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a host is not a cookie! (1 Viewer)

She was in the wrong, but I would've let her have it anyway. At least then nobody gets bitten lol. And the look on her face when she realizes it doesn't taste like a cookie at all. Whether or not it actually counts for something spiritually is between her and her god. It's not the priest's place or responsibility to physically stop her from being irreverent or blasphemous. At worst, ask her to leave, and if she doesn't, call the cops on her for trespassing.
in any case, one should respect the host!
Here's my take:
The host is simply a component of a religious ritual. A ritual, in and of itself, has no power.

The ritual is simply an outward manifestation of an inward relationship. If that relationship does not exist, the ritual is nothing.

Therefore, for all practical purposes, to disgrace the ritual as she did, while offensive to the believers, means the underlying relationship doesn't exist and therefore all she did was show her ass and steal a handful of cookies, really bad cookies.
She was in the wrong, but I would've let her have it anyway. At least then nobody gets bitten lol. And the look on her face when she realizes it doesn't taste like a cookie at all. Whether or not it actually counts for something spiritually is between her and her god. It's not the priest's place or responsibility to physically stop her from being irreverent or blasphemous. At worst, ask her to leave, and if she doesn't, call the cops on her for trespassing.
Do you recall when the Cathedral of Notre Dame burned what one object the priest rushed in to save?
do protestants know waht a host is for catholics?
You are correct. A cookie is Hostess.

Here's my take:
The host is simply a component of a religious ritual. A ritual, in and of itself, has no power.

The ritual is simply an outward manifestation of an inward relationship. If that relationship does not exist, the ritual is nothing.

Therefore, for all practical purposes, to disgrace the ritual as she did, while offensive to the believers, means the underlying relationship doesn't exist and therefore all she did was show her ass and steal a handful of cookies, really bad cookies.
her behaviour was offensive to anybody, not just to the believers

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