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A Handy Guide to the Trump Investigations (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2018
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The Mueller investigation into Russia hacking is winding down. Now the others will go into full swing. The 'red line' that Trump warned that nobody should cross, that's been crossed. Trump supporters actually thought the Mueller investigation would be it, but far from it, very far. These investigation will primarily be under the FBI Dept of Justice Southern District of New York jurisdiction. Unlike the Mueller investigation which has been restricted solely to the investigation of Russia hacking the election, the SDNY investigations will have no such restrictions.

What or who is being investigated;

Trump Organization, Southern District of New York
Trump Foundation, NY State Attorney General's Office
Trump Campaign, Special Counsel and Congress
Trump Transition, Special Counsel
Trump Inauguration, Southern District of New York
Trump Administration, Special Counsel and Congress
Trump, Obstruction of Justice
Trump, Campaign violations

Allegations that are being investigated:

Conspiracy against the United States
False statements
Mail fraud
Wire fraud
Money laundering
Disclosure violations
Contributions from foreign nations
Contributions in the name of another person

But wait, there's more. The Senate Intelligence Committee and the House Judiciary Committee are each doing their own investigations.

2019 is going to be a VERY interesting year folks.

Could not happen to a more deserving slimewad.

Your faithful antagonists will quibble with this bit, "Unlike the Mueller investigation which has been restricted solely to the investigation of Russia hacking the election," because Mueller's investigation was not limited to that.

They'll need to quibble with that or some other trivialtiy ... because they have no good answer for the scope of the corruption with which Trump and his criminal associates are bogging down our judicial system.
The Mueller investigation into Russia hacking is winding down. Now the others will go into full swing. The 'red line' that Trump warned that nobody should cross, that's been crossed. Trump supporters actually thought the Mueller investigation would be it, but far from it, very far. These investigation will primarily be under the FBI Dept of Justice Southern District of New York jurisdiction. Unlike the Mueller investigation which has been restricted solely to the investigation of Russia hacking the election, the SDNY investigations will have no such restrictions.

What or who is being investigated;

Trump Organization, Southern District of New York
Trump Foundation, NY State Attorney General's Office
Trump Campaign, Special Counsel and Congress
Trump Transition, Special Counsel
Trump Inauguration, Southern District of New York
Trump Administration, Special Counsel and Congress
Trump, Obstruction of Justice
Trump, Campaign violations

Allegations that are being investigated:

Conspiracy against the United States
False statements
Mail fraud
Wire fraud
Money laundering
Disclosure violations
Contributions from foreign nations
Contributions in the name of another person

But wait, there's more. The Senate Intelligence Committee and the House Judiciary Committee are each doing their own investigations.

2019 is going to be a VERY interesting year folks.


A lot of people wasting a lot of time and money...all because they hate Trump.


btw, I haven't heard any "allegations" against Trump. Let's be honest...these people are searching desperately for a crime.
A lot of people wasting a lot of time and money...all because they hate Trump.


How do you know they are wasting time and money? Because not turning over his taxes like every other politician in the past makes you confident he has nothing to hide?
See my edit.

Any good prosecutor will tell you than in an investigation, you save the guy at the top for last. You work your way up to him. You don't tip your hand early on. Not sure how you are so confident that is not what's happening here.

Take off your jacket, get some popcorn, sit back, and relax. This is all just getting started.
A lot of people wasting a lot of time and money...all because they hate Trump.


btw, I haven't heard any "allegations" against Trump. Let's be honest...these people are searching desperately for a crime.

You bet we hate him, and you should too. Him and his entire scumbag family is profiting off the presidency. He doesn't have a clue of how to lead this country and he could care less. He'll rob and steal all he can and then he's out. He doesn't give a crap about anything but Trump.
A lot of people wasting a lot of time and money...all because they hate Trump.


btw, I haven't heard any "allegations" against Trump. Let's be honest...these people are searching desperately for a crime.

Nah. It's because they hate criminality.

I don't think it's something you'd understand.
*In before the--*


Prove it!

How did he break the law?

Greatest witch hunt in history.

The Steele dossier is the real scandal.

What about Clinton's emails?

Collusion is not a crime.
A lot of people wasting a lot of time and money...all because they hate Trump.


btw, I haven't heard any "allegations" against Trump. Let's be honest...these people are searching desperately for a crime.

If I could suspend disbelief like that I would enjoy movies more.
Greatest witch hunt in history.

The Steele dossier is the real scandal.

What about Clinton's emails?

Collusion is not a crime.

The Mueller investigation into Russia hacking is winding down. Now the others will go into full swing. The 'red line' that Trump warned that nobody should cross, that's been crossed. Trump supporters actually thought the Mueller investigation would be it, but far from it, very far. These investigation will primarily be under the FBI Dept of Justice Southern District of New York jurisdiction. Unlike the Mueller investigation which has been restricted solely to the investigation of Russia hacking the election, the SDNY investigations will have no such restrictions.

What or who is being investigated;

Trump Organization, Southern District of New York
Trump Foundation, NY State Attorney General's Office
Trump Campaign, Special Counsel and Congress
Trump Transition, Special Counsel
Trump Inauguration, Southern District of New York
Trump Administration, Special Counsel and Congress
Trump, Obstruction of Justice
Trump, Campaign violations

Allegations that are being investigated:

Conspiracy against the United States
False statements
Mail fraud
Wire fraud
Money laundering
Disclosure violations
Contributions from foreign nations
Contributions in the name of another person

But wait, there's more. The Senate Intelligence Committee and the House Judiciary Committee are each doing their own investigations.

2019 is going to be a VERY interesting year folks.


What's the title?

Witch Hunter's Almanac?
Any good prosecutor will tell you than in an investigation, you save the guy at the top for last. You work your way up to him. You don't tip your hand early on. Not sure how you are so confident that is not what's happening here.

Take off your jacket, get some popcorn, sit back, and relax. This is all just getting started.

Keep your hope alive.
You bet we hate him, and you should too. Him and his entire scumbag family is profiting off the presidency. He doesn't have a clue of how to lead this country and he could care less. He'll rob and steal all he can and then he's out. He doesn't give a crap about anything but Trump.

Save your hate for a useful idiot.
Nah. It's because they hate criminality.

I don't think it's something you'd understand.

Like I said...they are wasting their time and money looking for a crime.
The Mueller investigation into Russia hacking is winding down. Now the others will go into full swing. The 'red line' that Trump warned that nobody should cross, that's been crossed. Trump supporters actually thought the Mueller investigation would be it, but far from it, very far. These investigation will primarily be under the FBI Dept of Justice Southern District of New York jurisdiction. Unlike the Mueller investigation which has been restricted solely to the investigation of Russia hacking the election, the SDNY investigations will have no such restrictions.

What or who is being investigated;

Trump Organization, Southern District of New York
Trump Foundation, NY State Attorney General's Office
Trump Campaign, Special Counsel and Congress
Trump Transition, Special Counsel
Trump Inauguration, Southern District of New York
Trump Administration, Special Counsel and Congress
Trump, Obstruction of Justice
Trump, Campaign violations

Allegations that are being investigated:

Conspiracy against the United States
False statements
Mail fraud
Wire fraud
Money laundering
Disclosure violations
Contributions from foreign nations
Contributions in the name of another person

But wait, there's more. The Senate Intelligence Committee and the House Judiciary Committee are each doing their own investigations.

2019 is going to be a VERY interesting year folks.


Oh...Just "run of the mill" misdemeanors that "everybody" commits and for which there's ample information strongly suggesting they may indeed have done so....NOT!
Last edited:
Oh...Just "run of the mill" misdemeanors that "everybody" commits and for which there's ample information strongly suggesting they did so....NOT!

The campaign finance literally is "stuff that everybody does"
What's the crime he committed?

Well, we're all going to have to be patient and wait for the seven or nine investigations to commence, won't we? I know one thing, when the SDNY even STARTS an investigation you better believe they have some pretty incriminating evidence already.
The Mueller investigation into Russia hacking is winding down. Now the others will go into full swing. The 'red line' that Trump warned that nobody should cross, that's been crossed. Trump supporters actually thought the Mueller investigation would be it, but far from it, very far. These investigation will primarily be under the FBI Dept of Justice Southern District of New York jurisdiction. Unlike the Mueller investigation which has been restricted solely to the investigation of Russia hacking the election, the SDNY investigations will have no such restrictions.

What or who is being investigated;

Trump Organization, Southern District of New York
Trump Foundation, NY State Attorney General's Office
Trump Campaign, Special Counsel and Congress
Trump Transition, Special Counsel
Trump Inauguration, Southern District of New York
Trump Administration, Special Counsel and Congress
Trump, Obstruction of Justice
Trump, Campaign violations

Allegations that are being investigated:

Conspiracy against the United States
False statements
Mail fraud
Wire fraud
Money laundering
Disclosure violations
Contributions from foreign nations
Contributions in the name of another person

But wait, there's more. The Senate Intelligence Committee and the House Judiciary Committee are each doing their own investigations.

2019 is going to be a VERY interesting year folks.


Total score "0". Trump is still president.

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