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Will you vote for Hillary as our next President? [W:302] (1 Viewer)

Will you vote for Hillary as our next President

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Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

Just goes to show that people vote more along party lines than on who will actually be good for the country. No one in this thread knows who she will be running against and you've already chosen that you'll vote for her (or would if you could).

Like I said she has been coronated as the nominee.
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

no. nada.no way, not even if she was running against Beelzebub.. She was a disaster as Sec. of State.

All she has to offer is tired old Democratic demographics politics -leaning on "first woman"; which is all well and good
but goes against everything I believe while searching for competency.

She'll be completely unable to work with Congress, and after 5 years of that we are going to need someone who can reach across the aisle.
I'd consider anyone else of either party, but not here, not ever..
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

According to Bill Kristol today the "most promising" GOP candidate will be Unka Dick Cheney. That statement confirms the long held suspicions about Kristol's daily use of psychedelics and Everclear Grain alcohol.

I don't know what Unka means.:confused:
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

Depends on who the Republican nominee is.
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

Like I said she has been coronated as the nominee.

Come now NP, you know as well as I that you would no more vote Democrat than any of these people I talked about in my post would vote for a Republican.
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

You said NO ONE--you would be wrong.
Since you missed post #22 before yours, didn't bother to follow up after your post to correct yourself, and didn't wait for more posts, like mine after yours.
As well as the thoughtful responses in posts #4, 5, 7.

Just goes to show that people vote more along party lines than on who will actually be good for the country. No one in this thread knows who she will be running against and you've already chosen that you'll vote for her (or would if you could).
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

Just goes to show that people vote more along party lines than on who will actually be good for the country. No one in this thread knows who she will be running against and you've already chosen that you'll vote for her (or would if you could).

This not surprising, liberals and conservatives were in both parties, but today the parties are based upon idealogical lines. The Republicans are the consevative party and the Democrats are the liberal party. There was a time when that was reversed.
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

Just curious how do you know who that will be?:confused:

I would say that anybody that the republicans put up will be seriously flawed compared to my own political views. I would assume there would be better presidential candidates besides Clinton but as they have zero chance of winning the election, voting for them would be a waste of someone's vote IMHO.
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

It means "uncle". It is how Bush the Lesser used to refer to his vice president, "Unka Dick".

Huge GWB fan but havee never heard that terminology but whatever floats your boat.
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

Given the field as it stands now and the other likely contenders, yes. There is more than a 1 1/2 years between now and November 2016. Circumstances could change and that could change my vote.
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

I'm straight down the middle centrist, thinking hyper-partisanship is the biggest problem facing the US, not any one ideology.
I'm looking for whom is the best able to govern, I like O'Malley for that reason (metrics governing).

She offers nothing but more of the same top down bloated bureaucrat governing, as well backing Syrian "moderates" (friends of Syria)
did the silly reset with Russia (unable to comprehend it's not a mono-polar world), and her culpability in Libya ( not meaning Bengazi).

She is the worst thing that could happen to this country.
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

You said NO ONE--you would be wrong.
Since you missed post #22 before yours, didn't bother to follow up after your post to correct yourself, and didn't wait for more posts, like mine after yours.
As well as the thoughtful responses in posts #4, 5, 7.

I'm sorry that I wasn't specific enough for you. I had thought about quoting a couple of posts that I was referring to but I wanted to avoid any possibility of breaking any rules for making unnecessary call outs. Perhaps you could use that big brain of yours to figure out who I'm talking about using extrapolation and deductive reasoning of who said what and who didn't say what in this thread. ;)
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

Assuming that a more progressive candidate doesn't enter the pool, then probably. We need a third party though.
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

This not surprising, liberals and conservatives were in both parties, but today the parties are based upon idealogical lines. The Republicans are the consevative party and the Democrats are the liberal party. There was a time when that was reversed.

Except that you fail to realize that both Republicans and Democrats are at their core the exact same.
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

We need a third party though.

To split the Republicans, I presume?

The only thing a third party would do is take majorities from whoever is more aligned with the major party.
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

Pretty much this. I'd far prefer a more progressive candidate. Hillary will do the job well, I'm sure, but her policy is hardly ideal. Of course, letting the Republican establishment or even worse, the Tea Party fringe, get any more power is a lot worse than ideal.

Except the GOP House doesn't have any real power--as long as they insist on all 218 votes on a bill coming from just their party.
The Freedom Caucus/TEAs block the Elites/AAN and the Elites are hammering them back home with hit ads.
The GOP now ignores their own 'Hastert Rule', the majority of the majority being for something and attracting DEM votes, to placate the TEAs who will have none of it.
Which, btw, is what the Nation is craving.

Instead, we'll continue to legislate from one crisis to another, as we did with the Cromnibus and the DHS.

And if Clinton is President, the GOP Senate will block any new SCOTUS selections, setting up a Constitutional crisis .
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

Its really nice to see a legitimate poll with actual votes.......Thank you Mod Team.;)
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

To split the Republicans, I presume?

The only thing a third party would do is take majorities from whoever is more aligned with the major party.

We already have three parties--the DEMs and the two within the GOP.
Freedom Caucus/TEAs versus Elites/AAN is a far more vicious fight than the one between DEMs and GOPs .
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

As things stand now, I would vote for Gary Johnson.
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

Except that you fail to realize that both Republicans and Democrats are at their core the exact same.

Such as on the recent DHS bill--just for starters?
Though I'm sure you'll dance with the "at their core" phrase.

Such as the core of the GOP wanting to do away with the New Deal--for another--there's plenty more, as you know .
Re: Will you vote for Hillary as ourr next President?

As things stand now, I would vote for Gary Johnson.

You'll have to pull Johnson away from being CEO of his Marihuana Business .

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