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Will Maria Butina bring down the NRA or diminish its power? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Maria Butina the Russian spy had a lot to do with the NRA and the NRA contacts with the Russians. There is scuttlebutt that the NRA took money from the Russians and funneled it to the Trump campaign. She has flipped and if that turns out to be true, the NRA and its leaders could be in very big trouble. The NRA is already having financial problems and fighting any legal problems could make matters for them much worse. And what about the next election in 2020. If they are having to cut back on staff and programs, how will they supply campaign money to all of the Federal and state lawmakers they presently support? This will be especially hard if the Feds are looking over their shoulders to see where the NRA funds for political purposes are coming from? So will this Russian spy bring down the NRA or diminish its power?
I don't know what her end game might be. Apparently no one arrested as a Russian spy has ever "cooperated" in exchange for a plea deal. If Butina does so, and is deported after serving her sentence, she's one dead Russian redhead... and I'm sure she knows that.

Perhaps she realizes she will live longer if she does her time and gives up the goods on her Russian handler in exchange for a permanent resident visa here in America. There really isn't any good choice for her, but choice number 2 gives her a chance to live at least a couple decades longer.
Thanks so much about your concern of the NRA. They will be just fine and will
be willing and able to point out all of the anti-guns zelots that will be running for office
in 2020.

The NRA started November 17, 1871 in New York City, NY.

Here is just a little bit that the NRA is active with.

In civilian training, the NRA continues to be the leader in firearms education. Over 125,000 certified instructors now train about 1,000,000 gun owners a year. Courses are available in basic rifle, pistol, shotgun, muzzleloading firearms, personal protection, even ammunition reloading. Additionally, nearly 7,000 certified coaches are specially trained to work with young competitive shooters. Since the establishment of the lifesaving Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program in 1988, more than 28 million pre-kindergarten to fourth grade children have learned that if they see a firearm in an unsupervised situation, they should "STOP. DON'T TOUCH. RUN AWAY. TELL A GROWNUP." Over the past seven years, Refuse To Be A Victim® seminars have helped more than 100,000 men and women develop their own personal safety plan using common sense strategies.

In 1990, NRA made a dramatic move to ensure that the financial support for firearms-related activities would be available now and for future generations. Establishing the NRA Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization, provided a means to raise millions of dollars to fund gun safety and educational projects of benefit to the general public. Contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible and benefit a variety of American constituencies including youth, women, hunters, competitive shooters, gun collectors, law enforcement agents and persons with physical disabilities.

While widely recognized today as a major political force and as America's foremost defender of Second Amendment rights, the NRA has, since its inception, been the premier firearms education organization in the world. But our successes would not be possible without the tireless efforts and countless hours of service our nearly five million members have given to champion Second Amendment rights and support NRA programs. As former Clinton spokesman George Stephanopoulos said, "Let me make one small vote for the NRA. They're good citizens. They call their congressmen. They write. They vote. They contribute. And they get what they want over time."

Read about the rest here:
Maria Butina the Russian spy had a lot to do with the NRA and the NRA contacts with the Russians. There is scuttlebutt that the NRA took money from the Russians and funneled it to the Trump campaign. She has flipped and if that turns out to be true, the NRA and its leaders could be in very big trouble. The NRA is already having financial problems and fighting any legal problems could make matters for them much worse. And what about the next election in 2020. If they are having to cut back on staff and programs, how will they supply campaign money to all of the Federal and state lawmakers they presently support? This will be especially hard if the Feds are looking over their shoulders to see where the NRA funds for political purposes are coming from? So will this Russian spy bring down the NRA or diminish its power?

How about we go with more facts...less scuttlebutt?
Maria Butina the Russian spy had a lot to do with the NRA and the NRA contacts with the Russians. There is scuttlebutt that the NRA took money from the Russians and funneled it to the Trump campaign. She has flipped and if that turns out to be true, the NRA and its leaders could be in very big trouble. The NRA is already having financial problems and fighting any legal problems could make matters for them much worse. And what about the next election in 2020. If they are having to cut back on staff and programs, how will they supply campaign money to all of the Federal and state lawmakers they presently support? This will be especially hard if the Feds are looking over their shoulders to see where the NRA funds for political purposes are coming from? So will this Russian spy bring down the NRA or diminish its power?

No, it will not.
This could be very interesting. I greatly look forward to everything this young woman can tell the US and I hope she is 100% honest and forthcoming telling all and holding nothing back.

If she does that, perhaps she would merit residency here as a reward.
She will be pardoned after saying nothing....because it's a witch hunt.
Maria Butina the Russian spy had a lot to do with the NRA and the NRA contacts with the Russians. There is scuttlebutt that the NRA took money from the Russians and funneled it to the Trump campaign. She has flipped and if that turns out to be true, the NRA and its leaders could be in very big trouble. The NRA is already having financial problems and fighting any legal problems could make matters for them much worse. And what about the next election in 2020. If they are having to cut back on staff and programs, how will they supply campaign money to all of the Federal and state lawmakers they presently support? This will be especially hard if the Feds are looking over their shoulders to see where the NRA funds for political purposes are coming from? So will this Russian spy bring down the NRA or diminish its power?

good fellas laugh.jpg
Maria Butina the Russian spy had a lot to do with the NRA and the NRA contacts with the Russians. There is scuttlebutt that the NRA took money from the Russians and funneled it to the Trump campaign. She has flipped and if that turns out to be true, the NRA and its leaders could be in very big trouble. The NRA is already having financial problems and fighting any legal problems could make matters for them much worse. And what about the next election in 2020. If they are having to cut back on staff and programs, how will they supply campaign money to all of the Federal and state lawmakers they presently support? This will be especially hard if the Feds are looking over their shoulders to see where the NRA funds for political purposes are coming from? So will this Russian spy bring down the NRA or diminish its power?

No, she won't bring down the NRA nor will she reduce its influence. It's far too large a lobbying group with far too much money to be stopped by something like this.
Well the NRA admits it took "some" money from Russian sources, but of course none of it was used for political purposes if you believe the NRA. The real question is where did the NRA get the 30 million that it gave to the Trump campaign. I guess we will find out as the investigation unfolds, but Ms Butina may hold some of the answers.

The only fact I could find in that article was this: "a letter from the NRA, dated Tuesday, in which the gun rights group reported receiving $2,512.85 in contributions and membership dues “from people associated with Russian addresses” or known Russian nationals living in the United States from 2015 to the present." The rest is scuttlebutt.

As far as the 30 million you speak of...sure, go ahead and investigate. I suggest starting with tax filings.

I found this interesting:

Only one person has donated even close to the maximum amount allowed by federal law, which is $5,000 per year: a computer programmer from Houston. Since 2005, he has donated $50,050 -- just shy of the $55,000 allowed for the 11-year period (including this year).


I'm thinking it'll take a LOT of Russians to donate $30 million.
The NRA is currently running out of money. I guess Putin shut off the tap
The only fact I could find in that article was this: "a letter from the NRA, dated Tuesday, in which the gun rights group reported receiving $2,512.85 in contributions and membership dues “from people associated with Russian addresses” or known Russian nationals living in the United States from 2015 to the present." The rest is scuttlebutt.

As far as the 30 million you speak of...sure, go ahead and investigate. I suggest starting with tax filings.

I found this interesting:

I'm thinking it'll take a LOT of Russians to donate $30 million.

The 30 million came through an NRA PAC that didn't have to report where it got it's funding from
The only fact I could find in that article was this: "a letter from the NRA, dated Tuesday, in which the gun rights group reported receiving $2,512.85 in contributions and membership dues “from people associated with Russian addresses” or known Russian nationals living in the United States from 2015 to the present." The rest is scuttlebutt.

As far as the 30 million you speak of...sure, go ahead and investigate. I suggest starting with tax filings.

I found this interesting:

I'm thinking it'll take a LOT of Russians to donate $30 million.

Putin is the wealthiest man in the world, worth over a hundred billion dollars. How hard would it be for him to come up with 30 Million dollars?
Will Maria Butina bring down the NRA or diminish its power?

That's a rather unsupportable contention, given the evidence now coming out about about nakedly illegal collusion between Russian money, the NRA and the Trump campaign.

Utter and complete madeup bull****...PER USUAL.

Please list all the PPROOF of YOUR MADEUP BULL**** NONSENSE HERE, please.

Wow...a Russian dude TWEETED THE NRA and supports its princples...where is all that "LAUNDERED MONEY" you lied about having proof of?

And the NRA bought ads supporting a PRO-SECOND AMENDMENT CANDIDATE .


Where is the "PROOF" of all that NRA/RUSSIAN MONEY LAUNDERING you just got busted LYING ABOUT?
Already supplied. Yet again, you're in way, waaaaay over your head here.

I don't why forums allow people like that to post and **** all over the forum. They do nothing but troll, over nothing. It's obvious they are just posting dumb flame bait and never actually make any intelligent comments
Wow...a Russian dude TWEETED THE NRA and supports its princples...where is all that "LAUNDERED MONEY" you lied about having proof of?

And the NRA bought ads supporting a PRO-SECOND AMENDMENT CANDIDATE .


Where is the "PROOF" of all that NRA/RUSSIAN MONEY LAUNDERING you just got busted LYING ABOUT?

Yawn. You cannot accept reality, you reject facts and you worship Trump as your god.

Proof has already been supplied. Butina cut a deal and things look VERY bad for the NRA just now, with the feds stepping and their near-bankrupt status.

Womp womp.
Maria Butina the Russian spy had a lot to do with the NRA and the NRA contacts with the Russians. There is scuttlebutt that the NRA took money from the Russians and funneled it to the Trump campaign. She has flipped and if that turns out to be true, the NRA and its leaders could be in very big trouble. The NRA is already having financial problems and fighting any legal problems could make matters for them much worse. And what about the next election in 2020. If they are having to cut back on staff and programs, how will they supply campaign money to all of the Federal and state lawmakers they presently support? This will be especially hard if the Feds are looking over their shoulders to see where the NRA funds for political purposes are coming from? So will this Russian spy bring down the NRA or diminish its power?

Why not wait to read Butina's plea agreement due out tomorrow morning?

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