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300,000 African migrants headed for Europe... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
The director of the agency for the control of the external borders of the European Union (EU) has predicted that as many as 300,000 new migrants will be heading up from sub-Saharan Africa into Europe, most of whom will attempt to reach Italy as first port of call.

Frontex Chief: 300,000 More Migrants Headed from Africa to Europe
Italy will become a ****hole....and Europe will follow.
Your fear of the great "other" is sickening

Your contention that are not huge problems with large influxes of immigrants is sickening. What do you think makes the West responsible for these people? We are not.

It is time they took care of themselves.
Your contention that are not huge problems with large influxes of immigrants is sickening. What do you think makes the West responsible for these people? We are not.

It is time they took care of themselves.

Yea! **** people trying to make a better life for themselves (and probably their families) in safe(er), more wealthy countries, where there are more opportunities! How dare they! Many of them should go back to their unstable, impoverished, most likely war-ridden countries!
Yea! **** people trying to make a better life for themselves (and probably their families) in safe(er), more wealthy countries, where there are more opportunities! How dare they! Many of them should go back to their unstable, impoverished, most likely war-ridden countries!

Why don't they try making their own country better?
Your fear of the great "other" is sickening

I have no fear....only awareness of the Real!

Your contention that are not huge problems with large influxes of immigrants is sickening. What do you think makes the West responsible for these people? We are not.

It is time they took care of themselves.

Damn straight. Why infest good countries with their rif-raf, illiterate, diseased beings!

Naturally he is a of fearful guy. If not he would not need to pray the guns = freedom prayer. ;o)

You got that totally wrong.....I pray only to God Almighty and guns DO equal Freedom...gun ownership is what separates free men from slavery.

Yea! **** people trying to make a better life for themselves (and probably their families) in safe(er), more wealthy countries, where there are more opportunities! How dare they! Many of them should go back to their unstable, impoverished, most likely war-ridden countries!

For the most part, all they do is drag down the safer, more wealthy countries....making those countries UN-safe and turning them into the same ****holes they just came from!
Yea! **** people trying to make a better life for themselves (and probably their families) in safe(er), more wealthy countries, where there are more opportunities! How dare they! Many of them should go back to their unstable, impoverished, most likely war-ridden countries!

There's nothing wrong with wanting a better life. But libs refuse to even acknowledge the potential problems and costs of allowing the unlimited influx of people's from third world countries. Helping those less fortunate is fine, but we do not have unlimited resources.
Why don't they try making their own country better?
Yea! Why dont people in a civil war ravaged country just stick around and wait to be bombed! Why dont people in a incredibly impoverished country just stick around and continue to starve or live in abject poverty where there are virtually no jobs?

I have no fear....only awareness of the Real!
Nope. You political viewpoint needs to use constant fear of some other group (the other) to promote your positions. You must continue to fear monger to promote your discriminatory, authoritarian positions. Its a lot easier to pass these people off as some sort of disease that is coming to destroy your precious white wealthy western land rather than offer some basic decent sense of respect for humanity. Much of this fear mongering is abject bull****, as evidence from all the articles your post that are easily debunked.

For the most part, all they do is drag down the safer, more wealthy countries....making those countries UN-safe and turning them into the same ****holes they just came from!
Like I said earlier, Its a lot easier to pass these people off as some sort of disease that is coming to destroy your precious white wealthy western land rather than offer some basic decent sense of respect for humanity.
Yea! **** people trying to make a better life for themselves (and probably their families) in safe(er), more wealthy countries, where there are more opportunities! How dare they! Many of them should go back to their unstable, impoverished, most likely war-ridden countries!

You can have a solid, good, well-established social safety net / welfare state.

And you can have large scale, effectively unrestricted immigration.

You just can't have both.
Your fear of the great "other" is sickening

Which fear? You do not think that 300.000+ is a large number of persons to be out in the big waves without paddles?
Your contention that are not huge problems with large influxes of immigrants is sickening. What do you think makes the West responsible for these people? We are not.

It is time they took care of themselves.

He is just trying to be provocative.
Nothing new about that.. they have been trying to get here for decades.

Is that why Leggeri mentioned it and made it news? But in all earnest, it is a relatively calming piece of news, as it could easily have been a much larger number. And when the EU has the deals with the warlords signed, they will stop the trek North quite dead.
Right. Thats the reason why we take theirs to keep our companies running :D

Those countries are compensated with intfrastructure and clean water at no cost to them. And huge amounts of money squandered or stolen by their corrupt leaders.

Those people need to change that, and they cannot do it in Europe.
Because you said why don't they try making their own country better like it was as simple as cleaning the street.n

You do not know what I meant. Stop attaching yoiur meanings to my words.
You do not know what I meant. Stop attaching yoiur meanings to my words.

Judging from your historical opinions on refugees, especially refugees who are probably going to be mostly Muslims, I think it's a pretty safe guess.
If you think it's so easy why don't you move to Africa?
Because their combat experience, their proven courage under fire, their limitless prudence in administration, business, economics etc. and their unbridled intelligence will be needed at home pretty soon. For when the Arab hordes come surging out of the Southern desert.

In this case the one in Arizona.


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