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Woodward Tape Recordings (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Can you imagine what Trump’s responses would be if there were no tapes?
He would trash Woodward more than he is doing now. Trump would claim "fake news", made up story.
Can you imagine what Trump’s responses would be if there were no tapes?

His stans would ask for verified sources. If those sources stood up, they would be called deep state.

Now that the verified source is Trump himself...no idea. They’ve gone between trying to wipe people’s memory over what tRump said or keep insisting Churchill won WW2 by telling everyone to go outside and hang at the beach, nothing to see here.
Can you imagine what Trump’s responses would be if there were no tapes?

Already rightists are saying words like 'context' and 'cherry-picking', trying to justify the lies.
The immoral fraudulent scammer in the Oval Office who bamboozled his followers with imminent invasions of vapourous caravans of rapists and drug dealers to try to coerce Congress into funding his Wall just didn't want to cause panic over an epidemic.
Already rightists are saying words like 'context' and 'cherry-picking', trying to justify the lies.
The immoral fraudulent scammer in the Oval Office who bamboozled his followers with imminent invasions of vapourous caravans of rapists and drug dealers to try to coerce Congress into funding his Wall just didn't want to cause panic over an epidemic.

Do you think Trump consented to being recorded?

As we learned with the Scaramucci event, DC is a one party consent jurisdiction.

Trump has the weakest grasp of history than any POTUS in my lifetime.
Do you think Trump consented to being recorded?

As we learned with the Scaramucci event, DC is a one party consent jurisdiction.

Trump has the weakest grasp of history than any POTUS in my lifetime.

I bet he did. He certainly ought to have known, even if it hadn't been mentioned. He knew who he was dealing with, that's for sure, and if he thought anything he said to Woodward was going to be deniable he's even dumber than anyone realized.
I bet he did. He certainly ought to have known, even if it hadn't been mentioned. He knew who he was dealing with, that's for sure, and if he thought anything he said to Woodward was going to be deniable he's even dumber than anyone realized.

After “FEAR,” you would think that Trump would decline to participate. That is my big question; did Trump think he could control the author or is he just clueless?
Trump and think in the same sentence doesn’t look right.......
After “FEAR,” you would think that Trump would decline to participate. That is my big question; did Trump think he could control the author or is he just clueless?
Trump and think in the same sentence doesn’t look right.......

Maybe he just loved the attention, loved being listened to by someone of Woodward's stature.
And, maybe he is dumber than we realized.
Do you think Trump consented to being recorded?

As we learned with the Scaramucci event, DC is a one party consent jurisdiction.

Trump has the weakest grasp of history than any POTUS in my lifetime.

I would imagine Trump knew it was going to be recorded. If not, he would made an issue of it, legal or not.
Maybe he just loved the attention, loved being listened to by someone of Woodward's stature.
And, maybe he is dumber than we realized.

I read that Trump initiated some of the phone calls......
Maybe he just loved the attention, loved being listened to by someone of Woodward's stature.
And, maybe he is dumber than we realized.

Putin and Kim Jong Un played him like the simpleton he is.

Trump was like a teeny bopper seeing a rock star when he met these two.

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