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A sting too far? (1 Viewer)

Infinite Chaos

DP Veteran
Oct 28, 2007
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A Northern Ireland politician has apologised "unreservedly" after sending naked photographs of himself to an undercover newspaper reporter.Ulster Unionist Party MLA Ross Hussey said he a "made a terrible error of judgement" in sending the images to the Sunday Life journalist.
The paper reported that he was using websites to meet "strangers" for sex. link

Is this a case of newspapers going too far? (I don't mean if they posted pics of this obese naked man) Isn't he entitled to a private life, especially as a single man?
When you sending nude pictures of yourself you should be aware that it can be shared and published (especially if you are a public figure) because things like this happened even though it's wrong in many ways, but I don't think it should be on the news. That having said I don't know if there is reporter who wouldn't jump on this scoop.
If the reporter asked for the pic then there should have been no apology, because nothing wrong was done.
anybody stupid enough to send nude pictures of themselves to anybody deserves whatever they get.
Is this a case of newspapers going too far? (I don't mean if they posted pics of this obese naked man) Isn't he entitled to a private life, especially as a single man?

I haven't seen the pictures, but why shouldn't they be published?
anybody stupid enough to send nude pictures of themselves to anybody deserves whatever they get.

Are we supposed to be ashamed of our bodies?

I take a pass.
Is this a case of newspapers going too far? (I don't mean if they posted pics of this obese naked man) Isn't he entitled to a private life, especially as a single man?

He is but he's also an idiot. Even if the person he sent naked pictures to wasn't a reporter, they could have made those pictures public. He was the one who decided not to keep his privates private. The paper and reporter aren't exonerated from being scummy, sensation peddlers though, despite the MLA's stupidity.
Is this a case of newspapers going too far? (I don't mean if they posted pics of this obese naked man) Isn't he entitled to a private life, especially as a single man?

The paper reported that he was using websites to meet "strangers" for sex.
no problem

Mr Hussey, who is single, said: "I accept fully that I have used websites and the internet to meet others."
no problem
He added: "I apologise unreservedly to my family, colleagues and friends for any embarrassment I have caused."

The MLA, who is also a member of the
Northern Ireland Policing Board,
said that he "did not think of the consequences".

so when HE does it...all is well....but he wants to judge others and enforce standards?

A spokesman for the Ulster Unionist Party said Mr Hussey "has not broken any law".
so he is okay but he gets to judge others?

"He is a single man and entitled to a private life."
as are others you right-winged fascist freak
How is it going too far?

They got a reporter out on an entrapment of a single man and there is no crime or public interest.

~ so when HE does it...all is well....but he wants to judge others and enforce standards?

so he is okay but he gets to judge others? ~

Let's hope he shows a bit of humility when he judges others in future.
anybody stupid enough to send nude pictures of themselves to anybody deserves whatever they get.

No, not to "anybody", to random people perhaps.
What device you're using? Older devices can't handle how hot she is. :2razz:


One of these..
When you sending nude pictures of yourself you should be aware that it can be shared and published (especially if you are a public figure) because things like this happened even though it's wrong in many ways, but I don't think it should be on the news. That having said I don't know if there is reporter who wouldn't jump on this scoop.

Can't happen in France. A photo is considered private property unless permission is expressly given.

If you publish the photo of an individual without permission, then you incur a sizable fine. So, public personalities may require retraction if the photo made public is detrimental to their public image.

Want to take pictures of topless French girls on the beach in St. Tropez? Ask permission first.

I kid you not ...
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I am guessing the paper is tabloid trash. If not, it is certainly acting like it.
No, to anybody. Once you've sent it you lose control of it.

The fact you lose your control over it doesn't mean it's stupid, losing control to someone else isn't always stupid, it depends on who is that someone and if you are right to trust him or her.
The fact you lose your control over it doesn't mean it's stupid, losing control to someone else isn't always stupid, it depends on who is that someone and if you are right to trust him or her.

Yeah, tell that to the teenage girls who sent nude photos of themselves to their boyfriend, who love them! I repeat. Sending nude pictures of yourself to anybody over the internet or via email is stupid.
When you sending nude pictures of yourself you should be aware that it can be shared and published (especially if you are a public figure)

Depends upon where you are. Once the nude-photos are on the Web, there's no stopping them.

But, if you are the author in France of any use of an unauthorized photo, you go to jail for illegal use of a person's photo. Presuming the person is identifiable, and not within a crowd.

Laws exist for the protection of one's personal identity. Of course, a country has to pass them first ...
Yeah, tell that to the teenage girls who sent nude photos of themselves to their boyfriend, who love them! I repeat. Sending nude pictures of yourself to anybody over the internet or via email is stupid.

Teenage girls are not "adults", so it is the parents who have a right to prosecute should the usage of the photo be damaging to their child.

Good luck with that one in a court of law, however, in the US. "Freedom of speech" covers a multitude of sins.

Your "rights" end where mine begin ...

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