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After falsely calling LGBTQ-accepting teachers “groomers,” Jason Graber called for their executions. (1 Viewer)


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Preacher: Teachers “grooming” kids should be beheaded on live TV. After falsely calling LGBTQ-accepting teachers “groomers,” Jason Graber called for their executions.​


A fundamentalist Christian preacher is calling for LGBTQ-accepting teachers to be shot in the head or beheaded on live television because he believes the conservative lie that they’re “grooming” kids.
New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist preacher Jason Graber of Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Spokane, Washington made the comments last week during a weeknight service.
Another right wing "Christian"
"teachers to be shot in the head or beheaded on live television"
I sincerely believe that I or anybody I've ever known has ever said such ignorant, dumb, stupid shit, as that. ...And I've said some stupid crap myself. :)

Preacher: Teachers “grooming” kids should be beheaded on live TV. After falsely calling LGBTQ-accepting teachers “groomers,” Jason Graber called for their executions.​


A fundamentalist Christian preacher is calling for LGBTQ-accepting teachers to be shot in the head or beheaded on live television because he believes the conservative lie that they’re “grooming” kids.
New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist preacher Jason Graber of Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Spokane, Washington made the comments last week during a weeknight service.
Talibornagain zealot trash.

Send these clowns to Afghanistan.
This presents a dilemma. The wily pastor is apparently seeking publicity. Many of his worshippers may take him literally. Therefore, if we ignore him, and surely the many others of this stripe, we increase the risk of tragedy by being caught unprepared. If we publicize these 'sermons,' we give the troublemakers what they want, and increase the spread of dangerous propaganda.

I'm torn, myself. I usually side with sunshine and education, but it's quite easy to ignore what's in the trash bin, as well.
Extremist rhetoric deserves to be called out and ridiculed.

The problem I have is with the double standards practiced by the left.

Saudi Arabia actually beheads people, and democrats consider them strategic partners.

I'm revolted by this so-called "Christian preacher", but equally revolted by our support of Saudi Arabia.

Preacher: Teachers “grooming” kids should be beheaded on live TV. After falsely calling LGBTQ-accepting teachers “groomers,” Jason Graber called for their executions.​


A fundamentalist Christian preacher is calling for LGBTQ-accepting teachers to be shot in the head or beheaded on live television because he believes the conservative lie that they’re “grooming” kids.
New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist preacher Jason Graber of Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Spokane, Washington made the comments last week during a weeknight service.
You would think that a Christian clergy would know better. The bible is kinda' opposed to killing.

Matthew 5:21

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’

Romans 13:9

For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Leviticus 24:17

“Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death.

Exodus 20:13

“You shall not kill.

Genesis 9:5-6

And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man. “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.
Let's guess why the priest named Mr. Grabber is all freaked out about pedophilia.
Extremist rhetoric deserves to be called out and ridiculed.

The problem I have is with the double standards practiced by the left.

Saudi Arabia actually beheads people, and democrats consider them strategic partners.

I'm revolted by this so-called "Christian preacher", but equally revolted by our support of Saudi Arabia.
So republican administrations have never had international relations with the country of Saudi Arabia?
So republican administrations have never had international relations with the country of Saudi Arabia?
Yeah, they're disgusting - no excuse.

So what's stopping the Party of High Morals from cutting ties to the Kingdom Of Beheadings?
Yeah, they're disgusting - no excuse.

So what's stopping the Party of High Morals from cutting ties to the Kingdom Of Beheadings?
The need for energy.

The US doesn’t tend to have strong relations with other countries that don’t have strong natural resources.

Moral or not, that’s simply how it works.
The need for energy.

The US doesn’t tend to have strong relations with other countries that don’t have strong natural resources.

Moral or not, that’s simply how it works.

I see. So you've justified human rights violations and brutal executions based on your need for energy.

You do see the conundrum, no? Whether you do or don't is irrelevant, your corrupt moral values are on display.
Extremist rhetoric deserves to be called out and ridiculed.

The problem I have is with the double standards practiced by the left.

Saudi Arabia actually beheads people, and democrats consider them strategic partners.

I'm revolted by this so-called "Christian preacher", but equally revolted by our support of Saudi Arabia.
I love this weird world that has been created here where the US foreign policy towards the Saudis is driven by the left.
These people seriously say we're the fascists.
I love this weird world that has been created here where the US foreign policy towards the Saudis is driven by the left.

It's continued by the left. It's not sanctioned by the left. It's not called out and dealt with by the left.

The lefts excuse for continuing every horrible conservative policy is "nothing can be done; it's all we have".

Which makes them a bunch of spineless mouth breathers.
I love this weird world that has been created here where the US foreign policy towards the Saudis is driven by the left.
The left, well known for wanting to keep consuming oil.
It's continued by the left. It's not sanctioned by the left. It's not called out and dealt with by the left.

The lefts excuse for continuing every horrible conservative policy is "nothing can be done; it's all we have".

Which makes them a bunch of spineless mouth breathers.
The solution is renewable energy and nuclear power. Tell your right wing friends, see how they respond.
What's stopping the deployment?
We should have the government further promote and subsidize the transition so as to make us less dependent upon Saudi oil. Do you disagree?
It's continued by the left. It's not sanctioned by the left. It's not called out and dealt with by the left.

The lefts excuse for continuing every horrible conservative policy is "nothing can be done; it's all we have".

Which makes them a bunch of spineless mouth breathers.
The left are the ones that want to move away from fossil fuels.

Want to screw the Saudis…. Align with the left on this issue.
I see. So you've justified human rights violations and brutal executions based on your need for energy.
Please show me when I personally injected my needs into this discussion which you will need to prove me for your rhetoric here to have value.

I was explaining geopolitics to you.
You do see the conundrum, no? Whether you do or don't is irrelevant, your corrupt moral values are on display.
See post #14 for direct evidence against your rhetoric.
We should have the government further promote and subsidize the transition so as to make us less dependent upon Saudi oil. Do you disagree?

Why do believe the gov't is responsible for promoting or subsidizing anything?

If an energy company actually came up with a feasible solution, private investment would flow towards it in the tens of billions.

What you want to subsidize and promote today is inefficient and expensive. That's the entire problem right now in renewables.

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