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You've Got To Love Millennials... (1 Viewer)


Relentless Thinking Fury
DP Veteran
Jan 25, 2013
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No, no I don't. Most of them are spoiled rotten, raised by clueless liberals and entitlement happy. We're in trouble.
No, no I don't. Most of them are spoiled rotten, raised by clueless liberals and entitlement happy. We're in trouble.


At some point you've got have some level of introspection to see you're becoming that old fogie who sits on his porch and yells at kids "back in my day we use to wear loaves of bread for shoes and walk 40 miles under mortar fire to school".

Seriously, this looking down on the next generation for weakness is nothing new.

"See they grew-up with undeserved 'con fee dense', because they got trophies just for par teas ee paiting"! :lamo

That's why I sent my millennials to Catholic Schools! :thumbs:


"What do you mean you got a 31 on your ACT? Tommy, he got a 35! Work harder"!


"Now hurry-off to confession, because pride's a deadly sin"!


[O.K., it's no longer like this I'm sure, but my wife & I would like to think there may be some last vestiges remaining]
No, no I don't. Most of them are spoiled rotten, raised by clueless liberals and entitlement happy. We're in trouble.

It seems you're claiming most conservative women don't get pregnant?

That's an odd statement.

At some point you've got have some level of introspection to see you're becoming that old fogie who sits on his porch and yells at kids "back in my day we use to wear loaves of bread for shoes and walk 40 miles under mortar fire to school".

Seriously, this looking down on the next generation for weakness is nothing new.

Meh. The baby boomers deserved it and so does millennials today.

Oh and before you say anything, I'm a millennial. :cool:
Well, at least the truth about the millennials is getting out.

Surprising that it's coming from one of their own.
Well, at least the truth about the millennials is getting out.

Surprising that it's coming from one of their own.

I still hold the door open for everyone. :)
Well, at least the truth about the millennials is getting out.


Surprising that it's coming from one of their own.
Well, obviously this thread is all humor in stereotyping, and the women in the video needent fell any collective guilt.

But I will say this: "Her parents raised her well"! :applaud

And while we're humorously bashing these guys, let's remember: We raised them!

I can't claim I influenced every aspect of who my kids are, but I took my job of raising them 'straight & right' damn seriously. So when I see a goofy kid, I first look to the parents. Some kids are just schmucks, but I'd say the vast, vast, majority reflect the way they were raised. Or not raised!

And I thank my lucky stars I had good men in my grandfather, father, and uncles, who were not onlly good men, but cared enough about me to do the hard work to bend me in the right direction. Discipline is an act of love - perhaps the hardest; because it has to be consistent and often takes a helluva' long time to see the pay-off! But it's extremely rewarding, when that pay-off finally comes.

If I was her old man, I'd be beaming!
No, no I don't. Most of them are spoiled rotten, raised by clueless liberals and entitlement happy. We're in trouble.

It's really not as bad as you think.

We're not that bad.

Social media has a way of magnifying fringe elements.
Well, obviously this thread is all humor in stereotyping, and the women in the video needent fell any collective guilt.

But I will say this: "Her parents raised her well"! :applaud

And while we're humorously bashing these guys, let's remember: We raised them!

I can't claim I influenced every aspect of who my kids are, but I took my job of raising them 'straight & right' damn seriously. So when I see a goofy kid, I first look to the parents. Some kids are just schmucks, but I'd say the vast, vast, majority reflect the way they were raised. Or not raised!

And I thank my lucky stars I had good men in my grandfather, father, and uncles, who were not onlly good men, but cared enough about me to do the hard work to bend me in the right direction. Discipline is an act of love - perhaps the hardest; because it has to be consistent and often takes a helluva' long time to see the pay-off! But it's extremely rewarding, when that pay-off finally comes.

If I was her old man, I'd be beaming!

I'd have to agree. My two kids have little resemblance to the typical millennial.
I can respect that, Henrin.

To be fair I actually hold the door open for women more often and do so when they are further away. lol.
No, no I don't. Most of them are spoiled rotten, raised by clueless liberals and entitlement happy. We're in trouble.

The same was said about us in the day. In my case, just ***ahem*** yesterday.
Or have we forgotten the 60's?
The same was said about us in the day. In my case, just ***ahem*** yesterday.
Or have we forgotten the 60's?

It's been going on longer than that. :lol:

Found the video again... catchy tune, lol.


At some point you've got have some level of introspection to see you're becoming that old fogie who sits on his porch and yells at kids "back in my day we use to wear loaves of bread for shoes and walk 40 miles under mortar fire to school".

Seriously, this looking down on the next generation for weakness is nothing new.

No, this isn't "get off my lawn" stuff. Nowhere in any other generation did kids scream and cry and kick their feet in this kind of entitlement-happy nonsense, demanding safe spaces and the right to be made happy all the time. This is an entirely different level of immature stupidity.
No, this isn't "get off my lawn" stuff. Nowhere in any other generation did kids scream and cry and kick their feet in this kind of entitlement-happy nonsense, demanding safe spaces and the right to be made happy all the time. This is an entirely different level of immature stupidity.

Except almost no one in the universe demanded "safe spaces".

A couple of college kids said something stupid and ya'll freak out over it.

It's just daft.
The same was said about us in the day. In my case, just ***ahem*** yesterday.
Or have we forgotten the 60's?

The 60s were the start of the entitlement-happy revolution. Today we're just seeing the most recent and most absurd version. Things are getting worse with every generation.
The 60s were the start of the entitlement-happy revolution. Today we're just seeing the most recent and most absurd version. Things are getting worse with every generation.

I would say the blame for starting it falls on the shoulders of the grandparents of the baby boomers.

Then again, the whole class warfare mess dates back way before that, so maybe not.
Except almost no one in the universe demanded "safe spaces".

A couple of college kids said something stupid and ya'll freak out over it.

It's just daft.

College students demand safe spaces from border patrol agents

Black students demand segregated spaces from white students

Emory University Students Demand Trump-Free Safe Space

Safe Space on Campus? That’s NOTHING Compared to This Demand.

Ohio University students demand police investigation after peers mock safe-spaces

Demands for ‘safe’ spaces lead to campus debates

Yale’s Dean Defends ‘Safe Spaces’ Amid Campus Protests

Black Students at Princeton Demand Their Own Safe Space; Will They Also Ask for Separate Bathrooms & Drinking Fountains?

Princeton protesters: Why we need safe spaces, and why honoring Woodrow Wilson is spitting in our faces

College Cancels Classes to Cater to Student Demands for a Safe Space

Students demand a safer space at University of Arizona

Amazing: Oberlin president says ‘no’ to students’ list of demands, including black-only ‘safe spaces

MSU Students Demand Safe Space

Tell me again how this is just a few bad eggs?
I would say the blame for starting it falls on the shoulders of the grandparents of the baby boomers.

Then again, the whole class warfare mess dates back way before that, so maybe not.

We can look for the origins of society falling apart due to the liberal scourge, but every generation is responsible for itself, every individual is responsible for their own actions. Pointing fingers solves no problems.
Tell me again how this is just a few bad eggs?

It's a few people. :roll:

You're being no different to those old fogies who would have looked down on College Kids who protested Vietnam as commie pinko fags :shrug:
The funny thing about this whole thing is that it only works to prove the opposition to liberal social policy right.

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