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Will you watch the Academy Awards tonight? (1 Viewer)

Will you watch the Academy Awards tonight?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 78.9%

  • Total voters

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I pesonally have no interest in watching the show.......What do you think?
I will not, unless somebody heavily armed comes over, ties me up, and than tapes my eyes open with the channel on
I hate award shows
No, I went to a grand total of one movie this year- Good Luck and Goodnight.
I'll probably try to find some funny Jon Stewart bits after the fact.

Personally I'm hoping West Wing is back on tonight since the Olympics are over.
No watching them here...
We just dont care for them...Never have.
I personally think its disgusting to watch this bunch of elite hollywood liberals flaunt all over each other...That is just me though.........

The ratings have been way down the last few years and look for them to be low tonight.....
Navy Pride said:
I personally think its disgusting to watch this bunch of elite hollywood liberals flaunt all over each other...That is just me though.........
I have to agree... The liberal bias is far beyond annoying, even to the degree of nausea... And then there's that one movie thing... YUKK!
Apostle13 said:
I have to agree... The liberal bias is far beyond annoying, even to the degree of nausea... And then there's that one movie thing... YUKK!

Ever wonder why these people tend to be "liberal" ?
Maybe they care about the "sad state" of the human condition a lot more than the penny pinching conservatives.

Neither a liberal nor a conservative be.
I say we should watch them, because it's what people are going to be talking about tomorrow, I'm personally interested in seeing what the fringe left has in store for us tonight, I wonder how they're going to turn an awards show into a political commercial this year. It's like watching a car crash, it's not a pretty sight but for some reason you just can't look away. It's probably for the same perverse reasons that I frequent the D.U., Moveon.org, and aljazeera.net that I'll be watching the Awards, just when you think that these people have completely lost their minds they go and raise the bar for everyone.
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Navy Pride said:
I pesonally have no interest in watching the show.......What do you think?

Ha ha ha ha. Me too, Navy Pride. All I care about it who won what (and even then, I don't care that much). Sometimes seeing what people are wearing is interesting, but not enough for me to waste my time watching any portion of the awards.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I say we should watch them, because it's what people are going to be talking about tomorrow, I'm personally interested in seeing what the fringe left has in store for us tonight, I wonder how they're going to turn an awards show into a political commercial this year. It's like watching a car crash, it's not a pretty sight but for some reason you just can't look away. It's probably for the same perverse reasons that I frequent the D.U., Moveon.org, and aljazeera.net that I'll be watching the Awards, just when you think that these people have completely lost their minds they go and raise the bar for everyone.
I hear you... I think yes... I'll set the DVR.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I say we should watch them, because it's what people are going to be talking about tomorrow, I'm personally interested in seeing what the fringe left has in store for us tonight, I wonder how they're going to turn an awards show into a political commercial this year. It's like watching a car crash, it's not a pretty sight but for some reason you just can't look away. It's probably for the same perverse reasons that I frequent the D.U., Moveon.org, and aljazeera.net that I'll be watching the Awards, just when you think that these people have completely lost their minds they go and raise the bar for everyone.

You watch it you improve their ratings...No thanks....I already know what picture the PC Hollywierd elite will select as the best picture.....What happen to all the great pictures they use to make in Hollywood like Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Patton, The French Connection, The Sting, One Flew Over over the Cuckoos Nest, and Rocky to name a few....Sadly they don't them like that anymore.........
Navy Pride said:
You watch it you improve their ratings...No thanks....I already know what picture the PC Hollywierd elite will select as the best picture.....What happen to all the great pictures they use to make in Hollywood like Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Patton, The French Connection, The Sting, One Flew Over over the Cuckoos Nest, and Rocky to name a few....Sadly they don't them like that anymore.........

I think ratings are taken by survey it's not as if they can tell what you're watching just by having that channel on.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I think ratings are taken by survey it's not as if they can tell what you're watching just by having that channel on.

Your probably right...I still can't stand to watch that bunch of elite snobs swoon all over themselves.......
What's the point in watching the Oscars? To watch people get awards for movies you've never heard of? To listen to speeches by people who can't do anything but pretend they're someont else? To see what they're wearing?

The Academy Awards show is nothing but public masturbation by a group of professional strokers. The Oscars mean nothing to anyone else, and they're about as exciting as the Nobel Prize Award Show.

Oh, wait. They have the decency to keep the Nobel Prize award ceremonies off US TV.

I knew scientists were better than actors for some reason.
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
What's the point in watching the Oscars? To watch people get awards for movies you've never heard of? To listen to speeches by people who can't do anything but pretend they're someont else? To see what they're wearing?

There are many actors who go to college and are involved in other things besides acting. And they aren't all liberal, either. Mel Gibson, for one.

The Academy Awards show is nothing but public masturbation by a group of professional strokers. The Oscars mean nothing to anyone else, and they're about as exciting as the Nobel Prize Award Show.

Oh, wait. They have the decency to keep the Nobel Prize award ceremonies off US TV.

I knew scientists were better than actors for some reason.

I'd have no problem with someone televising a reward ceremony for scientists but whoa, sounds like you have a personal axe to grind. You're out in LA. Maybe in your field you feel like you don't get as much attention as the actors do out there and it makes you upset? Come on, don't tell me you wouldn't date a hot actress or model if they would look at you.
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Disappointing once again, Phoniex should have won for (Walk The Line), but at least his supporting gal won, good going Reese, what a sweetheart.

Yes damn you, I watch these damn things every year!:3oops:
Earthworm said, “Ever wonder why these people tend to be "liberal"?
Maybe they care about the "sad state" of the human condition a lot more than the penny pinching conservatives.”

They are a big part of the reason we are in this sad state. They say Republicans are just rich white folk who don’t care about anyone but themselves…….But look how rich they are and the money and possessions they flaunt. Most have multiple million dollar homes, marriages, cars, planes, jewelry………they are way out of touch with reality.

Take Jolie for example. Who wouldn't’t adopt a bunch of kids if they had her money and servants? Travolta, owns a 747 plane that he flies all over the globe just to have fun……

Then you see them protesting for the environment and they have multiple garages full of huge Hummers and SUVs and stretch limos that consume huge quantities of fossil fuels…..gulfstream jets……..but then they are excluded from the rules that the rest of us have to live.

They are for abortion yet protest the treatment of animals….kill the unborn child but SAVE THE WHALES, SEALS.

Whenever one of the top entertainers have a political bone to pick they try to find an instant platform….the speeches at the Oscars.

Nope I won’t be watching this airtime for airheads and drama queens. They won’t be getting any standing ovations from me.

So Glover and Clooney, Sheen, Hoffman, Williams, Aniston, Redford, Lange, Cher, Robbins, Gere, Sarandan, Roberts, Baldwin, Madonna and Belafonte….can’t rant and rave all they want, they can spout anti-american crap allnight………I will be one who won’t be watching.

Glad Reece won, she is one of the few down to earth ladies of Hollywood. Adorable. Phoenix should have one too.........He was unreal as Johnny Cash.

But he is not gay so he didn't stand a chance.
well I didnt watch them and I feel just fine...lol...

I am however getting ready to watch Midway on DVD..;)
Been years since I last watched it..................
Crash Wins!!!!!!!!
Crash was better than Brokeback IMO. Good call, Academy. Certainly much better decisions than last year.
I loved that movie (Midway) as well. I liked war movies and submarine movies....What was that movie called where they shot the bras out the torpedos? I think they painted it pink too...........Boy do men look good in military uniforms......sigh

I just like any movie with oceans in it. Say the remake of Poseidon is coming out soon and it looks good.

I am a Titanic junkie and I collect memorabilia about that ship. How I would love going down to see the wreckage.......
George_Washington said:
I'd have no problem with someone televising a reward ceremony for scientists but whoa, sounds like you have a personal axe to grind.

It's amazing how active people's imaginations can get. I listed something as boring as I could think of, and now I'm sharpening axes.

I've MET some the "hot stars". I've got connections. A more shallow gang of people you never want to meet, trust me. They have three topics of coversation:

Who's doing who.
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doughgirl said:
I loved that movie (Midway) as well. I liked war movies and submarine movies....What was that movie called where they shot the bras out the torpedos? I think they painted it pink too...........Boy do men look good in military uniforms......sigh

I just like any movie with oceans in it. Say the remake of Poseidon is coming out soon and it looks good.

I am a Titanic junkie and I collect memorabilia about that ship. How I would love going down to see the wreckage.......

Operation Petticoat, with Cary Grant. Many incidents in that film were based on reall WWII submarine events, including the pink boat.
How sad that a thread about an awards show turned into a partisan debate so quickly.

I watched the show merely because Jon Stewart was hosting - love the guy.

I was very happy to see Reese Witherspoon win....she is by far my favorite actress, and I finally had a chance to see Walk The Line Saturday night....I thought she was amazing.

And I was glad to see Crash take home so many honors as well.....truly one of the best films I've seen in the past couple of years. I honestly didn't think I'd like it at the beginning, but I was bawling my eyes out at the end. Such an emotionally powerful movie.

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