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2020 presidential poll (1 Viewer)

If the 2020 election were today, who will you vote for?

  • Trump

    Votes: 18 32.7%
  • Generic Democrat

    Votes: 32 58.2%
  • Third party

    Votes: 5 9.1%

  • Total voters
Whoever the Democrat is. I don't care who.

Heck, I would even vote for Hillary this time if Democrats were suicidal enough to pick her again.
Since highschool, I've had a set of standards and points that I assign a candidate according to issues and circumstance. Mostly Republicans the average election. I'm a fiscal conservative and hawk, and those often took precedence over social issues (where I'm largely progressive). Voted for Bush 2, twice.

This year I voted Blue Wave. I never imagined I'd vote a straight ticket. I've spent my life making jokes about people who vote a straight partisan ticket. I can't even stand most Democrats (or Republicans, these days) and I hate hippies.

Doing the same in 2020.
Whoever the Democrat is. I don't care who.

Heck, I would even vote for Hillary this time if Democrats were suicidal enough to pick her again.

I am not sure. I am not a huge trump fan, but I might have to vote for him if the dems pull that **** again.
Since highschool, I've had a set of standards and points that I assign a candidate according to issues and circumstance. Mostly Republicans the average election. I'm a fiscal conservative and hawk, and those often took precedence over social issues (where I'm largely progressive). Voted for Bush 2, twice.

This year I voted Blue Wave. I never imagined I'd vote a straight ticket. I've spent my life making jokes about people who vote a straight partisan ticket. I can't even stand most democrats and I hate hippies.

Doing the same in 2020.

I usually vote for the best candidate regardless of party. I would have voted straight blue this year except for the local elections. I voted for rauner over jb this year for governor. Really hope JB doesnt screw up the state.
I usually vote for the best candidate regardless of party. I would have voted straight blue this year except for the local elections. I voted for rauner over jb this year for governor. Really hope JB doesnt screw up the state.

I don't believe Trump could be the best candidate. And I want to send a message to Washington.

When I voted for FL chief financial officer and some other admin position, I almost went right. I thought, "what's the harm, those positions don't even wield political power". But then I figured let's go all the way and I voted commies to the teller desks.
Probably not Trump. Probably not a generic democrat. If the other options are like Johnson and Stein, I may leave that race blank like I did in 2016.

But who knows. Plenty of time for things to change between now and then. No one's even nominated yet.
Whoever the Democrat is. I don't care who.

Heck, I would even vote for Hillary this time if Democrats were suicidal enough to pick her again.

Jumping from one deplorable to a worse one? No thanks!

Third party here, but I'd vote for a good candidate from either major party too.
Probably not Trump. Probably not a generic democrat. If the other options are like Johnson and Stein, I may leave that race blank like I did in 2016.

But who knows. Plenty of time for things to change between now and then. No one's even nominated yet.

Same here
Probably not Trump. Probably not a generic democrat. If the other options are like Johnson and Stein, I may leave that race blank like I did in 2016.

But who knows. Plenty of time for things to change between now and then. No one's even nominated yet.
According to that, over 400 people have sent in the necessary paperwork.

Edit: Including, of course, this guy:
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Depends on who is the generic Democrat and who is the third party.

I'd vote for James Webb as a Democrat. I'd vote for any General who's served both politically and militarily such as Powell, Kelly, Mattis regardless of party affiliation.
Who you got?

I voted for "Generic Democrat". In 2016 I voted for Gary Johnson. I don't know who will run third party again in 2020.

All I do know is that I won't vote for Trump, no matter who his opponent is.
I will be voting against the Trumpist party.
Who you got?

Dumb as **** poll. You've listed 'generic Democrat' as an option, but failed to acknowledge that there's currently an insurgency going on within the Democratic party. Either you have your head in the sand, or you felt that this was too inconveinant for your snide little poll. Bernie Sanders is running again. He's made it painfully obvious. Much to my chargrin, Richard Ojeda and other no-PAC progressives are running (I say to my chargrin, because these other progressives only serve to split the anti-establishment vote.) These are not 'generic' Democrats, and in fact, are candidates that the party has and will oppose using nefarious means.) Your pathetic poll needs a fourth option, and I will die on the hill that it will neither be Trump, a generic Democrat, or a third-party candidate that will win the presidency.

You can quote me on this. By all means, hold me to this. Humilate me if I'm wrong. I won't be.
Since highschool, I've had a set of standards and points that I assign a candidate according to issues and circumstance. Mostly Republicans the average election. I'm a fiscal conservative and hawk, and those often took precedence over social issues (where I'm largely progressive). Voted for Bush 2, twice.

This year I voted Blue Wave. I never imagined I'd vote a straight ticket. I've spent my life making jokes about people who vote a straight partisan ticket. I can't even stand most Democrats (or Republicans, these days) and I hate hippies.

Doing the same in 2020.

So bassically, you're an SJW who twice-voted for easily one of the worst modern presidents.
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So bassically, you're an SJW who twice-voted for easily one of the worst modern presidents.

I'm an ex paratroop, MSc, PhDc, lived in Europe, lived in Africa.

How's mom's basement doing? Stupid betas always try to talk ****.
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Generic forum response
So bassically, you're an SJW who twice-voted for easily one of the worst modern presidents.

Ooops. Now you’ve done it. Expect an an Appeal to Authority argument in 10...9...8...
I'm an ex paratroop, MSc, PhDc, lived in Europe, lived in Africa.

How's mom's basement doing? Stupid betas always try to talk ****.
Ooops, to late. :D
Who you got?

I don't vote for somebody because I think they're wonderful or likable or lovable or because they are like me. If I did, I wouldn't vote for President Trump for dogcatcher.

I do vote however for the person I believe really cares about America and Americans, who actually wants to be remembered to fixing problems and making things better instead of being ideologically 'pure' or politically correct. And as long as President Trump fits that profile, he will earn my vote.
I'd likely vote for Trump. The modern Democrat party is a political cancer trying to ravage our country.
I'd likely vote for Trump. The modern Democrat party is a political cancer trying to ravage our country.

True about the DNC, but the RNC is right behind. Sad the RNC can’t do better than Trump.
There is a social media movement to try to recruit a Unity party ticket to fix things post Trump. Some are trying to get a Biden-Romney ticket together or a Kasich-Hickenlooper together. Problem is they want them to be the third party ticket. That could cause harm. So far nobody has confirmed anything yet although Biden said he would love to see a bipartisan ticket.
I don't vote for somebody because I think they're wonderful or likable or lovable or because they are like me. If I did, I wouldn't vote for President Trump for dogcatcher.

I do vote however for the person I believe really cares about America and Americans, who actually wants to be remembered to fixing problems and making things better instead of being ideologically 'pure' or politically correct. And as long as President Trump fits that profile, he will earn my vote.
Only time will tell for sure, but Trump seems to be making something that could be great into something mediocre. His “I’m the TARIFF MAN” tweet hurt a lot of people on Wall Street and across America.

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