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2006 Death Pool (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Saint Paul, MN
Political Leaning
Ok, starting this a little late. So all submissions need to be done by January 15th, 2006 to be valid.
Quick rules:
  1. Pick 7 (seven) people for your list
  2. They must still be alive by January 15th, 2006 to count
  3. They must be real
  4. No Members of DebatePolitics.com
  5. They must be 18 years old +
  6. No one on "death row". That's cheating.
  7. They must be a celebrity/political figure. Your Uncle Earl is not admissible.
  8. You get 100 Points for every person who kicks it during 2006.
  9. Bonus points for the difference between 100 and their age. (Joe Schmoe dies at 70 years old. 100-70=30. So 30 extra points.)
  10. Super extra bonus points of 100 if you guess the cause of death.
  11. The winner with the most points gets to carry the death scepter through 2007. A special avatar that we will scramble to make in December '06.

Please note that we are not encouraging people to die. We're just guessing when the spinning Earth's gravitational pull no longer has a hold on these folks. Not to be taken internally. Please consult your physician prior to death.
My picks:
  1. Abe Vigoda (Fish)-Death by heart attack
  2. Fidel Castro (Leader of Cuba) Death by revolution. Off with his head
  3. Paris Hilton (umm, heiress/actress?) Death by STD
  4. Pat Robertson (Christian Right Leader) Smote by lightning.
  5. Gary Busey (actor, drunk) Suicide
  6. Ted Kennedy (senator, drunk) Liver failure
  7. Jiang Zemin (Leader of China) Crushed by weight of american money coming in.
You stole my first pick...my same pick since 1990...

1) Abe Vigoda(not "Fish"...."Tessio") - turns into a clump of dust
2) Ariel Sharon(Isreali leader) - hang on buddy...10 more days...
3) Gerald Ford(Former Pres) - God doesn't give pardons on mortality...
4) Billy Graham Sr.(Evangelist) - Time to talk to your boss...
5) Jerry Lewis(entertainer) - pick an organ failure...any organ failure...
6) Charton Heston(entertainer) - the path of Reagan...
7) Elizabeth Taylor(entertainer) - From "white diamonds" to "white light"...
I can't pick Ariel Sharon - that's not fair.

1. Dick Cheney - Heart attack Oct 31st at the stroke of midnight while eating a cheeseburger
2. Jack Abramoff - Mysterious Suicide 1
3. Duke Cunningham - Mysterious Suicide 2
4. Bill O'Reilly - Sexual asphyxiation accident
5. Rush Limbaugh - Oxycontin O.D.
6. Pat Robertson - Hugo Chavez does us all a favor and takes him out.
7. Billy Graham - Jewish dominated media writes a sordid obit.
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1. Dick Cheney - Rectal overdose of Vagisil
2. G. Gordon Liddy - Brain Hemorrage
3. John Wooden - Loneliness
4. Chuck Heston - School sniper
5. Rush Limbaugh - Gravity
6. Jimmy Carter - Douglas Fir Fever
7. Scott Peterson - Suicide
i feel bad picking sharon too, just sorta off. okay:

1) Ramsay Clark (resident crazy) - ironically killed by Iraqi insurgents
2) Osama Bin Laden (derrr) - killed by Pakistani forces
3) Hon. John Stevens (SCOTUS) - Heart failure (as if he had one to begin with)
4) Hugo Chavez (Venezualan presidente) - Assassinated
5) Dick Clark (Old Man) - Hit by ball dropping in 2006. (I thought he was already dead, but someone told me hes not yet....hmmmm)
6) Gerald Ford (derrrr2) - "Former president Gerald Ford is dead today, mauled by a pack of wolves..."
7) Abu Musaub Al-Zarquawi (turririst) - Blowded up by bomb.

I would have voted Saddam Hussein, but i thought that was too easy too. hanging.
Billo_Really said:
1. Dick Cheney - Rectal overdose of Vagisil
2. G. Gordon Liddy - Brain Hemorrage
3. John Wooden - Loneliness
4. Chuck Heston - School sniper
5. Rush Limbaugh - Gravity
6. Jimmy Carter - Douglas Fir Fever
7. Scott Peterson - Suicide

Rectal overdose of vagisil :rofl - good god man - have you ever thought about a job writing for the Jon Stewart show!
shuamort said:
Pat Robertson (Christian Right Leader) Smote by lightning.

Hahahaha :2rofll:

Best one out of all of these so far.
1) Sharon (unfortunately)
2) Castro (finally)
3) Pat Robertson (that would be sweet)
5) Abe Vigoda (that's a given)
6) Moses Hardy (oldest living man in America, just turned 113 yesterday, dies of natural causes)
7) Maria Capovilla (oldest living human, 116 years, dies of natural causes)
9) al-Zarqawi (taste of his own medicine, realizes in the aftelife that Allah does not admire his work)
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Originally Posted by hipsterdufus
Rectal overdose of vagisil - good god man - have you ever thought about a job writing for the Jon Stewart show!
I don't know. That one kind of popped into my head just as I was writing it. Actually, my No. 1 death that I wanted to list (TOT's mojo) was against the rules because he's a member of DP.
Since I completely missed the 7 post rule, I'll eliminate numbers 10, 8 & 4.
1. Kim Jong-il: nuked or starved.
2. G. W. Bush: death by stampede on ranch
3. Dick Cheney: heart problems
4. Saddam Hussein: execution by electrocution, small probability by firing squad or iron maiden.
5. Current leader of China: from poverty
6: Pat Robertson: assasinated
7: Fidel Castro: assasinated
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The Real McCoy said:
Since I completely missed the 7 post rule, I'll eliminate numbers 10, 8 & 4.

Since I missed rule No. 6, I officially replace my No. 7 pick with:
Scott Wylan - overdose
This thread is sort of sick which is the primary reason I'm going to participate in it. :2razz:

1. Ariel Sharon - Stroke, obviously
2. Dick Cheney - Congestive Heart Failure
3. George W. Bush - Pretzel
4. Ted Stevens - Natural Causes
5. Benjamin Netanyahu - Heart Attack
6. Gerald Ford - Stroke
7. Pat Robertson - Because Satan wants that soul he bought.
1. Mark Felt/Deep Throat, old guy will kick the bucket with Alzheimers.

2. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the Israeli leader will be dead before the year is out, obviously of hemmoraging in the brain.

3. Former Chilean Dictator Augusto Pinochet, will most likely die from complications of Alzheimers or a heart attack.

4. Charlton Hesston, obviously dying of the same as above.

5. Former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson (yes, she is alive), she will most likely die of a stroke.

6. Former King Zahir Shah of Afghanistan, will die of an intestinal problem.

7. Duke Cunninham, he'll kill himself.
1. Randy "Duke" Cunningham. In the prison shower room, by Professor Plumb.
2. Osama bin Laden, kidney failure.
3. Pat Robertson, overdose of Kalo Vita
4. Ford, recovers from stroke, walks out of the hospital slips on stairs and kills himself.
5. Star Jones, Outs obviously gay husband, he in turn stabs her to death.
6. Pat O'Brien, Coke and booze.
7. General Pinochet, stroke
8. Lady Bird Johnson, stroke
9. Saddam Hussein, hung by not so hung jury.
10. Paris Hilton, please anything anywhere anytime.
Originally posted by Pacridge:
1. Randy "Duke" Cunningham. In the prison shower room, by Professor Plumb.
No no no, Mr. Green in the Dining Room with the Candlestick.
Pacridge said:
1. Randy "Duke" Cunningham. In the prison shower room, by Professor Plumb.
2. Osama bin Laden, kidney failure.
3. Pat Robertson, overdose of Kalo Vita
4. Ford, recovers from stroke, walks out of the hospital slips on stairs and kills himself.
5. Star Jones, Outs obviously gay husband, he in turn stabs her to death.
6. Pat O'Brien, Coke and booze.
7. General Pinochet, stroke
8. Lady Bird Johnson, stroke
9. Saddam Hussein, hung by not so hung jury.
10. Paris Hilton, please anything anywhere anytime.

pick 7 you cheating bahstahd
RightatNYU said:
pick 7 you cheating bahstahd

Opps! My bad. How this then:

1. Randy "Duke" Cunningham. In the prison shower room, by Professor Plumb.
2. Osama bin Laden, kidney failure.
3. Pat Robertson, overdose of Kalo Vita
4. Ford, recovers from stroke, walks out of the hospital slips on stairs and kills himself.
5. Star Jones, Outs obviously gay husband, he in turn stabs her to death.
6. Saddam Hussein, hung by not so hung jury.
7. Right@NYU stomped to death by some right wing fanatic who kept screaming what a left wing whack job Right was.
Pacridge said:
Opps! My bad. How this then:

1. Randy "Duke" Cunningham. In the prison shower room, by Professor Plumb.
2. Osama bin Laden, kidney failure.
3. Pat Robertson, overdose of Kalo Vita
4. Ford, recovers from stroke, walks out of the hospital slips on stairs and kills himself.
5. Star Jones, Outs obviously gay husband, he in turn stabs her to death.
6. Saddam Hussein, hung by not so hung jury.
7. Right@NYU stomped to death by some right wing fanatic who kept screaming what a left wing whack job Right was.

I think that breaks this rule:

4. No Members of DebatePolitics.com

But I like the way you think. Hell, if you're in second place come this december, you can give navy 50 bucks, my address, and tell him that I voted for kerry and he'll probably snipe me...
Originally posted by Galenrox:
6) Robert Plant - It'll happen, just you watch
Robert Plant! Have you no shame?
RightatNYU said:
I think that breaks this rule:

4. No Members of DebatePolitics.com

But I like the way you think. Hell, if you're in second place come this december, you can give navy 50 bucks, my address, and tell him that I voted for kerry and he'll probably snipe me...

I'll get this yet. How about:

1. Randy "Duke" Cunningham. In the prison shower room, by Professor Plumb.
2. Osama bin Laden, kidney failure.
3. Pat Robertson, overdose of Kalo Vita
4. Ford, recovers from stroke, walks out of the hospital slips on stairs and kills himself.
5. Star Jones, Outs obviously gay husband, he in turn stabs her to death.
6. Saddam Hussein, hung by not so hung jury.
7. The Gerber baby, chokes to death on some creamed carrots.
shuamort said:
Ok, starting this a little late. So all submissions need to be done by January 15th, 2006 to be valid.
Quick rules:
  1. Pick 7 (seven) people for your list
  2. They must still be alive by January 15th, 2006 to count
  3. They must be real
  4. No Members of DebatePolitics.com
  5. They must be 18 years old +
  6. No one on "death row". That's cheating.
  7. They must be a celebrity/political figure. Your Uncle Earl is not admissible.
  8. You get 100 Points for every person who kicks it during 2006.
  9. Bonus points for the difference between 100 and their age. (Joe Schmoe dies at 70 years old. 100-70=30. So 30 extra points.)
  10. Super extra bonus points of 100 if you guess the cause of death.
  11. The winner with the most points gets to carry the death scepter through 2007. A special avatar that we will scramble to make in December '06.

Please note that we are not encouraging people to die. We're just guessing when the spinning Earth's gravitational pull no longer has a hold on these folks. Not to be taken internally. Please consult your physician prior to death.

im going for mainly socialist leaders of latin american countrys as none of them seam to last very long.

[1] Hugo chavez-likely to die at hands of c.i.a either directly or indirectly ala Salvador Allende
[2] Evo Morales-same as above
[3] Fidel Castro-same as above
[4] saddam hussein-sentenced to death if his trial ever bloodys finishes
[5]Mahmoud Ahmadinejad [president of iran]- dies at hands of american forces
[6]Charles Kennedy [leader of the liberal democrat party in the uk]-Drink problem goes downhill
[7] Tony Blair-killed by desperate brownite mp

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