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3 flotilla fatalities 'dreamt of martyrdom' (1 Viewer)

Agent Ferris

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Mar 22, 2009
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Media reports in Ankara on Wednesday revealed that three out of the four Turkish citizens that were killed during the raid declared their wishes to become shahids (martyrs). Another Dutch report claimed a Dutch activist, who was arrested by the IDF is suspected of being a senior Hamas operative.

3 flotilla fatalities 'dreamt of martyrdom' - Israel News, Ynetnews

So not only was this "humanitarian mission" organized by the Islamist Insani Yardim Vakfi or IHH of Turkey which funds Hamas and numerous other global jihadist networks:

IHH, which plays a central role in organizing the flotilla to the Gaza Strip, is a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation. Besides its legitimate philanthropic activities, it supports radical Islamic networks, including Hamas, and at least in the past, even global jihad elements.

IHH - a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation.

And not only did this "humanitarian mission" refuse to accept Israels offer to go to an Israeli port for inspection and then have the goods shipped to Gaza, and then attack Israeli soldiers when they were boarded for a weapons inspection but 3 of the four casualties explicitly stated that they wished to become Shahid.

God I wish they would have ****ing sunk the boat and sent these theo-fascist mother ****ers to the depths.
There were likely some useful idiots aboard the ship, in other words, otherwise innocent activists who are sympathetic to the Gazan's cause but who aren't directly affiliated with terrorist groups.
There were likely some useful idiots aboard the ship, in other words, otherwise innocent activists who are sympathetic to the Gazan's cause but who aren't directly affiliated with terrorist groups.

Exactly. My hope is they board these other two ships that are heading the same way or disable the ships.
This is proof that, sometimes, dreams do come true. Here is a toast to dreams coming true for many more terrorists. :mrgreen:
I'm shocked and surprised at how reactionary the people on this forum are. This is from Israeli news sources, for petes sake. Do you except them to make an honest assessment of who these people were and what happened aboard that ship?

Honestly, you guys need to think outside the propaganda machine here.
I am more than happy for any military to send any Islamic martyr to allah

Gods speed

and **** em in the mouth with a pigs dick
I'm shocked and surprised at how reactionary the people on this forum are. This is from Israeli news sources, for petes sake. Do you except them to make an honest assessment of who these people were and what happened aboard that ship?

Honestly, you guys need to think outside the propaganda machine here.

Did Israeli news sources fake this? :30 in.

Did Israeli news sources fake this? :30 in.

So they deserved to die then, I guess, right?

Those evil, evil terrorists.

Those terrible human beings who carried no guns and were transporting humanitarian aid to gaza.

10 of them deserved to be shot, right?

Come on. That is exactly the kind of bs that is hurting this world right now. The idea that is ok to slaughter civillians and get away with it. No matter which way you spin it, the fact was that 10 people were killed by the Israelis in international waters, who were intending to give aid to gaza. This is WRONG.
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Gardener, can you stop trolling and actually try and debate this issue?

In the other thread, you made a similar comment, but said nothing of value.

You just called those who do not support the racist thugs who lynched the Israelis names, intimated that Jews could not be reliable and said that it is those who do not share in your support for these Islamist terrorist supporters who are eating up the propaganda.

Speaking of saying absolutely nothing of value.....
So they deserved to die then, I guess, right?

Link to where I said that?

You claimed that we shouldn't believe this because it came from Israeli news sources. I provided a video showing one of the activists doing exactly what the article said they did.
Link to where I said that?

You claimed that we shouldn't believe this because it came from Israeli news sources. I provided a video showing one of the activists doing exactly what the article said they did.

Fair enough. Do you agree that the killings of these civillians were wrong?
You just called those who do not support the racist thugs who lynched the Israelis names, intimated that Jews could not be reliable and said that it is those who do not share in your support for these Islamist terrorist supporters who are eating up the propaganda.

Speaking of saying absolutely nothing of value.....

Why do you insist on avoiding the topic at hand?

And I know what your trying to insinuate here, and I think you should be careful.
Fair enough. Do you agree that the killings of these civillians were wrong?

One has to judge each death individually based on the evidence. Some of the deaths MAY have been unjustified but then again ALL of them may have been justified. I don't know yet and neither do you.
These people had the right to defend themselves. I will say for the millionth time, this happened in International waters.

Yes, you support the right of these genocidal racists to initiate lynchings against the target of their hatred.

You have made that abundantly clear.
One has to judge each death individually based on the evidence. Some of the deaths MAY have been unjustified but then again ALL of them may have been justified. I don't know yet and neither do you.

True. But Israel had no right to board those ships, regardless of the circumstances surrounding the deaths of these people. Besides, you didn't see any reports of any Israeli soldiers being killed.
These people had the right to defend themselves. I will say for the millionth time, this happened in International waters.

I think this is where the argument must shift. Once the troops were on the deck, I believe they had no choice but to defend themselves, they were put in a precarious situation, had I been on the deck and faced with all those people, I probably would have opened fire too. If I were the pilot and saw the people on the deck I would have aborted.

I think the argument must shift as to whether it was the right decision to land the troops on the ships? Couldn't the navy have dealt with the situation when they came near the blockade? Why did they have to send these guys in? Especially now as we've discovered there have been no weapons found... where did they get the intelligence that there may have been?
So they deserved to die then, I guess, right?

Those evil, evil terrorists.

Those terrible human beings who carried no guns and were transporting humanitarian aid to gaza.

10 of them deserved to be shot, right?

Come on. That is exactly the kind of bs that is hurting this world right now. The idea that is ok to slaughter civillians and get away with it. No matter which way you spin it, the fact was that 10 people were killed by the Israelis in international waters, who were intending to give aid to gaza. This is WRONG.

how do you propose to stop terrorists with deadly weapons attacking people
so you have a clue about reality
I think this is where the argument must shift. Once the troops were on the deck, I believe they had no choice but to defend themselves, they were put in a precarious situation, had I been on the deck and faced with all those people, I probably would have opened fire too. If I were the pilot and saw the people on the deck I would have aborted.

I think the argument must shift as to whether it was the right decision to land the troops on the ships? Couldn't the navy have dealt with the situation when they came near the blockade? Why did they have to send these guys in? Especially now as we've discovered there have been no weapons found... where did they get the intelligence that there may have been?
Israeli troops may have had to kill these people for their own sake, but that does not justify them being on the ship in the first place.
True. But Israel had no right to board those ships, regardless of the circumstances surrounding the deaths of these people. Besides, you didn't see any reports of any Israeli soldiers being killed.

I will say for the millionth time, this happened in International waters.

The second issue is whether it is lawful to enforce a legal blockade in international waters. Again, law and practice are clear. If there is no doubt that the offending ships have made a firm determination to break the blockade, then the blockade may be enforced before the offending ships cross the line into domestic waters. Again the United States and other western countries have frequently boarded ships at high sea in order to assure their security.

Alan Dershowitz: Israel's Actions Were Entirely Lawful Though Probably Unwise
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Fair enough. Do you agree that the killings of these civillians were wrong?

It's unfortunate that these people died unnecessarily, but the actions of the activists were in no small part responsible for the build up to violence. I'm sure that both sides would have preferred that no one die, but the activists were looking to escalate the situation and the Israelis obliged.

As an aside, the fact that this was in international waters does not make this illegal, as has been discussed ad nauseum in the other dozen threads on this topic.

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