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Witch hunt or mole hunt? Times bombshell blows up all theories (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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he New York Times has published another bombshell with a story that President Trump was named as a possible national security threat in a counterintelligence operation that was launched after his inauguration.

If true, this is likely the only time in history that the FBI has investigated whether a sitting president was either a knowing or unknowing agent of a foreign power. However, the real benefit of the investigative story may not be the original suspicion, but rather how it could explain the course that both sides have taken into our current quagmire. What if there were no collusion or conspiracy but simple cognitive bias on both sides, where the actions of one seemed to confirm precisely the suspicions of the other?
Interesting read. Is Comrade Trump the Manchurian candidate, programmed to destroy our democratic way of life? What does Putin have on Trump that allows him to control him? His lies during the campaign about having no business in Russia when he was actively trying to develop the Trump Tower Moscow? Putin knew Trump had lied. I hope some day we will find out.
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he New York Times has published another bombshell with a story that President Trump was named as a possible national security threat in a counterintelligence operation that was launched after his inauguration.

If true, this is likely the only time in history that the FBI has investigated whether a sitting president was either a knowing or unknowing agent of a foreign power. However, the real benefit of the investigative story may not be the original suspicion, but rather how it could explain the course that both sides have taken into our current quagmire. What if there were no collusion or conspiracy but simple cognitive bias on both sides, where the actions of one seemed to confirm precisely the suspicions of the other?
Interesting read. Is Comrade Trump the Manchurian candidate, programmed to destroy our democratic way of life? What does Putin have on Trump that allows him to control him? His lies during the campaign about having no business in Russia when he was actively trying to develop the Trump Tower Moscow? Putin new Trump had lied. I hope some day we will find out.

You gotta love those echo chamber talking potato heads, eh?
You gotta love those echo chamber talking potato heads, eh?

Do you just have a roll-o-dex of deflective responses to these threads?
Do you just have a roll-o-dex of deflective responses to these threads?

No. I'm smart enough to create responses to match any stupid opinion piece.

Hey, tell me yours. I'll create one for you.
No. I'm smart enough to create responses to match any stupid opinion piece.

Hey, tell me yours. I'll create one for you.

Are you a stable genius too?
No. I'm smart enough to create responses to match any stupid opinion piece.

Hey, tell me yours. I'll create one for you.

Wait. If you're as smart as you say, you can guess his opinion. Let's see who gets it first. You can guess first. Go.
Wait. If you're as smart as you say, you can guess his opinion. Let's see who gets it first. You can guess first. Go.

I just walked in the door and I'm going to play some records tonight at a club. so, I haven't the time to get the full scoop from multiple sources.

A cursory scrolling around here reveals Trump is under investigation for being a Russian asset again?

Any important details I'm missing?
I just walked in the door and I'm going to play some records tonight at a club. so, I haven't the time to get the full scoop from multiple sources.

A cursory scrolling around here reveals Trump is under investigation for being a Russian asset again?

Any important details I'm missing?

Other than the evidence that he gave classified info to an adversary country & thereby made himself both a spy & a traitor.


WASHINGTON — President Trump boasted about highly classified intelligence in a meeting with the Russian foreign minister and ambassador last week, providing details that could expose the source of the information and the manner in which it was collected, a current and a former American government official said Monday.

The intelligence disclosed by Mr. Trump in a meeting with Sergey V. Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, and Sergey I. Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the United States, was about an Islamic State plot, according to the officials. A Middle Eastern ally that closely guards its own secrets provided the information, which was considered so sensitive that American officials did not share it widely within the United States government or pass it on to other allies. [aka Israel]
I just walked in the door and I'm going to play some records tonight at a club. so, I haven't the time to get the full scoop from multiple sources.

A cursory scrolling around here reveals Trump is under investigation for being a Russian asset again?

Any important details I'm missing?

He mighta won the guess. I was going another direction entirely.
Wait. If you're as smart as you say, you can guess his opinion. Let's see who gets it first. You can guess first. Go.

No thanks. I try to stay away from fantasy.
Do you just have a roll-o-dex of deflective responses to these threads?

How do you respond to Trump being the Manchurian candidate? What is next? Trump is working with the Martians and regularly visits their under sea base. My God.
How do you respond to Trump being the Manchurian candidate? What is next? Trump is working with the Martians and regularly visits their under sea base. My God.

I think the publicly available evidence points to that conclusion.

he New York Times has published another bombshell with a story that President Trump was named as a possible national security threat in a counterintelligence operation that was launched after his inauguration.

If true, this is likely the only time in history that the FBI has investigated whether a sitting president was either a knowing or unknowing agent of a foreign power. However, the real benefit of the investigative story may not be the original suspicion, but rather how it could explain the course that both sides have taken into our current quagmire. What if there were no collusion or conspiracy but simple cognitive bias on both sides, where the actions of one seemed to confirm precisely the suspicions of the other?
Interesting read. Is Comrade Trump the Manchurian candidate, programmed to destroy our democratic way of life? What does Putin have on Trump that allows him to control him? His lies during the campaign about having no business in Russia when he was actively trying to develop the Trump Tower Moscow? Putin knew Trump had lied. I hope some day we will find out.

A Decapitate a Correctly Elected President Hunt by the looks of things.
Wow I got a very different impression from that article. It sounds to me as if he is planting the seeds of this being a big misunderstanding by both sides.

Is this an indication that maybe Muller has zilch and needs an escape hatch? Maybe.

Either way that ship has long sailed away for both sides. The only thing that is going to appease anyone is for everything to be investigated and then its findings to be released to the public.

Trying to explain this all away as a simple misunderstanding is not going to fly with the majority of people.

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