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Zelenskyy, Putin, Biden, Trump - who do you see as more or less trustworthy? (1 Viewer)

Zelenskyy, Putin, Biden, Trump - who do you see as more or less trustworthy?

  • Zelenskyy

    Votes: 14 66.7%
  • Putin

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Biden

    Votes: 12 57.1%
  • Trump

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
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Zelenskyy, Putin, Biden, Trump - who do you see as trustworthy?
Or as relatively trustworthy, for 100 per cent trustworthy is hardly anybody.
  • Total voters 5
5 x Zelenskyy
3 x Biden
Zelenskyy, Putin, Biden, Trump - who do you see as trustworthy?
Or as relatively trustworthy, for 100 per cent trustworthy is hardly anybody.
In order of trustworthiness...


Zelenskyy just barely made the list. Biden isn't even on the list because puppets don't matter.

Trump is at the top because he has never lied to the American people.

Putin can be trusted to do what he thinks is best for himself and his people...in that order.

Zelenskyy...well, he is almost as much of a puppet as Biden is. The difference is that Zelenskyy is a puppet of the Globalists/US and I suspect he's a reluctant puppet.

In war, truth is the first casualty. Therefore in the context of the Russo-Ukraine War, I trust none of them. However, I trust Mr. Putin and the Russian Government far less than the others. I try to verify whatever I read, hear or watch in media because trust is a fool's errand in war.

Cheers and be well.
Zelenskyy, Putin, Biden, Trump - who do you see as trustworthy?
Or as relatively trustworthy, for 100 per cent trustworthy is hardly anybody.
I missed the "More or" portion of this question, and read it as "less trustworthy".

I tried to vote that I found Putin/Trump to be less trustworthy of the parings, but, accidentally voted that I found them "more or less" trustworthy. Apologies to everyone for screwing up the poll. (facepalm)

In war, truth is the first casualty. Therefore in the context of the Russo-Ukraine War, I trust none of them. However, I trust Mr. Putin and the Russian Government far less than the others. I try to verify whatever I read, hear or watch in media because trust is a fool's errand in war.

Cheers and be well.
I trust NOTHING from any media.
In order of trustworthiness...


Zelenskyy just barely made the list. Biden isn't even on the list because puppets don't matter.

Trump is at the top because he has never lied to the American people.

Putin can be trusted to do what he thinks is best for himself and his people...in that order.

Zelenskyy...well, he is almost as much of a puppet as Biden is. The difference is that Zelenskyy is a puppet of the Globalists/US and I suspect he's a reluctant puppet.
I pity you.
In order of trustworthiness...


Zelenskyy just barely made the list. Biden isn't even on the list because puppets don't matter.

Trump is at the top because he has never lied to the American people.

Putin can be trusted to do what he thinks is best for himself and his people...in that order.

Zelenskyy...well, he is almost as much of a puppet as Biden is. The difference is that Zelenskyy is a puppet of the Globalists/US and I suspect he's a reluctant puppet.
:ROFLMAO: I mean you truly have a talent for being a comedian. You should honestly think about it.
:ROFLMAO: I mean you truly have a talent for being a comedian. You should honestly think about it.
USA ****ed up place right now, when real opinions are so wild people think they're sarcasm.
I missed the "More or" portion of this question, and read it as "less trustworthy".
Instead of "more or less" you can also read: relatively trustworthy

But with polls you can never please everybody. :)

7 x Zelenskyy
1 x Putin
5 x Biden
1 x Trump
:ROFLMAO: I mean you truly have a talent for being a comedian. You should honestly think about it.
Because he wrote: "Putin can be trusted" etc etc?
I cannot see anything funny about that posting.
In order of trustworthiness...


Zelenskyy just barely made the list. Biden isn't even on the list because puppets don't matter.

Trump is at the top because he has never lied to the American people.

Putin can be trusted to do what he thinks is best for himself and his people...in that order.

Zelenskyy...well, he is almost as much of a puppet as Biden is. The difference is that Zelenskyy is a puppet of the Globalists/US and I suspect he's a reluctant puppet.

An extra helping of borscht for you tonight……..
Zelenskyy - I will let history judge him. I don't give my mind to a man because of superficial things like his social media postings. His diplomacy skills, interfering in other countries affairs, stoking populism and criticizing your NATO friends that help you daily, will be things to discuss when the wave of emotion will pass. Now you can't say anything or else the Zelensky social media police will add you to a list as a Russian traitor.

Putin - is a FSB terror criminal machine. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie and with intent. He also does not care one bit about the western audiences, his work is internal, to brainwash the masses there. In Moscow as an example they have youngsters driving around with Nazi flags and Ukrainian flags dressed in Nazi uniform. The young Russian kids that see this kind of stuff, it ingrains in their mind the association between Nazi and Ukraine. Propaganda 101.

Biden - His restraint alongside the NATO leader, Stoltenberg is what is keeping the West at a low risk of self destruct by not engaging into a direct conflict. He is well respected in Europe.

Trump - He went from calling Putin a "genius" -> to when he realized Russia is doing horrible crimes he switched it to "I told Putin we would be hitting Moscow if he attacks". I just don't understand how some of you choose to give your mind to this individual.

Will go with ---> Biden.
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Putin - is a FSB terror criminal machine. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie and with intent. He also does not care one bit about the western audiences, his work is internal, to brainwash the masses there. In Moscow as an example they have youngsters driving around with Nazi flags and Ukrainian flags dressed in Nazi uniform. The young Russian kids that see this kind of stuff, it ingrains in their mind the association between Nazi and Ukraine. Propaganda 101.
So it is.
So it is.
This is the video that I was referring to the internal propaganda run by the FSB member at the top of the Russian Federation.

This is what they are doing in Moscow these days, in broad daylight, while they have a big Ukrainian flag on the back, and this is only one car, they have different patrols in different region. To target the weak mind for brainwashing.

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I trust these guys:

I trust these guys:

This is why the Western Allies in WW2 after stabilizing Germany -> should have made 1 more pit stop to the East.

but Churchill did call him "Uncle Joe" (Joseph Stalin) ---> talk about making the pact with the other devil. *I understand realism, had to be done at the time.
Instead of "more or less" you can also read: relatively trustworthy

But with polls you can never please everybody. :)
That Trump supporters adore Putin is more sad than funny.

In order of trustworthiness...


Zelenskyy just barely made the list. Biden isn't even on the list because puppets don't matter.

Trump is at the top because he has never lied to the American people.

Putin can be trusted to do what he thinks is best for himself and his people...in that order.

Zelenskyy...well, he is almost as much of a puppet as Biden is. The difference is that Zelenskyy is a puppet of the Globalists/US and I suspect he's a reluctant puppet.
It's not at all surprising that you trust Putin, and trust him even more than the president of your own country. The Trump cult has abandoned America and its values and fancies a totalitarian dictatorship like Russia.

Better to be Russian than a Democrat, right Mycroft? Oh and how delusional does someone have to be to think Trump never once in 5 years of public speaking ever lied to the American people?
Well, you know who is obviously the least trustworthy in that list. (Let's not even mention that horrible individual's name.)

So I guess that the most (relatively) trustworthy would be:

1. President Z.

2. President Biden.

3. President Trump.

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