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Written Statement/Written Confession (1 Viewer)

You want us to believe GZ couldn't remember the name of the main entrance road for a place he lived for three years and was patroling for months? Seriously?

GZ said he pulled over as soon as he saw TM. He gave the address to the clubhouse. Please pay attention. I'm going by GZ's own written statement.

Two different witnesses saw one person on the ground after the fight began but before the gunshot. You seem to have trouble addressing that fact.

It's easy to claim nothing in the OP incriminates GZ when you ignore the facts and cherry pick what you think are the weakest points.
Does anyone else find it odd that in the written version, GZ says he walked to some other street, Retreat View Circle, to get the name of the street he was on, Twin Trees?

It wasn't until after GZ got out of his truck that the conversation about where to meet the police began.
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I'm not sure what you want me to explain... Trayvon hid (or doubled back) from someone he suspected might continue following and, when he saw an opportunity, approached in an apaprently aggressive manner according to both Dee and Zimm.

Asking the stranger why he was following him was aggressive? Lol......the crap GZ supporters come up with is just too bizarre. He turned around to ask GZ that after he ran away from GZ.
Dee said nothing about Trayvon doubling back.. and George couldn't SEE Trayvon.. He said that TM was headed in the "direction" of the back entrance.

I never said Dee stated that he doubled back. I said that according to Dee, T approached Zimm in an aggressive manner (why you follwoing me) and according to Zimm, T approached in an agressive manner (do you have a problem).

How did George know that TM "doubled back" or "hid"?
It's easy for Zimm to assume he hid or doubled back, because T had, from Z's perspective, disapeared then reappeared approaching and asking him a quesiton.
I'm not sure what you want me to explain... Trayvon hid (or doubled back) from someone he suspected might continue following and, when he saw an opportunity, approached in an apaprently aggressive manner according to both Dee and Zimm.

Trayvon never saw George get out of his car.......

What is aggressive about holding a cellphone and asking, Why are you following me?

That's an ADULT question.

George invented "doubling back" just like he invented that Trayvon was a burglar.
How about your source your claims so we can see the dates you're talking about here?

Well for starters, you know the following quote has been sourced multiple times.
And as you can see it is reported he said that on the 16th of March.

Serino said his investigation turned up no reliable evidence that cast doubt on Zimmerman's account – that he had acted in self-defense.

"The best evidence we have is the testimony of George Zimmerman, and he says the decedent was the primary aggressor in the whole event," [highlight]Serino told the Sentinel March 16.[/highlight] "Everything I have is adding up to what he says."
why do you?

Actually I don't.

But your non response to the question is your admission of baiting.

Another question? Noticed you consider yourself "God's Master Gardener"-----(Bet you see where this is going, right?)
Do you also consider yourself "God's Master Baiter".?:lamo
You want us to believe GZ couldn't remember the name of the main entrance road for a place he lived for three years and was patroling for months? Seriously?

Yup. If he had, he would have provided that street name to the police, not the street he wasn't at.

Two different witnesses saw one person on the ground after the fight began but before the gunshot. You seem to have trouble addressing that fact.

Listen to the witness statements to the police, they changed their story and they are not the least bit similar to what they later stated.
What is aggressive about holding a cellphone and asking, Why are you following me?

That's an ADULT question.

George invented "doubling back" just like he invented that Trayvon was a burglar.

You know all about inventions, ,right?
What is aggressive about holding a cellphone and asking, Why are you following me?

That's an ADULT question.

There you go again, assuming a nonchalant attitude in a tense situation.
Trayvon approached and asked in a hostile manner.
Which is consistent with what the witnesses heard.
And the date of the paperwork filed requesting charges be brought?
Is it weeks later as was asserted?
Trayvon never saw George get out of his car.......

Even if true, which I do not agree with, that makes no difference. You really think it's some huge stretch that Trayvon might expect that Zimm would continue following him?

There you go again, assuming a nonchalant attitude in a tense situation.
Trayvon approached and asked in a hostile manner.
Which is consistent with what the witnesses heard.

Of course he did, even witness 11 states that (the voice was loud and agressive but could not make out the words..
Yup. If he had, he would have provided that street name to the police, not the street he wasn't at.
He didn't get out to get some location data. He was already across the block when he was giving directions to his truck.
He wasn't trying to get any address or street name.
You know all about inventions, ,right?

Why don't YOU consider such information?

How do you know what someone did and where they went if you never saw them?

My career involved tens of millions of dollars.. I couldn't "guess" or invent information. Old habits die hard.
Why don't YOU consider such information?

How do you know what someone did and where they went if you never saw them?

My career involved tens of millions of dollars.. I couldn't "guess" or invent information. Old habits die hard.

And yet you consistently do that very thing through these threads.
And yet you consistently do that very thing through these threads.

Nope.. Ask yourself..

How did George KNOW where Trayvon went or where he doubled back from.

Its REAL simple.
And the date of the paperwork filed requesting charges be brought?
Is it weeks later as was asserted?
Three days earlier the capias request was made.

And as I understand it, had to be made in order for the prosecution to take over the investigation.
Nope.. Ask yourself..

How did George KNOW where Trayvon went or where he doubled back from.

Its REAL simple.

You tell us. You seem to know everything.
He didn't get out to get some location data. He was already across the block when he was giving directions to his truck.

I can just as easily assume that he was going to get an address to provide the NEN a place to meet the cops then was going to go over there and meet them. He gave up trying to find an address and ended up just telling them to meet where his truck was currently parked at to allow the NEN to get off the phone.
Nope.. Ask yourself..

How did George KNOW where Trayvon went or where he doubled back from.

Its REAL simple.
Yes it is simple. So why are you not able to do it?

When you see a person go one way and then you follow them that way, but they are no longer there. (lost them)
And you turn around to return to your vehicle and that person approaches you from the rear.
He doubled back because he is no longer heading in the direction he originally was.
That is as simple as it gets.

Start using your thinker. It is in there for a reason.
You tell us. You seem to know everything.

If George was not embellishing his narratives.. he would say.. I don't know.

You know what a red flag is, I assume.
Nope.. Ask yourself..

How did George KNOW where Trayvon went or where he doubled back from.

Zimm had just walked past that point to find (allegedly) an address. He didn't see T on the way across to the other street. When he was (allegedly) walking back to his truck Trayvon approached. Do you really find it so surprising that Zimm would assume he doubled back or hid in order to approach Zimm on his way back? It really is simple, no?

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