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Al Gore, heckled while preaching. (1 Viewer)

This is the face of climate skepticism. People yelling things from a crowd, at the top of their lungs.
This is the face of climate skepticism. People yelling things from a crowd, at the top of their lungs.
It's called fighting fire with fire. Gore has been yelling nonsense at the top of his lungs from his pulpit for years.
It's called fighting fire with fire. Gore has been yelling nonsense at the top of his lungs from his pulpit for years.

Actually, it would only be a case of fighting fire with fire if Gore had a history of heckling people when THEY were trying to speak.

But it's good to know you support loutish behavior! It says much about you.
Eh. Heckling is a dick move no matter who it's being directed at. To think it furthers any causes is silly, it's just done so the heckler can get some attention.
Al Gore's a jerk though, so my sympathy is limited.
As much as Gore is a jerk, heckling some one is just a dick move and does no good.
even bill clinton is making fun of him now; the elites hav moved on from global warming; its just the masses they had convinced to follow them that are going to take some time to redirect.

but don't worry folks; i'm sure the Next Looming Disaster will be along shortly :) it always is.
even bill clinton is making fun of him now; the elites hav moved on from global warming; its just the masses they had convinced to follow them that are going to take some time to redirect.

but don't worry folks; i'm sure the Next Looming Disaster will be along shortly :) it always is.

Yeah, like that depleting ozone layer and acid rain! I mean, it's not like we took steps to reduce emissions of the chemicals causing that problem which then caused those problems to go awa-


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