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WTC Collapse, It's not adding up (1 Viewer)

I say again, you and I can only speculate. Neither you nor I were involved in the planning and execution, so we don't know. Personally, I think it was excellently planned and executed. Maximum visual effect, and a superficial plausibility as to why the buildings came down. When played to people who never ask questions, it was very successful. Here it is 15 years later and many if not most of the populace still believe the story. It's hard to argue with success.

No airliner crashed in PA.

No, we should not assume Milchan was into prostitution. My point in bringing that up is that while you could not possibly imagine such a scenario, at least one other person was very much able to imagine a scenario like that. Most likely his imagination is stronger and more active than yours. And perhaps it is a coincidence, or perhaps certain people were planning these events years in advance.

Maybe my ability to connect dots is stronger than yours? It's irrelevant, as the only moral to the story is that the official story is full of holes. It defies physics, and is contradicted by the known facts, 15 years later, and the events that took place were not unimaginable. In his book Crossing the Rubicon, Michael Ruppert includes a few photos and text regarding Pentagon "training scenarios" in which the Pentagon itself, or perhaps some other federal building nearby, are struck by hijacked airliners.

Maximum visual effect from x-rays is pretty impressive. If these people are powerful enough to bend the laws of physics themselves, we should just drop the issue. For our own safety!

The buildings were struck by hijacked airliners.
Greening's paper assumed that every level had the same weight.


How could the bottom levels be the same weight as the top levels but be strong enough to hold the weight?


The FLOORS without the steel were all the same... and the floors were connected to the SIDES of the columns... and it was THEY that progressively collapse. You know that..... column size and weight had nothing to do with nor could they prevent a progressive floor collapse.

I didn't say FLOORS, I said LEVELS.

Now are you talking about the FLOORS outside the core, or are you saying something about what was inside the core?


Greening's error is quite fundamental Sander. He falls for the trap that those first generation "explainers" usually fell for - whichever "side" we later came to falsely split into two extreme camps. In those early days there were many in the middle ground....where I still am.

He has the columns in line as per the B&Z limit case. No point discusing what he says given that foundation error.

PS "Hi psikey!"
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Greening's paper assumed that every level had the same weight.


How could the bottom levels be the same weight as the top levels but be strong enough to hold the weight?

So many people still missing the clear distinction you make between "floors" and "levels".

Still it remains a pity that you don't seem to understand the significance yourself psikey.
Thats a rarity, truthers attacking truthers. Usually they support each other even when their CTs are mutually exclusive.
In truther logic there is no such thing as "mutually exclusive" OR "self contradicting".
In truther logic there is no such thing as "mutually exclusive" OR "self contradicting".

You judge "truther logic" from the outside looking in, and in typical fashionable ignorance, you think all truthers are the same. But, coming from a person who still believes the Official Fairy Tale 15 years on, such "logic" is expected.
You judge "truther logic" from the outside looking in, and in typical fashionable ignorance, you think all truthers are the same. But, coming from a person who still believes the Official Fairy Tale 15 years on, such "logic" is expected.

Says the guy who believes in visible x-rays.

If you can see them, they aren't x-rays. Don't make snide comments about fairy tales when you believe stuff like this.
You judge "truther logic" from the outside looking in, and in typical fashionable ignorance, you think all truthers are the same. But, coming from a person who still believes the Official Fairy Tale 15 years on, such "logic" is expected.

Why try and attempt to reference logic when you clearly don't understand it or subscribe to it?
You're ignoring the point: even if it were an inside job, there would be no need to have a plausible cover story or disguise the true cause. What you are claiming happened makes no sense.

No airliner crashed in PA.
Why would anyone fake that?

No, we should not assume Milchan was into prostitution.
Why not? That connection makes more sense than the idea that because he was a producer of a movie that, as a small part, involves a deliberate plane crash caused by telekinesis, that that has anything in relationship to 9/11

My point in bringing that up is that while you could not possibly imagine such a scenario, at least one other person was very much able to imagine a scenario like that.
How is that at all like thinking bringing down a building with explosives, blaming it on faked planes, and faking a crash in an empty field is a good idea for a terror plot? THAT's what I can't imagine.

Most likely his imagination is stronger and more active than yours. And perhaps it is a coincidence, or perhaps certain people were planning these events years in advance.
So, there were planes, but were caused to crash by telekinesis???? I don't see what similarities you're seeing.

And plan the whole thing so badly that anyone with an internet connection can discover da troof. 911 CT's are on a par with the fake Moon landings nonsense.

I understand your point sir, but unless I am not aware of any relationship YOU might have with the perpetrators, neither you nor I are privy to how those men thought when planning it. So while your opinion is that there "would be no need" for this, that or the other tactic, I am under no obligation to support that opinion. That is, your opinion about how or why their thought processes worked, is interesting but ultimately irrelevant, BECAUSE we know that airplanes were involved and that the towers came down.

Why would anyone fake the crash in PA? I don't know sir, you'll have to ask them. All we know is that it was faked, and from Wally Miller's experience as related to Christopher Bollyn, and from Susan McIlwain's testimony, we know that the FBI was actively involved in deception.

Ask them Pinqy, ask the people who planned and executed the attacks. I don't know, I'm just an ordinary citizen who understands he was deceived.

What makes Michan interesting is his connections with Israeli intelligence. And FYI, former Israeli intelligence men like Simcha Ohrenstein and Shlomo Gazit are also involved in companies like Transtech Control Ltd, a company right in the middle of airport operations in the US, both civilian and military.

One must learn to study the dots before one connects them. Bollyn is very good at it, and one thing he does is peruse the Israeli mainstream media such as the Jerusalem Post, which he cites in his analysis.

Christopher Bollyn

Bollyn, a sane and unbiased source. Not.

Bollyn has focused most of his research on 9-11 and has continued to make the claim that the terrorist attacks were orchestrated by Israel and the Jews. In Bollyn’s 2012 book, Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, he writes, “The ‘false flag’ terrorism of 9-11 is a monstrous Jewish-Zionist crime of our time. The true culprits of this heinous crime are clearly being protected by a gang of like-minded Jewish Zionists in the highest positions of the U.S. government….”

Bollyn has also written numerous other articles on his website that accuse Jews of controlling the media and government. Bollyn has attended Holocaust denial conferences in the U.S. and one in Russia in 2002. He is a former writer for the anti-Semitic conspiracy-oriented newspaper American Free Press and its predecessor, The Spotlight, both published by anti-Semite and Holocaust denier Willis Carto. American Free Press fired Bollyn in 2006, after accusing him of submitting false stories and of disloyalty to the paper.
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You judge "truther logic" from the outside looking in, and in typical fashionable ignorance, you think all truthers are the same. But, coming from a person who still believes the Official Fairy Tale 15 years on, such "logic" is expected.

Still waiting for your evidence and sources to back it up that it was mini neutron bombs. Or was it a "x-ray" weapon that you don't want to rule out?
Still waiting for your evidence and sources to back it up that it was mini neutron bombs. Or was it a "x-ray" weapon that you don't want to rule out?

It was a Illuminati Death Ray!
In truther logic there is no such thing as "mutually exclusive" OR "self contradicting".

You forgot to put quotation marks around the word logic
Mini-nukes, beam weapons !,,,
This forum hasn't gotten any better since I was last here!

Correction non exploding non radioactive mini nukes that explode and emit radiation plus beam weapons that shoot visible Xray cannon balls.
It has actually gotten worse!
So many people still missing the clear distinction you make between "floors" and "levels".

Still it remains a pity that you don't seem to understand the significance yourself psikey.

Yeah Right!

I had to distinguish the terms because I think some people were deliberately using the ambiguity of "floors" to cause confusion.

It is certainly a "distinction" that engineering schools in the nation that put men on the Moon can't produce physical or virtual models of the north tower collapse in FIFTEEN YEARS so what should "engineers" expect beside laughter. 9/11 is now an issue of cultural psychology. How many morons just believe what authority tells them because the alternative upsets their world view too much.

Five more years of BS!

Physics, Psychology and the 9/11 Decade - psikeyhackr

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Uhh, people have modeled the collapse of the twin towers.

What, nobody told you?
Uhh, people have modeled the collapse of the twin towers.

What, nobody told you?

Yeah, and the 911 Commission Report "explained" it all, eh? :lamo
Uhh, people have modeled the collapse of the twin towers.

What, nobody told you?

But he wants a physical model preferably made out of popsicle sticks

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