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a host is not a cookie! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
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Political Leaning
a host is not a cookie! = eine Hostie ist kein Keks! ….in German …

did you read about the lady in Orlando, Florida, who thought the
priest was giving out cookiies and just grabbed some?

what would you have done?
a host is not a cookie! = eine Hostie ist kein Keks! ….in German …

did you read about the lady in Orlando, Florida, who thought the
priest was giving out cookiies and just grabbed some?

what would you have done?
I would have been at home playing a video game and unaware of the unfolding horror.
She was in the wrong, but I would've let her have it anyway. At least then nobody gets bitten lol. And the look on her face when she realizes it doesn't taste like a cookie at all. Whether or not it actually counts for something spiritually is between her and her god. It's not the priest's place or responsibility to physically stop her from being irreverent or blasphemous. At worst, ask her to leave, and if she doesn't, call the cops on her for trespassing.
when i was a child a host was sth very holy!
and to treat a host badly was just unthinkable.
that lady was in luck that God did not send a flash of lightning
are there any Catholics or ex.catholics about here? :)
a host is not a cookie! = eine Hostie ist kein Keks! ….in German …

did you read about the lady in Orlando, Florida, who thought the
priest was giving out cookiies and just grabbed some?

what would you have done?
I call them Christchex.
are there any Catholics or ex.catholics about here? :)
There are no “ex-Catholics”. The correct term is “recovering Catholic.”

But as for the OP, if she refers to the host as a cookie, does not know the ritual, and tried again after being denied once, then she clearly is not Catholic and the priest was right to deny her, including use of force. Biting though? That does seem excessive.

For those unfamiliar, the Catholic Churches practice “closed communion, and non-Catholics may not participate. Exceptions for members of Orthodox churches may be granted.
But as for the OP, if she refers to the host as a cookie, does not know the ritual, and tried again after being denied once, then she clearly is not Catholic and the priest was right to deny her, including use of force.
she is stupid and aggressive
do protestants know waht a host is for catholics?
that lady was in luck that God did not send a flash of lightning
That's a really benevolent god you worship, if you think god would smite someone for disrespecting a cracker. (/sarcasm)

I do think getting in a huff about someone trying to take communion who may not be technically allowed is just ridiculous. That should really be between the person and God, if your god truly is righteous and not just a big dick (and why would you worship a big dick?).
That's a really benevolent god you worship, if you think god would smite someone for disrespecting a cracker. (/sarcasm)

I do think getting in a huff about someone trying to take communion who may not be technically allowed is just ridiculous. That should really be between the person and God, if your god truly is righteous and not just a big dick (and why would you worship a big dick?).
my posting above was irony,

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