significantly more liberal than Hillary's. In the end - as with Hillary's supporters who initially claimed they'd never vote for Obama after she ended her campaign in 2008 - they'll go with the more liberal (or at least, the least conservative") candidate. Some will not vote, but very, very few indeed will vote for Trump.

When it comes to Trump's supporters, though, pretty much all of them are (by their own definition) conservative. Oh, we've seen more than a few conservatives who claim that Trump isn't a conservative (and they're right IMO), and we've seen them claim that those who support Trump can't be conservatives...but if you ask those who DO support Trump, they do indeed believe themselves to be conservative. Oh, some might say, "I'm not conservative - I'm libertarian", but I'd just point to the old saying that "libertarians are just conservatives who want to get stoned and get laid."

I guess that makes me a libertarian then.

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