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Will Trump Endorse Hillary If He Doesn't Get The GOP Nomination? (1 Viewer)

Will Trump Endorse Hillary if he doesn't get the nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • No

    Votes: 21 80.8%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
May 1, 2015
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Libertarian - Right
This is asked under the assumption that August is too late to start a third party candidacy.
Can he not run himself, as an independent?

Most states have "sore loser" laws. If that doesn't knock him out, the deadlines will. Here is how it works in Texas, for example:

Independent candidates for President file an application with the Secretary of State. The application must be submitted with a petition, and both documents must be filed no later than May 9, 2016. The petitions can be circulated beginning after March 1, 2016. For 2016, the petition must contain 79,939 signatures of registered voters who did not vote in the presidential primary of either party. The application must include the information about and signed consent from the candidate’s vice-presidential running mate. In addition to the petition and application, an independent candidate for President must provide signed, written statements of consent to be a presidential elector candidate from 38 presidential elector candidates (the number of presidential electors that federal law allocates to Texas). Forms are linked below and may be obtained from the Secretary of State’s office.
Considering he's donated money to her in the past and is a malicious, wicked little man (matching her personality) it wouldn't surprise me.
This is asked under the assumption that August is too late to start a third party candidacy.

That is an interesting question. I suspect that if he doesn't get the nomination, an endorsement of Clinton would not be out of the question. He would almost certainly side with her over Cruz. I mean, lets face it, Trump is not a republican anyway. But I doubt Hillary would be too happy about his endorsement, nor would it help her.
But I doubt Hillary would be too happy about his endorsement, nor would it help her.

I, myself, don't see him out and out making endorsements to Hillary. But there's still something to this.

She's made slight pivots to Trump and Sanders supporters on the basis that they have a few things in common, and an unquantified number of them felt like it was a choice between the two. Given this potential weakness in her campaign, she decided to make a subtle reminder that Trump's support doesn't rest solely on his Archie Bunkerisms. This rested on the assumption that some of the Sanders sympathizers are also sympathizers for Trump and are so because of economic insecurities.
not a chance that he'll endorse Clinton. if he's close to or has the number of delegates that he needs to win and the party gives the nomination to someone else, though, my guess is that he'll try to run anyway.

which leads to an interesting question : can he actually run as an independent that late in the game? i hadn't thought to ask that before.
not a chance that he'll endorse Clinton. if he's close to or has the number of delegates that he needs to win and the party gives the nomination to someone else, though, my guess is that he'll try to run anyway.

which leads to an interesting question : can he actually run as an independent that late in the game? i hadn't thought to ask that before.

He won't run as an independent, it would cost him too much money and even he knows it is a lost cause. He will do his best to make sure supporters don't vote for the GOP candidate though. I believe he will encourage then to stay home or write in his name.
He won't run as an independent, it would cost him too much money and even he knows it is a lost cause. He will do his best to make sure supporters don't vote for the GOP candidate though. I believe he will encourage then to stay home or write in his name.

yeah, he might be limited to a write in effort. probably too late to mount an independent run after the convention.
He could also wage a write-in campaign. Write-in votes are allowed and counted in 42 states.
hahahahahahahahahaha NO.
Why would Trump endorse anyone? There's nothing requiring him, or any other candidate, to tell their followers to go follow someone else.
No way would Trump ever endorse Hillary.

If Cruz wins the nomination I don't see him endorsing the biggest pain in his side either. But if Cruz loses to Hillary I see him doing the biggest happy dance.
This is asked under the assumption that August is too late to start a third party candidacy.

It will NOT be too late for a third party candidacy. If Trump is smart, he can see what will happen in Cleveland before he ever gets there. His team can being to make ready for the third party effort and announce it on Friday morning right there in Cleveland with his delegates present and cheering. They can begin the petition drive in some 40 states to get on the ballot and in the ones whose deadline has already passed, he can reach out to tiny parties with ballot access to see if they want to nominate him as their standard bearer and get fifty times the votes they might normally get.
It will NOT be too late for a third party candidacy. If Trump is smart, he can see what will happen in Cleveland before he ever gets there. His team can being to make ready for the third party effort and announce it on Friday morning right there in Cleveland with his delegates present and cheering. They can begin the petition drive in some 40 states to get on the ballot and in the ones whose deadline has already passed, he can reach out to tiny parties with ballot access to see if they want to nominate him as their standard bearer and get fifty times the votes they might normally get.

OK, then, let's try just one, but big state: Texas. Do you think the Libertarians are going to kick Johnson off the ballot? Take a look at the rules in Texas and tell me how how this would be done without violating the election laws. Pay careful attention to the law regarding how a party selects its candidate.
OK, then, let's try just one, but big state: Texas. Do you think the Libertarians are going to kick Johnson off the ballot? Take a look at the rules in Texas and tell me how how this would be done without violating the election laws. Pay careful attention to the law regarding how a party selects its candidate.

Good call since Texas is the most problematic. And i admit that is the one I would also be most concerned about. But even without Texas Trump can still make a very big splash in the nation.

btw - do you have a list of what parties have ballot access in Texas? To my knowledge its the big two plus Greens and Libertarians.
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Good call since Texas is the most problematic. And i admit that is the one I would also be most concerned about. But even without Texas Trump can still make a very big splash in the nation.

btw - do you have a list of what parties have ballot access in Texas?

Also, remember that in the General Election, if no candidate gets 270 Electoral votes, the election is decided in the House of Representatives.

Currently, the Libertarian Party and the Green Party are the only minor parties in Texas that have ballot access.

See the link below for the source (Texas SoS office)
Running For President in Texas
Also, remember that in the General Election, if no candidate gets 270 Electoral votes, the election is decided in the House of Representatives.

See the link below for the source (Texas SoS office)
Running For President in Texas

Thank you for that link. It does not seem to indicate what the official date is for parties that already have ballot access to submit the name of their official candidates. Since the Democrats meet one week after the Republicans, it would seem logical to assume that the Texas date is after that.

If you know of that date - or if I missed it in that link - please let me know so we are both on the same page.
Most states have "sore loser" laws. If that doesn't knock him out, the deadlines will. Here is how it works in Texas, for example:

Regardless of whether he is on a ballot or not he can still be a write in. He wouldn't win of course but if the GOP does the spoiler to him like they have been doing he might just do it back.
yeah, he might be limited to a write in effort. probably too late to mount an independent run after the convention.

He has sore loser written all over him. too late to run as an independent though
This is asked under the assumption that August is too late to start a third party candidacy.
At first I thought, yeah, his whole candidacy is designed to paint the GOP and their candidates he's beating in a bad light, insuring that Hillary would win against any of those candidates in November, including himself.

But then I started thinking that he really does think he has a chance, so that he would thus run as an independent, if it's not too late.

It's hard to tell anymore with Trump. He can appear so narcissistic that I can easily think that's all there is to him.

Then he gives millions of silent angry Americans a voice. He may not be that much of a sociopath to abandon that voice.

He remains an enigma .. one I hope does not win the election .. though all of the candidates this year are so lacking that this election it's so very true that the winner will be only very slightly the lesser of many evils.
Considering he is ruining the GOP to ensure a Clinton presidency he won't need to endorse her. He has already put her in to the White House.

The GOP doesn't need any help, they ruined themselves years ago.

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