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$1B in One week goes to Russia and Syria. Guess what US CITIZENS get???? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 14, 2012
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Political Leaning
Nothing but DEBT!!! and a ex-bridge to live under!

U.S. will buy Russian helicopters for Afghan military - World News


$300 mil for syria, a place we have nohting to care about in.......

and next year the $700mil of Russian choppers will be sold back to russia for scrap as the Afgan Commanders cash in and
leave Afganistain........just like they have at every opportunity so far......

Leaving the $1B in Debt for this US CITIZEN to pay off.......I wonder HOW is the impoverished US CITIZEN to pay even this TINY
$1B off?

Nothing but DEBT!!! and a ex-bridge to live under!

U.S. will buy Russian helicopters for Afghan military - World News


$300 mil for syria, a place we have nohting to care about in.......

and next year the $700mil of Russian choppers will be sold back to russia for scrap as the Afgan Commanders cash in and
leave Afganistain........just like they have at every opportunity so far......

Leaving the $1B in Debt for this US CITIZEN to pay off.......I wonder HOW is the impoverished US CITIZEN to pay even this TINY
$1B off?

View attachment 67149099

We will pay for it the same way we paid the $TRILLION it cost to invade Iraq of course. A trillion is 1000 billion. Be glad we don't have Romney in Office. We would be spending $trillions again.
Well, we got Presidential Alerts which are about as useful as a helicopter (unless you know how to fly them and buy gas for them).
Nothing but DEBT!!! and a ex-bridge to live under!

U.S. will buy Russian helicopters for Afghan military - World News


$300 mil for syria, a place we have nohting to care about in.......

and next year the $700mil of Russian choppers will be sold back to russia for scrap as the Afgan Commanders cash in and
leave Afganistain........just like they have at every opportunity so far......

Leaving the $1B in Debt for this US CITIZEN to pay off.......I wonder HOW is the impoverished US CITIZEN to pay even this TINY
$1B off?

In 2006, year 4 of the Iraq war (really, at the point, the Iraq occupation) that little foray was costing the US taxpayer $2B per week. That doesn't even include the cost of Afghanistan.

Congressional analysis puts cost of Iraq war at $2 billion a week - The Boston Globe
War Costing $720 Million Each Day, Group Says

With the final tally recorded as $2T, with the all-in, long-term cost cost closer to $6T (or one-third of our debt)

For the Price of the Iraq War, The U.S. Could Have a 100% Renewable Power System | Washington's Blog the-iraq-war-the-u-s-could-have-a-100-renewable-power-system.html

Iraq, Afghan wars will cost to $4 trillion to $6 trillion, Harvard study says - Washington Post

Nothing runs up the national debt faster than a good war. Sorry, but complaining about $1B in the aftermath of $2-6T of spending is pinching pennies and ignoring hundreds of dollars. You should have been outraged by the cost in 2003.

The Underestimated Costs, and Price Tag, of the Iraq War - Press Past (usnews.com)

$6,000,000,000,000 (1/3 of our current national debt) the modest price we pay to remove a relatively harmless two bit dictator from power. I wonder if we learned something so that we can do Syria for $3,000,000,000,000?
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We will pay for it the same way we paid the $TRILLION it cost to invade Iraq of course. A trillion is 1000 billion. Be glad we don't have Romney in Office. We would be spending $trillions again.

So you address a terrible spending problem with "But... But... Bush did it too!" Does that make it alright?
We will pay for it the same way we paid the $TRILLION it cost to invade Iraq of course. A trillion is 1000 billion. Be glad we don't have Romney in Office. We would be spending $trillions again.

If they were upset about that too would it be all right to be upset with this?
Why are we sending that money to Russia? Why don't we produce the helicopters here?

I am not a big fan of buying them aircraft, but why are we buying them from another country?
So you address a terrible spending problem with "But... But... Bush did it too!" Does that make it alright?

No it doesn't but that was NOT the point. This is cleaning up a horrific mess BushII made of Afghanistan while he wallowed around in Iraq.

What we get for the 700m in helicopters for Afghanistan is one step closer to out. What we get with 300m to Syrian rebels is not having to send troops in.

It would be nice to not have to spend money on the World's problems, it would be nice if we refrained from a lot of things overseas.

But the real world is a bitch and sometimes our leaders are a tad arrogant when it comes to dealing with regimes and other nations.
No it doesn't but that was NOT the point. This is cleaning up a horrific mess BushII made of Afghanistan while he wallowed around in Iraq.

What we get for the 700m in helicopters for Afghanistan is one step closer to out. What we get with 300m to Syrian rebels is not having to send troops in.

It would be nice to not have to spend money on the World's problems, it would be nice if we refrained from a lot of things overseas.

But the real world is a bitch and sometimes our leaders are a tad arrogant when it comes to dealing with regimes and other nations.

In all fairness, Bush didn't create the Afghan problem, he just got involved in it. I would also point out his strategy in Afghanistan was far superior to that of Iraq.

Ok...700m to get helicopters to Afghanistan to get out. I can get down with that. Just make the helicopters in the US. 700m penalty for our participation in Afghanistan, ok.

300m to Syria...I would rather we gave that money to the UN, and even then I wouldn't want to do it. The US should not do this. Let a international organization do it. Not us. My $0.02.

I very often say I would like to see the US withdraw from its worldwide grasp. I would happily encourage our international organizations to take control of these issues. The US in the last 20 years has hopscotched all over the Middle East. Let's take a break instead of giving some of our 20 year veterans another country listed on their DD214.
We will pay for it the same way we paid the $TRILLION it cost to invade Iraq of course. A trillion is 1000 billion. Be glad we don't have Romney in Office. We would be spending $trillions again.

We are spending trillions now...have you not seen the Obama figures?
In all fairness, Bush didn't create the Afghan problem, he just got involved in it. I would also point out his strategy in Afghanistan was far superior to that of Iraq. Ok...700m to get helicopters to Afghanistan to get out. I can get down with that. Just make the helicopters in the US. 700m penalty for our participation in Afghanistan, ok. 300m to Syria...I would rather we gave that money to the UN, and even then I wouldn't want to do it. The US should not do this. Let a international organization do it. Not us. My $0.02. I very often say I would like to see the US withdraw from its worldwide grasp. I would happily encourage our international organizations to take control of these issues. The US in the last 20 years has hopscotched all over the Middle East. Let's take a break instead of giving some of our 20 year veterans another country listed on their DD214.

He got involved in it and then ran away to Iraq. his 'strategy' in Afghanistan was to small ball an attempt at nation building in a feudal/tribal region that has a very easy to discover tradition of hating outsiders and other people's ways. We keep falling for the guy speaking in an English Accent to mean the rest of the nation is somehow as accepting of Western Ways.

IF we made simple to fly,maintain, and still rugged helicopters then I'd agree, unfortunately we are wed to the concept of cost high maintenance/high performance/high priced equipment that required a fair amount of education and a large support tail to keep operational.

Funny you should mention encouraging international organizations taking the lead, part of BushII's 'strategy' was to shun international help in Afghanistan as just folks who will get in the way. When Europe offered to join in as part of NATO, Rummy was very snotty and declined their help in a rather ungraceful way. THEN the BushII team had the nerve to be upset at 'old Europe' when they balked at jumping into Iraq! Only when Iraq sucked in 100's of 1,000's of troops did BushII's team 'accept' NATO help in Afghanistan. :roll:

Yeah but I agree it is time to stop using American Blood and airstrikes to plant seeds of democracy in the desert. :peace
He got involved in it and then ran away to Iraq. his 'strategy' in Afghanistan was to small ball an attempt at nation building in a feudal/tribal region that has a very easy to discover tradition of hating outsiders and other people's ways. We keep falling for the guy speaking in an English Accent to mean the rest of the nation is somehow as accepting of Western Ways.

IF we made simple to fly,maintain, and still rugged helicopters then I'd agree, unfortunately we are wed to the concept of cost high maintenance/high performance/high priced equipment that required a fair amount of education and a large support tail to keep operational.

Funny you should mention encouraging international organizations taking the lead, part of BushII's 'strategy' was to shun international help in Afghanistan as just folks who will get in the way. When Europe offered to join in as part of NATO, Rummy was very snotty and declined their help in a rather ungraceful way. THEN the BushII team had the nerve to be upset at 'old Europe' when they balked at jumping into Iraq! Only when Iraq sucked in 100's of 1,000's of troops did BushII's team 'accept' NATO help in Afghanistan. :roll:

Yeah but I agree it is time to stop using American Blood and airstrikes to plant seeds of democracy in the desert. :peace

Small ball is the way to go in the 22nd Century. With the exception of Iraq, that has been our strategy throughout the middle east. It is getting tiring.

Bush screwed up. It should never have been the USA to invade Iraq or Afghanistan. At the time, I understand. Our congress voted for it. We were going to war. But in hindsight, it would have made the largst difference if it was a international effort instead of a US effort with clubbing buddies.
So you address a terrible spending problem with "But... But... Bush did it too!" Does that make it alright?

This is a standard liberal argument. As long as someone else did it too that makes it good for their guy to do it, ironically even when what their guy is doing is exactly the same thing they are so furious about the other guy doing it. Bush spent Trillions on Wars and that makes him the worst President ever and collapsed the economy but Obama is just over there doing the exact same thing because now it is the right thing to do and its all good because Bush did it too.
Small ball is the way to go in the 22nd Century. With the exception of Iraq, that has been our strategy throughout the middle east. It is getting tiring. Bush screwed up. It should never have been the USA to invade Iraq or Afghanistan. At the time, I understand. Our congress voted for it. We were going to war. But in hindsight, it would have made the largst difference if it was a international effort instead of a US effort with clubbing buddies.

Quite a few of us who have scars for our service knew better. Our generals knew better. Congress was goading into voting lest they be surrender monkeys and lose the next election to war ranters. congress never declared war like the Constitution says.

Small ball is not the way to go, go big and then go home. problem is every new generation thinks they have solved the guerrilla problem. They never do. The neo-cons thought they could change the world one J-Dam at a time. thought we could rebuild Afghanistan in our own image on the cheap, hell thought we could do that with iraq using their own oil.

I don't think our policy is small ball, but rather status quo and bribes. that is 18th century.
Quite a few of us who have scars for our service knew better. Our generals knew better. Congress was goading into voting lest they be surrender monkeys and lose the next election to war ranters. congress never declared war like the Constitution says.

Small ball is not the way to go, go big and then go home. problem is every new generation thinks they have solved the guerrilla problem. They never do. The neo-cons thought they could change the world one J-Dam at a time. thought we could rebuild Afghanistan in our own image on the cheap, hell thought we could do that with iraq using their own oil.

I don't think our policy is small ball, but rather status quo and bribes. that is 18th century.

The Iraq Resolution authorized military action against Iraq. Sep 12, 2012. United States House of Representatives
Party Yes Nays PRES No Vote
Republican 215 6 0 2
Democratic 82 126 0 1
Independent 0 1 0 0
TOTALS 297 133 0 3

United States Senate
Party Ayes Nays No Vote
Republican 48 1 0
Democratic 29 21 0
Independent 0 1 0
TOTALS 77 23 0

Authorizing military force...declaring war? Seems it was authorization to have a war at least.
Nothing but DEBT!!! and a ex-bridge to live under!

U.S. will buy Russian helicopters for Afghan military - World News


$300 mil for syria, a place we have nohting to care about in.......

and next year the $700mil of Russian choppers will be sold back to russia for scrap as the Afgan Commanders cash in and
leave Afganistain........just like they have at every opportunity so far......

Leaving the $1B in Debt for this US CITIZEN to pay off.......I wonder HOW is the impoverished US CITIZEN to pay even this TINY
$1B off?

View attachment 67149099

Wonder if they could cut this back by $1 million. That would allow Americans to visit the WH, which the president says we don't have the money to pay for.
We are spending trillions now...have you not seen the Obama figures?

Not on WARS. We are withdrawing from Afghanistan and we are gone from Iraq. We will SAVE trillions not having troops in combat.
No it doesn't but that was NOT the point. This is cleaning up a horrific mess BushII made of Afghanistan while he wallowed around in Iraq.

What we get for the 700m in helicopters for Afghanistan is one step closer to out. What we get with 300m to Syrian rebels is not having to send troops in.

It would be nice to not have to spend money on the World's problems, it would be nice if we refrained from a lot of things overseas.

But the real world is a bitch and sometimes our leaders are a tad arrogant when it comes to dealing with regimes and other nations.

Ah I see. So when Bush war-mongers, he's a monster, but when Obama war-mongers, it's all good. I tend to think both warlords are pieces of ****. Maybe we should worry about the problems in our own country.
Why are we sending that money to Russia? Why don't we produce the helicopters here?

I am not a big fan of buying them aircraft, but why are we buying them from another country?

Its about sustainability, American military helicopters cost more to purchase and to maintain than Russian helicopters, especially in that part of the world.
Not on WARS. We are withdrawing from Afghanistan and we are gone from Iraq. We will SAVE trillions not having troops in combat.

Wrong: Under President Bush, military spending averaged 3.9 percent of Gross Domestic Product. It has increased to 4.9 percent—a full percentage point higher under President Obama. Additionally the withdraw from Iraq was the result of a treaty signed by Bush not Obama.
Wrong: Under President Bush, military spending averaged 3.9 percent of Gross Domestic Product. It has increased to 4.9 percent—a full percentage point higher under President Obama. Additionally the withdraw from Iraq was the result of a treaty signed by Bush not Obama.

Great points.
Its about sustainability, American military helicopters cost more to purchase and to maintain than Russian helicopters, especially in that part of the world.

I saw a lot of hinds in the junkyards around Iraq.

I am sure we can mimic the hind and sell it to them. We talk about creating jobs...700m creates a lot of jobs.

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