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Administration Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview [Edit] (1 Viewer)


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Administration Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

The Obama administration on Thursday tried to make "pay czar" Kenneth Feinberg available for interviews to every member of the White House pool except Fox News. But the Washington bureau chiefs of the five TV networks decided that none of their reporters would interview Feinberg unless Fox News was included.

The Obama administration on Thursday failed in its attempt to manipulate other news networks into isolating and excluding Fox News, as Republicans on Capitol Hill stepped up their criticism of the hardball tactics employed by the White House.

The Obama administration on Thursday tried to make "pay czar" Kenneth Feinberg available for interviews to every member of the White House pool except Fox News. The pool is the five-network rotation that for decades has shared the costs and duties of daily coverage of the presidency.

But the Washington bureau chiefs of the five TV networks consulted and decided that none of their reporters would interview Feinberg unless Fox News was included.

It's good to see the media as a whole stand up to Obama's statist, and divisive attacks on one group in the media. It's a sad state and embarrassing as a nation, that we have a president who thinks a war with a news organization is a top priority....

What say you?
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Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

It's not a top priority, just an issue Obama is trying to address. Too bad he didn't succeed.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

It's not a top priority, just an issue Obama is trying to address. Too bad he didn't succeed.

yes, the state should have no critisism, the state, shouldbe absolute, the state i run by Obama, Obama shall not be critisized and any organization that critisizes hisself, will be shunned.....

So much for open press and freedom, eh Orius?

Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

It's good to see the media as a whole stand up to Obama's statist, and divisive attacks on one group in the media. It's a sad state and embarrassing as a nation, that we have a president who thinks a war with a news organization is a top priority....

What say you?

I'm maybe a little surprised that the media had enough backbone and resolve to stand firm like that.

Personally, I don't think the President should have much a say in what press comes. I know there has to be regulation somewhere due to size restrictions and other reasonable things. But the press needs to be able to ask any set of question they want. They should question relentlessly and demand detail as they are the tool the People use to gauge the actions and responses of government. We need an active, independent, strong press so that we can better control the government. If a press agent asks a tough question that could possibly embarrass and administration...good. They shouldn't be barred from coming back, and their news agency shouldn't be excluded from future press releases. Just the way it is, or rather should be.

Some people wanted to say that Obama wasn't in a war with Fox News, but he clearly is. And this move by him was rather disgusting. There's no defense of it.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

yes, the state should have no critisism, the state, shouldbe absolute, the state i run by Obama, Obama shall not be critisized and any organization that critisizes hisself, will be shunned.....

So much for open press and freedom, eh Orius?


Seems like the press exercised their freedom.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

yes, the state should have no critisism, the state, shouldbe absolute, the state i run by Obama, Obama shall not be critisized and any organization that critisizes hisself, will be shunned.....

So much for open press and freedom, eh Orius?


Yeah that's exactly what I said. :roll:
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

Seems like the press exercised their freedom.

They exercised CYA.... Cause they know once you open a door, it is hard to shut. the Press showed some rare integrity here and I applaude them,even the liberal ones. ;)
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

They exercised CYA.... Cause they know once you open a door, it is hard to shut. the Press showed some rare integrity here and I applaude them,even the liberal ones. ;)

I was a little shocked they had the backbone.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

They exercised CYA.... Cause they know once you open a door, it is hard to shut. the Press showed some rare integrity here and I applaude them,even the liberal ones. ;)

While I credit them, I think there's some self-preservation at work.

If they don't stand up to this, what happens the first time they criticize Obama or support a rival Democrat? Are they thrown to the dungeon with Fox?

And what if conservatives are in charge of everything by 2012 (which is looking more likely by the minute), do they ALL get cast into that dungeon since it will then have precedent?

This was a career(s) decision, first and foremost.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

Yeah that's exactly what I said. :roll:

You cheereaded the tyrannical attempt to quash a mainstream media entity for politics.

My hyperbole expressed your sentiments taken to thier logical conclusion. :shrug:
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

While I credit them, I think there's some self-preservation at work.

If they don't stand up to this, what happens the first time they criticize Obama or support a rival Democrat? Are they thrown to the dungeon with Fox?

And what if conservatives are in charge of everything by 2012 (which is looking more likely by the minute), do they ALL get cast into that dungeon since it will then have precedent?

This was a career(s) decision, first and foremost.

:lol: "CYA" = (cover your ass).... this is exactly what I am saying,. ;)
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

:lol: "CYA" = (cover your ass).... this is exactly what I am saying,. ;)

....and they were forced to that position, in order to save any credibility....
I truly do think Obama is the living example of the 'Peter Principle'....
....Or are his Dem handlers that obtuse?....:confused:
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

I'm glad that the media didn't get sucked into the selective outrage the Obama administration has shown. Singling out Fox for problems that pervade the media was wrong, and had the other stations stood with Obama they would have been quite hypocritical.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

You cheereaded the tyrannical attempt to quash a mainstream media entity for politics.

My hyperbole expressed your sentiments taken to thier logical conclusion. :shrug:

Hyperbolic as usual. They attempted to exclude Fox from an interview, Fox was not censored.

Anyway, the outcome doesn't really bother me either. I just think that Fox is so degenerate as a "news" network that I wouldn't shed a tear if Obama succeeded.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

Hyperbolic as usual. They attempted to exclude Fox from an interview, Fox was not censored.

Anyway, the outcome doesn't really bother me either. I just think that Fox is so degenerate as a "news" network that I wouldn't shed a tear if Obama succeeded.
Looks like you don't support the 1st Amendment.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

Hyperbolic as usual. They attempted to exclude Fox from an interview, Fox was not censored.

Anyway, the outcome doesn't really bother me either. I just think that Fox is so degenerate as a "news" network that I wouldn't shed a tear if Obama succeeded.

I'm sure that's what Keith Olberman told you to say.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

Fox News is agenda driven, not journalisticly sound (if that is even a word :2razz:) The way they treated Ron Paul during the election, and then completely pulled a 360, supporting a multitude of his ideas now that Obama is in office only exponentiates their lack of value.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

Looks like you don't support the 1st Amendment.

The First Amendment was not infringed upon. The White House has the right to refuse any news agency. It lost this battle because the five main media networks banded together and threatened to not report at all.

Nice try though. :2wave:
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

Fox News is agenda driven, not journalisticly sound (if that is even a word :2razz:) The way they treated Ron Paul during the election, and then completely pulled a 360, supporting a multitude of his ideas now that Obama is in office only exponentiates their lack of value.

I'm definitely not a fan of Fox. But I don't believe it proper for the government to ban certain media outlets just because they won't be friendly with them. I don't necessarily think the press should be "friendly" with the government. The press needs to aggressively question the government and report their findings to the People so we can better control the government. It doesn't necessarily work that way now, but that's what I believe should be the standard. As such, I don't think it proper for the government to deny access of a news agency due to political reasons. It highlights why exactly we need a free press.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

It's good to see the media as a whole stand up to Obama's statist, and divisive attacks on one group in the media. It's a sad state and embarrassing as a nation, that we have a president who thinks a war with a news organization is a top priority....

What say you?

Link to article, Rev?
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

I'm definitely not a fan of Fox. But I don't believe it proper for the government to ban certain media outlets just because they won't be friendly with them. I don't necessarily think the press should be "friendly" with the government. The press needs to aggressively question the government and report their findings to the People so we can better control the government. It doesn't necessarily work that way now, but that's what I believe should be the standard. As such, I don't think it proper for the government to deny access of a news agency due to political reasons. It highlights why exactly we need a free press.

But lets consider the Fox New's integrity. Would you support a news station that was as disingenuous as Fox? Not me.....

I have nothing against criticizing Obama. But when that is all they do, how are they objectively reporting the news?
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

Regardless of your opinion of Fox News the recent rhetoric coming out of the White House is indeed scary and has the potential to start down a very slippery slope.

Obama is using tactics straight out of Alinky's 'Rules for Radicals'.

Keep the pressure on. Never let up." Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)

and most particular to the current situation:

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

I don't know how anyone can't say that what he has done in recent months with Fox News and Rush Limbaugh doesn't sound eerily similar to that. He is effectively trying to limit all meaningful public opposition to him.

Think for a second the scope that Rush Limbaugh and Fox News have. Again, put your personal opinions of the two aside. Now, lets say he were to marginalize Fox to the point of irrelevancy. For example, they lose sponsors, lose interview privileges (as was currently just attempted) etc .. Currently Fox is the only major news network that offers any type of counter-argument to many of Obama's policies. Albeit there is some bias, but show me a news network where they isn't

As if the fact that all the networks are owned by 5 corporations isn't scary enough, we now have a White House who is attempting to shape the media to suit him.

Why would they go through all this trouble in trying to sweep Rush and Fox News aside?
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

The First Amendment was not infringed upon. The White House has the right to refuse any news agency. It lost this battle because the five main media networks banded together and threatened to not report at all.

Nice try though. :2wave:

You should probably check out the concept of "chilling effect" as it relates to 1A jurisprudence.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

But lets consider the Fox New's integrity. Would you support a news station that was as disingenuous as Fox? Not me.....

I have nothing against criticizing Obama. But when that is all they do, how are they objectively reporting the news?

I don't know in general how much objectivity is left in the main press. So it's hard to go after one without blasting others. I agree that the press needs to be objective and truthful in their reporting. Some of the shows on Fox News are IQ dropping, partisan drivel.

Still I have more problem with the government trying to control or influence it through access privileges to the WH.
Re: White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

This idea that Fox is somehow more "disingenuous" than MSNBC or CNN is baffling to me. MSNBC has Ed Schultz screaming that Republicans want to see you dead, Matthews with tingles up his leg and pledging to make the Obama Administration successful, and, well, Olbermann and Maddow . . . CNN fact-checking SNL sketches and refusing to back off from false Limbaugh quotes, and Anderson Cooper coining the term "Teabaggers" for the Tea Parties. Never mind places like ABC which ran an hour-long infomercial on the health care plan, CBS which ran a story on Bush with falsified documents and Rather still refusing to recant, etc., etc.

They all have an exceptional bias. You people who scream about Fox and exempt the others simply don't like which way Fox leans.

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