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Abortion (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 17, 2020
Reaction score
Springfield MO
Political Leaning
Yes, I know that there's a dedicated abortion forum, but that doesn't mean that we can't attack it from a slightly different tack, i.e. ethics.
As usual, the topic was first brought up in another thread, but it seemed like it needed its own thread. Here's the history:

"Religious values" have everything to do with this. In Western Society, it is "Religious values" that give a moral compass. If the group you run with doesn't have any, you get what we are getting.

At which point I asked if he thought that atheists didn't have ethics.

His reply:
You think you have one?

Are you pro-abortion? Anything else you need to know?

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And I then asked him these questions:
No, I'm not pro-abortion. I don't know anyone who is pro-abortion.
And even if I was, would that mean that all atheists are pro-abortion?
And are there any self-described religious people that are pro-choice? And if they are, does that mean that they don't have any moral or ethical values? And who assigned you as the person to make that determination?

I then added a couple of more questions:
Is a zygote a future human and is it unethical to end the pregnancy at that point Also: What are the ethics of bringing an unwanted child into the world?

His reply:
Of course you know "someone who is pro-abortion, your party is full of them.
I'm sure there are a very few atheists who are not pro abortion, but they shut up so you will not abuse them.
There are some religious people who are pro-abortion, me being one, but ONLY in the right situation: incest, rape, risk of natural death by mother or child, others....
The same person who assigned you to make the determination you make for yourself.
Yes, and usually yes.

You'll have to resolve your last question with the participants of the pregnancy. It is, however, unethical to become pregnant and hope that someone else will raise the child.

So basically he is saying that anyone who is "pro-abortion" is not moral/ethical and that most atheists are pro-abortion, ergo atheists are not ethical.

Your thoughts?
Yes, I know that there's a dedicated abortion forum, but that doesn't mean that we can't attack it from a slightly different tack, i.e. ethics.
As usual, the topic was first brought up in another thread, but it seemed like it needed its own thread. Here's the history:

At which point I asked if he thought that atheists didn't have ethics.

His reply:

And I then asked him these questions:
No, I'm not pro-abortion. I don't know anyone who is pro-abortion.
And even if I was, would that mean that all atheists are pro-abortion?
And are there any self-described religious people that are pro-choice? And if they are, does that mean that they don't have any moral or ethical values? And who assigned you as the person to make that determination?

I then added a couple of more questions:
Is a zygote a future human and is it unethical to end the pregnancy at that point Also: What are the ethics of bringing an unwanted child into the world?

His reply:

So basically he is saying that anyone who is "pro-abortion" is not moral/ethical and that most atheists are pro-abortion, ergo atheists are not ethical.

Your thoughts?
I am pro abortion. I am pro most medical procedures
Yes, I know that there's a dedicated abortion forum, but that doesn't mean that we can't attack it from a slightly different tack, i.e. ethics.
As usual, the topic was first brought up in another thread, but it seemed like it needed its own thread. Here's the history:

At which point I asked if he thought that atheists didn't have ethics.

His reply:

And I then asked him these questions:
No, I'm not pro-abortion. I don't know anyone who is pro-abortion.
And even if I was, would that mean that all atheists are pro-abortion?
And are there any self-described religious people that are pro-choice? And if they are, does that mean that they don't have any moral or ethical values? And who assigned you as the person to make that determination?

I then added a couple of more questions:
Is a zygote a future human and is it unethical to end the pregnancy at that point Also: What are the ethics of bringing an unwanted child into the world?

His reply:

So basically he is saying that anyone who is "pro-abortion" is not moral/ethical and that most atheists are pro-abortion, ergo atheists are not ethical.

Your thoughts?

Human life begins at conception.

Pro-choice supporters who say they value human rights are hypocrites.
We cannot de-value a human being at anytime in his stage of development (or stages in life), regardless of race, gender, creed, and physical/mental capabilities. That's what Hitler did with Jews and people with physical/mental problems.

AND YET - we can question the humanity of anyone, especially that of a mother who seeks the torturous killing of her own child, especially in this day and age when unwanted pregnancy is quite preventable.
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Human life begins at conception.

Pro-choice supporters who say they value human rights are hypocrites.
We cannot de-value a human being at anytime in his stage of development (or stages in life).
We kill people every day with the full support of the government
You don’t have a problem with doing it on demand, so what’s your point?

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That by your own standards, you have no ethics since you approve of abortion in some instances.
And also that you are the typical right-wing anti-abortion extremist who would ethically condemn the great majority of Americans who are pro-choice in regard to a Constitutionally protected right of women who decide that they don’t want to bring any wanted child into the world.
And, no, I am not “pro-abortion”. I am against abortion to the point that I want to see as few as possible, and it is you right-wingers who actually cause more abortion by constantly trying to remove funding from Planned Parenthood which provides more birth control to women of less economic means than any other organization, thus preventing potential abortions. The blood is on YOUR hands.
That by your own standards, you have no ethics since you approve of abortion in some instances.
And also that you are the typical right-wing anti-abortion extremist who would ethically condemn the great majority of Americans who are pro-choice in regard to a Constitutionally protected right of women who decide that they don’t want to bring any wanted child into the world.
And, no, I am not “pro-abortion”. I am against abortion to the point that I want to see as few as possible, and it is you right-wingers who actually cause more abortion by constantly trying to remove funding from Planned Parenthood which provides more birth control to women of less economic means than any other organization, thus preventing potential abortions. The blood is on YOUR hands.

Your position is as expected, complete nonsense.

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Your position is as expected, complete nonsense.

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Of course it’s not nonsense. It’s 100% accurate and factual, and you can’t show otherwise.
Of course it’s not nonsense. It’s 100% accurate and factual, and you can’t show otherwise.

Of course it’s complete nonsense.

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I've always been of the opinion that having an abortion is strictly the decision of a patient and their health care provider. I think there should be reasonable limits to when it can be performed, for me that has always been when the fetus has progressed enough to sustain it's life outside the womb on it's own. Of course there are caveats and exceptions, but that's my general opinion, not based on emotional triggers or bronze age mythologies.
Of course it’s not nonsense. It’s 100% accurate and factual, and you can’t show otherwise.
The burden of proof is on you. But being an atheist, much of your "facts" are based solely on desparete beliefs which is why you so rarely produce the proof you claim you have.
Why do you people who are so Pro-Life and so Anti-Abortion love to pay the fully developed Fetus slave wagers, outrageous costs of education, expensive health-care and look down on others who are not your race? You're extremely inconsistent. (Plus you enjoy voting for sociopaths)
I've always been of the opinion that having an abortion is strictly the decision of a patient and their health care provider. I think there should be reasonable limits to when it can be performed, for me that has always been when the fetus has progressed enough to sustain it's life outside the womb on it's own. Of course there are caveats and exceptions, but that's my general opinion, not based on emotional triggers or bronze age mythologies.
Not based on "emotional triggers"? So it has nothing to do with sympathy (an emotion) and an urge to protect something that is weaker than you, unless it's so weak it can't live outside the womb, in which case you think it's okay to kill it.

Preserving life is one thing, right? But that someone should see trouble to preserve life they caused to begin (by the will of Allah). For you that must be an absurd idea.
who would ethically condemn the great majority of Americans who are pro-choice in regard to a Constitutionally protected right of women who decide that they don’t want to
The fact that some people have made something a "right", doesn't on any way make it wrong to condemn those who "use that right" — nor can anyone claim it did because people "condemn" others everyday regarding actions that are "their right".
Psychological projection.
You make some good points sometimes, but you overuse this term, even if it may be accurate. I'd suggest either not responding to low effort posts like the one you quoted, or taking the time to formulate at least a basic response demonstrating their incorrect premises or facts. Low effort shitposting in response to low effort shitposting will never further the discussion.

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