You might be a liberal if...
-You accept Michael Moore's conspiracy theories as valid information.
-You think al Qaeda is a type of candy bar.
-CBS is too conservative for you.
-You have never acctually seen Condoleezza Rice, but you make the assumption that she is white.
-Your life long dream is to get your PHD from the electoral collage.
-You think Jimmy Carter is the most intelligant man that ever lived.
-You are always trying to insinuate that George Bush is stupid.
-If you use your emotions oppose to logic when you want to solve a problem.
-You shiver at the sheer mintion of Sean Hannity's name.
-You think an impeachment is a type of fruit.
-You love the French.
Once I think of more "You might be a Liberal if..." jokes I will add them on to the list. Oh, and fell free to add your own too.
-You accept Michael Moore's conspiracy theories as valid information.
-You think al Qaeda is a type of candy bar.
-CBS is too conservative for you.
-You have never acctually seen Condoleezza Rice, but you make the assumption that she is white.
-Your life long dream is to get your PHD from the electoral collage.
-You think Jimmy Carter is the most intelligant man that ever lived.
-You are always trying to insinuate that George Bush is stupid.
-If you use your emotions oppose to logic when you want to solve a problem.
-You shiver at the sheer mintion of Sean Hannity's name.
-You think an impeachment is a type of fruit.
-You love the French.
Once I think of more "You might be a Liberal if..." jokes I will add them on to the list. Oh, and fell free to add your own too.