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Absolute proof that Biden will lie to get elected. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
This morning the subject of fracking came up. On Fox news there was a video of Joe in the last few days saying that unlike what Trumps says, I will not stop fracking. Then they played two videos from the democrat debates where Bernie jumped him about fracking. Biden looked right at Bernie and said he was absolutely against fracking and if he became president he would stop it immediately.

Now way about it Biden is a two faced liar!!!!
This morning the subject of fracking came up. On Fox news there was a video of Joe in the last few days saying that unlike what Trumps says, I will not stop fracking. Then they played two videos from the democrat debates where Bernie jumped him about fracking. Biden looked right at Bernie and said he was absolutely against fracking and if he became president he would stop it immediately.

Now way about it Biden is a two faced liar!!!!

I have to defend Biden a little bit on this one. All politicians lie. It's standard procedure. The trouble is, the left believe they take the moral high road when they actually don't.
This morning the subject of fracking came up. On Fox news there was a video of Joe in the last few days saying that unlike what Trumps says, I will not stop fracking. Then they played two videos from the democrat debates where Bernie jumped him about fracking. Biden looked right at Bernie and said he was absolutely against fracking and if he became president he would stop it immediately.

Now way about it Biden is a two faced liar!!!!

With what, an EO? Read Biden's energy plan where he details exactly what he would attempt to do. Unlike your cult of personality leader, Biden knows how governance functions and how to turn the levers to achieve a result.

I do believe Biden would start that process IMMEDIATELY upon taking office.
This morning the subject of fracking came up. On Fox news there was a video of Joe in the last few days saying that unlike what Trumps says, I will not stop fracking. Then they played two videos from the democrat debates where Bernie jumped him about fracking. Biden looked right at Bernie and said he was absolutely against fracking and if he became president he would stop it immediately.

Now way about it Biden is a two faced liar!!!!

Why do you -- being a supporter of Donal Trump -- give one iota of a **** about a President that lies? Makes you reek of bias, partisanship and irony.
This morning the subject of fracking came up. On Fox news there was a video of Joe in the last few days saying that unlike what Trumps says, I will not stop fracking. Then they played two videos from the democrat debates where Bernie jumped him about fracking. Biden looked right at Bernie and said he was absolutely against fracking and if he became president he would stop it immediately.

Now way about it Biden is a two faced liar!!!!

So what? Trump has accustomed us to accepting liars as our presidents. So I ask, why is that important news that you put up an OP for it?
Why do you -- being a supporter of Donal Trump -- give one iota of a **** about a President that lies? Makes you reek of bias, partisanship and irony.

trump may exaggerate quite a bit, but he does not lie about what he intends his policies to be.
This morning the subject of fracking came up. On Fox news there was a video of Joe in the last few days saying that unlike what Trumps says, I will not stop fracking. Then they played two videos from the democrat debates where Bernie jumped him about fracking. Biden looked right at Bernie and said he was absolutely against fracking and if he became president he would stop it immediately.

Now way about it Biden is a two faced liar!!!!

If elected, expect planeloads of frackers headed to several major American cities... Can't say much more... it's being investigated...
I don't like franking either

Once you contaminate the groundwater there is no fixing it

Like everything Republicans do it is all about short term profits.with no thought to the future
You really have to appreciate the irony these days of any "Conservative" talking about a politician they do not agree with lying but overlooking those they do agree with.
How does this work? Oh yes:

He's just playing 30D chess.


That's not what he meant. He really meant to say something else. You're just taking him out of context.

You're taking him literally, you need to take him seriously.

He's just trolling the media conservtards, LOL, MAGA.

And my personal favorite: So, what?
I don't like franking either

Once you contaminate the groundwater there is no fixing it

Like everything Republicans do it is all about short term profits.with no thought to the future
Like so many apparently you buy into the lie that fracking affects ground water. Fracking takes place hundreds if not thousands of feet below any ground water.
The bottom line here is------------the videos dont lie, Biden does. He will say anything to get elected. What else has he lied about?
If elected, expect planeloads of frackers headed to several major American cities... Can't say much more... it's being investigated...

I expect you to put your best people on it.
With what, an EO? Read Biden's energy plan where he details exactly what he would attempt to do. Unlike your cult of personality leader, Biden knows how governance functions and how to turn the levers to achieve a result.

I do believe Biden would start that process IMMEDIATELY upon taking office.

Do you really believe the Senate is going to vote for all that stuff? No, even if the dems get a majority it will be small and not enough to pass anything without republicans and they aren't going to vote for expensive pie in the sky crap that will harm the economy. Biden will do what every other President has been doing, Executive Order. The country under Trump has been booming and only suffers now from the virus that China delevered to the world and from violence which is almost exclusively confined to Democrat run cities.
Trump supporters talking about lies.

Donald Trump has no virtues. It appears his supporters are the same way.
trump may exaggerate quite a bit, but he does not lie about what he intends his policies to be.


Like his big, beautiful healthcare plan he keeps promising?
Starting his campaign trail in PA ... :lamo


There is one HUGE LIE promoted by the MSM that is the propaganda arm of the DNC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You really have to appreciate the irony these days of any "Conservative" talking about a politician they do not agree with lying but overlooking those they do agree with.

We have to appreciate the Leftists defending Biden lying, even more. :lamo
Like so many apparently you buy into the lie that fracking affects ground water. Fracking takes place hundreds if not thousands of feet below any ground water.

I don't buy into anything. I believe in researching for myself.

Ever.look at.the.list.of.chemicals used in franking? Thinking about.surface.contamination from the wastewater? Wells to pump wastewater int then the known cases of groundwater contamination. Even trump's EPA admits fracking contaminates groundwater

Once you break up that rock that deep in the ground there is no fixing it

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