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Wisconsin Cops Murder Black Man (1 Viewer)

Unless the guy was going for a gun in the car, there doesnt seem to be reason to shoot him

How do you know, at that moment, he was not going to grab a gun? If you are the cop you can of course wait an see if he shoots you, but then it is a bit too late. The cop also has a family he wants to go home to at the end of the day, seeing as how the person ignored all the warnings and orders by the police it would be foolish to wait and see if you get shot first.
How do you know, at that moment, he was not going to grab a gun? If you are the cop you can of course wait an see if he shoots you, but then it is a bit too late. The cop also has a family he wants to go home to at the end of the day, seeing as how the person ignored all the warnings and orders by the police it would be foolish to wait and see if you get shot first.

Yes, yes...cops are such ******s that they need to shoot people in the back because they didn't know that "he was not going to grab a gun"...
Do you have any proof that the officers knew of his arrest history before shooting him in the back?

No, but why do I need proof of anything? People were rioting overnight without proof of anything.

It's relevant whether they knew it or not.
No, but why do I need proof of anything? People were rioting overnight without proof of anything.

It's relevant whether they knew it or not.

Nope. If they didn't know it, it's completely irrelevant. It wouldn't have come up as a reason to be wary of him.
What’s really ghastly is the willingness of Trump cultists to defend any killing of minorities by police.....and even by random morons, as in the case of the men who murdered Ahmad Arbery.

And then they wonder why minorities largely won’t vote for them.

What is ghastly is people rushing to judgement based on a 30 second video clip, with little to no evidence, making unfounded conclusions and using that as rationale to burn down and destroy a city.
What is ghastly is people rushing to judgement based on a 30 second video clip, with little to no evidence, making unfounded conclusions and using that as rationale to burn down and destroy a city.

Nah, we already know the "Nazi" position of white cops killing black men: nothing to see here, move along. There is well over 350 years of it to use as evidence.
Nah, we already know the "Nazi" position of white cops killing black men: nothing to see here, move along. There is well over 350 years of it to use as evidence.

So it's okay to commit crimes and destroy a city because of a subjective hunch?
So it's okay to commit crimes and destroy a city because of a subjective hunch?

Here's something...and I know it's a wild idea...but you can both be against cowardly cops shooting people in the back AND against rioting.
What is ghastly is people rushing to judgement based on a 30 second video clip, with little to no evidence, making unfounded conclusions and using that as rationale to burn down and destroy a city.

A thirty second clip which very clearly shows the man being shot in the back by police officers.

The constant unthinking defense of every extrajudicial killing by police officers, and the crying about property damage while not having a problem with said killings, is pathetic.
Here's something...and I know it's a wild idea...but you can both be against cowardly cops shooting people in the back AND against rioting.

I'm against both for sure .. when the law enforcement officer isn't justified to use lethal force. Why is that difficult to understand? Do you agree or disagree that an investigation should be completed to determine what triggered law enforcement to use lethal force> Should we just screw evidence and rush to judgement?
A thirty second clip which very clearly shows the man being shot in the back by police officers.

The constant unthinking defense of every extrajudicial killing by police officers, and the crying about property damage while not having a problem with said killings, is pathetic.

I don't have a problem with the use of lethal force when it is justified. I also don't rush to judgement based on a limited, subjective information where full context isn't provided. Just like many of the other police engagements that had a drastically different outcome than social justice demanded.
What’s really ghastly is the willingness of Trump cultists to defend any killing of minorities by police.....and even by random morons, as in the case of the men who murdered Ahmad Arbery.

And then they wonder why minorities largely won’t vote for them.

Out of the two of us...only you are emboldening the masses to fight police and think its ok to do whatever they want when they are given direct orders by the police. As I predicted under Obama, this leftist police are bad ideology is going to get more minorities killed and it did. If you arent a racist then your message should and would have been to anyone under arrest to follow the police officers instructions to the letter. Is that your message or do you prefer minorites thinking its ok to fight and disobey the police in order to use them as fodder in advancing your political ideology. I believe its the latter but I will await your answer.
Out of the two of us...only you are emboldening the masses to fight police and think its ok to do whatever they want when they are given direct orders by the police. As I predicted under Obama, this leftist police are bad ideology is going to get more minorities killed and it did. If you arent a racist then your message should and would have been to anyone under arrest to follow the police officers instructions to the letter. Is that your message or do you prefer minorites thinking its ok to fight and disobey the police in order to use them as fodder in advancing your political ideology. I believe its the latter but I will await your answer.

No, we are pointing to a white cop killing another black man by shooting him in the back. Meanwhile, you insist on talking about anything other than that.
I don't have a problem with the use of lethal force when it is justified. I also don't rush to judgement based on a limited, subjective information where full context isn't provided. Just like many of the other police engagements that had a drastically different outcome than social justice demanded.

There’s a difference between “not rushing to judgement” and “desperately hoping for any excuse to try and justify the killing, and when that fails doing so anyway”.....which is what conservatives do.

Funny how conservatives just about always think the use of lethal force is justified when the victims are minorities. The contrast between conservative defense of current police killings and the amount of time spent wailing over the cult of Koresh and “Aryan Nation“ Weaver is rather telling.
Nope. If they didn't know it, it's completely irrelevant. It wouldn't have come up as a reason to be wary of him.

It's also relevant from the point of view of third parties opining on this situation without a complete set of facts. The fact that the guy was arrested for sexual assault, and has priors that include pointing a firearm at police, make it more likely that he had violent intentions in this case that were evident to the cops in the ground, than if he was just any old average dude.
There’s a difference between “not rushing to judgement” and “desperately hoping for any excuse to try and justify the killing, and when that fails doing so anyway”.....which is what conservatives do.

Funny how conservatives just about always think the use of lethal force is justified when the victims are minorities. The contrast between conservative defense of current police killings and the amount of time spent wailing over the cult of Koresh and “Aryan Nation“ Weaver is rather telling.

That would be a valid point if it weren't for the fact that people are already lighting things on fire and calling for the arrest of the officer without a full set of facts.
Out of the two of us...only you are emboldening the masses to fight police and think its ok to do whatever they want when they are given direct orders by the police. As I predicted under Obama, this leftist police are bad ideology is going to get more minorities killed and it did. If you arent a racist then your message should and would have been to anyone under arrest to follow the police officers instructions to the letter. Is that your message or do you prefer minorites thinking its ok to fight and disobey the police in order to use them as fodder in advancing your political ideology. I believe its the latter but I will await your answer.

People who aren’t “fighting police” are routinely getting killed.....which is the entire point. “Not obeying police” should not warrant an automatic death sentence if you have the “wrong” skin color. Funny how far right conservatives have routinely “not obeyed the police” without being murdered numerous times over the years.

As usual, your post reeks of hypocrisy.
That would be a valid point if it weren't for the fact that people are already lighting things on fire and calling for the arrest of the officer without a full set of facts.

Perhaps if so many officers hadn’t already gotten away with such murders people wouldn’t be so fed up with the “justice” system. The fact that conservatives are far more concerned about property damage than the murders of African Americans is, again, pathetic.
I'm against both for sure .. when the law enforcement officer isn't justified to use lethal force. Why is that difficult to understand? Do you agree or disagree that an investigation should be completed to determine what triggered law enforcement to use lethal force> Should we just screw evidence and rush to judgement?

I think it's a sad day when there needs to be an investigation to see if shooting someone in the back is NOT OK. That we need to reserve judgement about shooting someone in the back until a committee (in Wisconsin, they are independent, but in most places, it's cops investigating cops) decides that shooting someone in the back is NOT OK.

**** that.

Let's have the same standard that we would use if anyone else shot someone in the back...assume there is a problem, jail them, investigate and put the assholes on trial. If they are exonerated, fine. Until then, jail them.
People who aren’t “fighting police” are routinely getting killed.....which is the entire point. “Not obeying police” should not warrant an automatic death sentence if you have the “wrong” skin color. Funny how far right conservatives have routinely “not obeyed the police” without being murdered numerous times over the years.

As usual, your post reeks of hypocrisy.

Please list the people who obeyed the police and still got killed. Lets do math and see just how you determined that they are routinely killed.
Perhaps if so many officers hadn’t already gotten away with such murders people wouldn’t be so fed up with the “justice” system. The fact that conservatives are far more concerned about property damage than the murders of African Americans is, again, pathetic.

What does being "conservative" have to do with anything.

We do know two things for sure in this case: No African American was murdered, and rioters did in fact light property on fire to protest a supposedly unjustified shooting before they had any of the relevant facts.

In 2019, 39 unarmed black or white victims were shot and killed by police. 25 of those were white.
Please list the people who obeyed the police and still got killed. Lets do math and see just how you determined that they are routinely killed.

Must. Follow. Orders.

Tell me, does that only apply to blacks or do you want everyone to bend over for authority?
No, we are pointing to a white cop killing another black man by shooting him in the back. Meanwhile, you insist on talking about anything other than that.

Race arsonists is all leftists are. Filthy little scumbags using minorities as fodder.

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