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Your song? (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
What song do you and your partner consider to be "yours"?

Here is ours:
Freedie Fender - "Until the next teardrop falls."
If you asked my partner, it would be "I'm an asshole" by Denis Leary.

If you asked my friends, it would be the country song, "If the phone don't ring, its probably me".
You know I'd have to say "New Age Man" by Rush...good song. Shame about the Ayn Rand rubbish...
"If you love somebody, why not set them on fire" by The Dead Milkmen:mrgreen:
Well a long, long time ago......Save Me by kd lang...it's a really good one if anyone wants to have it.

These days.......Sleep to Dream by Fiona Apple.

How 'bout my own personal song?
Subterranean Homesick Alien by Radiohead

"From the Beginning" by Emerson, Lake & Palmer...

Don't ask...
mixedmedia said:
These days.......Sleep to Dream by Fiona Apple.
I love Fiona Apple!!
vauge said:
I love Fiona Apple!!

Well, then I guess you rock, vauge! ;)

I like her too. I always thought her a little too earnest & serious for her age, but it's funny, now I know exactly where she's coming from.
mixedmedia said:
Well, then I guess you rock, vauge! ;)

I like her too. I always thought her a little too earnest & serious for her age, but it's funny, now I know exactly where she's coming from.
She did a remake of Across the Universe by the Beatles that is increadible.

I have it up on the site, if you want it, I will PM you with the linkage.
galenrox said:
Come on, at least one person has to pick "The Final Countcown" by Europe!
"Every Rose" by Poison
"Wait" by White Lion

nope... has to be
"No rain" by Blind Melon
galenrox said:
Come on, at least one person has to pick "The Final Countcown" by Europe!

ugh....now what'd ya have to go and do that for.....I'm eating my lunch here ya know

jk....sort of
vauge said:
She did a remake of Across the Universe by the Beatles that is increadible.

I have it up on the site, if you want it, I will PM you with the linkage.

I have that song! Thanks though, vauge. It is an outstanding cover and one of my favorite Beatles songs. Well, almost every Beatles songs is one of my favorites come to think of it. I'd be hard-pressed to narrow it down.
I guess ours would be "Jessica" by The Allman Brothers Band, since that song is what sparked our first conversation. If you ask me though, I think its closer to "Stay (Wasting Time)" by DMB
The wife would say "santeria" by sublime. I would have to say "la la la (means I love you)" by the delfonics.
mistermain said:
The wife would say "santeria" by sublime. I would have to say "la la la (means I love you)" by the delfonics.

Ah sublime's fantastic. <3
I am too old to rock so i just try to swinf a little. Our song?

"The Preacher" by Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers.

The best Messenger group ever

Kinny Dorham - trumpet
Hank Mobley - Tenor
Horace Silver - piano
Curly Russell - bass(?)
Drums Art Blakey.
The Internationale and Stone Dead forever by Motorhead,slightly different types of music admittedly!
I like Garbage...

cause I'm only happy when it rains..

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