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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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How refreshing is this?

In my on-boarding to Congress, I get to pick my insurance plan.

As a waitress, I had to pay more than TWICE what I’d pay as a member of Congress.

It’s frustrating that Congressmembers would deny other people affordability that they themselves enjoy. Time for #MedicareForAll.


It's about time someone drew attention to this crap. You go, Girl!
If poor people want healthcare, they just shouldn't be poor.

It's that simple.
Love how AOC inadvertently highlights how expensive Obamacare made health insurance. Now that she's got the Cadillac of insurance plans, I'm sure she's got no intention of giving it up.
Love how AOC inadvertently highlights how expensive Obamacare made health insurance. Now that she's got the Cadillac of insurance plans, I'm sure she's got no intention of giving it up.

How refreshing is this?

It's about time someone drew attention to this crap. You go, Girl!
For a person who counts "one, two, a whole bunch" is just totally refreshing. :lamo
How refreshing is this?

It's about time someone drew attention to this crap. You go, Girl!

I agree with the "you go girl", but not for the same reason as you. I hope that the electorate is smart enough to understand that "Medicare for All" means "Medicare for None".
If poor people want healthcare, they just shouldn't be poor.

It's that simple.

How many people decide not to be self-employed because of healthcare? If there was universal healthcare, more people will start a business and employ more people to raise wages with a lower employment.
How many people decide not to be self-employed because of healthcare? If there was universal healthcare, more people will start a business and employ more people to raise wages with a lower employment.

The answer to the issue of healthcare in America is simple, creating an effective healthcare system that works everywhere it's done is just daft.

If the poor would just stop being so poor, then it wouldn't be a problem.
The answer to the issue of healthcare in America is simple, creating an effective healthcare system that works everywhere it's done is just daft.

If the poor would just stop being so poor, then it wouldn't be a problem.

The bottom quintile get Medicaid. It's second quintile that is being put in a bind.
The answer to the issue of healthcare in America is simple, creating an effective healthcare system that works everywhere it's done is just daft.

If the poor would just stop being so poor, then it wouldn't be a problem.

Are poor people ignorant and helpless in your opinion? Would you say most couldn't stay healthy without someone else's help no matter what?
Are poor people ignorant and helpless in your opinion? Would you say most couldn't stay healthy without someone else's help no matter what?

If they're trapped by a system that is completely broken, bankrupts people left right and center and doesn't work for them, that is totally affordable and at the end of the day, makes no sense at all, individually, yes that is a pretty hard situation they can't easily solve.
If poor people want healthcare, they just shouldn't be poor.

It's that simple.

Excuse us? The supporters of the last administration sold us on the unsurpassed glories of Obamacare in providing affordable care for all - the infomercial gushing that "is lowers insurance costs 2500 dollars for the average family AND that's not all, doubles free healthcare for those below the poverty line and subsides healthcare upto the average wage"!

Now you all are back at the moocher window whining you are starving and the poor are ignored. LOL, you guys really don't have a sense of shame, do you?
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Excuse us? The supporters of the last administration sold us on the unsurpassed glories of Obamacare in providing affordable care for all - the infomercial gushing that "is lowers insurance costs 2500 dollars for the average family AND that's not all, doubles free healthcare for those below the poverty line and subsides healthcare upto the average wage"!

Now you are back at the moocher window whining you are starving and the poor are ignored. LOL, you guys really don't have a sense of shame, do you?

If you are going to take my statements to mean I unabashedly support Obamacare, you'd most certainly be wrong.
How many people decide not to be self-employed because of healthcare? If there was universal healthcare, more people will start a business and employ more people to raise wages with a lower employment.
In general 90-95% of new businesses fail within five years.
How many people decide not to be self-employed because of healthcare? If there was universal healthcare, more people will start a business and employ more people to raise wages with a lower employment.

As a small business owner who puts out money for healthcare, taxes, OSHA requirements, and about a hundred other things, I find real fault with this. Universal healthcare would raise my taxes enough that I would have to think twice about every hire and raise. The quality would drop. I'd end up with fewer guys and healthcare run by a government who's comparable accomplishment is the public school system. Gods know how much sick time I'd have to deal with.

Remember, I pay taxes twice. I barely feed my family of four sometimes because I'm taxed as a business, then anything I dare put in my pocket. That's while employing 6 laborers average who sometimes take home more than I do, even before we add in my expenses for keeping work going.

Before you call me an exception or question my management, this is very common for businesses at my size. It's why we have trouble growing more.
As a small business owner who puts out money for healthcare, taxes, OSHA requirements, and about a hundred other things, I find real fault with this. Universal healthcare would raise my taxes enough that I would have to think twice about every hire and raise. The quality would drop. I'd end up with fewer guys and healthcare run by a government who's comparable accomplishment is the public school system. Gods know how much sick time I'd have to deal with.

Remember, I pay taxes twice. I barely feed my family of four sometimes because I'm taxed as a business, then anything I dare put in my pocket. That's while employing 6 laborers average who sometimes take home more than I do, even before we add in my expenses for keeping work going.

Before you call me an exception or question my management, this is very common for businesses at my size. It's why we have trouble growing more.

Wow, it shouldn't have to be that hard. Good for you and your perseverance.
Wow, it shouldn't have to be that hard. Good for you and your perseverance.

Thank you very much. It's a challenge, but I'm blessed with two wonderful boys and a wife who contributes in many ways. Giving them the best life I can is all the encouragement I need.

Although, it doesn't hurt that I also feel good keeping people working who want to feed their families and would normally end up at half of what I pay them. All our work can be trained and most of these guys had trouble finishing high school, but have a good work ethic and deserve what they make.
How refreshing is this?

It's about time someone drew attention to this crap. You go, Girl!
I dont agree with her political persuasion but I do like the fact that she isn't a professional politician. She is an empale of what I think the framers had in mind. In their day it would of been blacksmiths, farmers, innkeepers. Today its real estate developers and bartenders.

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