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Will Karl Rove loose his job over TreasonGate? (1 Viewer)

Will Karl Rove loose his job over TreasonGate?

  • Yes, Karl will resign.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • President Bush will fire him.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • What? Karl is a true American patriot - no way!

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • He will get promoted and/or a medal.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Who? When is Survivor on?

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
No, and I don't know why you couldn't make "no" one of the options. I don't think he's leaving, but that's not because I'm in love with the guy. :roll:
hiker said:
No, and I don't know why you couldn't make "no" one of the options. I don't think he's leaving, but that's not because I'm in love with the guy. :roll:

OK, you can think of number three as a simple no if it makes you feel better.
I think he is too egotistical to resign and I don't think Bush could operate without him.
scottyz said:
I think he is too egotistical to resign and I don't think Bush could operate without him.

I think Bush would continue to use Rove from his jail cell if neccessary.

Why should he resign? He has not been charged or convicted of anything.......The only people complaining are left wing libs........

He is a brilliant advisor to the president............
Navy Pride said:
Why should he resign? He has not been charged or convicted of anything.......The only people complaining are left wing libs........

He is a brilliant advisor to the president............
He is a brilliant advisor on campaign issues, but as a advisor to the President on how to run the country he isn't so hot.
scottyz said:
He is a brilliant advisor on campaign issues, but as a advisor to the President on how to run the country he isn't so hot.

Why am I not surprised you believe that?:roll:
Navy Pride said:
Why should he resign? He has not been charged or convicted of anything.......The only people complaining are left wing libs........

He is a brilliant advisor to the president............

I think that's setting the bar pretty low, if the only way you can be out of a job is to be convicted of a crime. Reagan had much higher standards than that when he cleaned house and was able to win back the support of the country after the Iran-Contra scandal.
hipsterdufus said:
I think that's setting the bar pretty low, if the only way you can be out of a job is to be convicted of a crime. Reagan had much higher standards than that when he cleaned house and was able to win back the support of the country after the Iran-Contra scandal.

Well if Clinton can commit perjury and keep his job then if and advisor to the president who has been convicted of no crime ought to be able to keep his..........
Navy Pride said:
Well if Clinton can commit perjury and keep his job then if and advisor to the president who has been convicted of no crime ought to be able to keep his..........
Bush vowed that anyone found to be leaking information would resign. I thought Bush was suppose to be bring honor and dignity back to the white house and have higher standards than Clinton.
scottyz said:
Bush vowed that anyone found to be leaking information would resign. I thought Bush was suppose to be bring honor and dignity back to the white house and have higher standards than Clinton.

Prove Rove leaked any information.........

The President is not getting any BJs in the oval office like the perv was.........
Navy Pride said:
Prove Rove leaked any information.........

The President is not getting any BJs in the oval office like the perv was.........
Matthew Cooper has already confirmed that Rove leaked information to him. What's worse is that Rove first claimed he never talked about the subject to anyone, but later admitted that he had. So he not only leaked info, but he also lied about it. Frankly I consider treason and matters of national security more important that blowjobs. Who knows how many undercover agents have been killed because of what Libby and Rove did.
scottyz said:
Matthew Cooper has already confirmed that Rove leaked information to him. What's worse is that Rove first claimed he never talked about the subject to anyone, but later admitted that he had. So he not only leaked info, but he also lied about it. Frankly I consider treason and matters of national security more important that blowjobs. Who knows how many undercover agents have been killed because of what Libby and Rove did.

Yeah and Jones and Broderick said Clinton raped them just like Cooper confirmed the leak.....

He said, she said...........does not mean squat..........prove it........
Outside of defeating Gore and Kerry, what has Rove done wrong, in the eyes of the Libs? Perhaps if they can tell us the crimes he's been charged with, they could add some clarity to this thread?
Navy Pride said:
Yeah and Jones and Broderick said Clinton raped them just like Cooper confirmed the leak.....

He said, she said...........does not mean squat..........prove it........
So now you're staying that Clinton isn't a rapist? :lol:
I was wondering how long it would take for a bush supporter to bring up Clinton.....about what I expected.

I think its either Rove...or Bush at this point, and Bush isnt going anywhere.
scottyz said:
So now you're staying that Clinton isn't a rapist? :lol:

I don't know if Clinton is a rapist or not but judging by the number of women that accused him of rape and his disgraceful actions with Lewinsky and Flowers I sure would not put it past him...........

Where there is smoke there is usually fire.......
Navy Pride said:
I don't know if Clinton is a rapist or not but judging by the number of women that accused him of rape and his disgraceful actions with Lewinsky and Flowers I sure would not put it past him...........

Where there is smoke there is usually fire.......

You know, if you ever need a job, the Swift Boat Vets For Truth could use someone like you.
hipsterdufus said:
You know, if you ever need a job, the Swift Boat Vets For Truth could use someone like you.

When I was stationed at Cam Ranh Bay in 1968 I actually met a few Swiftboat guys.........They had a really tough job and I can understand them not liking someone who shirked his duties and then try to capitalize on his military record as the cornerstone for his right to be president........

I also know 2 Medal of Honor winners one of which sided with the Swiftboat vets in their opposition to Kerry.......

My hat is off to those guys...........

Lets face fact hips, Bush could have been had in 2004 but your party elected a very flawed candidate..........
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Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Outside of defeating Gore and Kerry, what has Rove done wrong, in the eyes of the Libs? Perhaps if they can tell us the crimes he's been charged with, they could add some clarity to this thread?

Like Dick Cheney, he avoided the Vietnam draft with a college deferment, but gave up his education to work on Republican campaigns, and never got a degree. He launched his political career by wresting control of the College Republicans, a radical group in the Nixon era. It was an unpleasant business. In an interesting precursor to the Florida battle 17 years later, Rove took on his opponent, Robert Edgeworth, principally on procedural grounds - challenging the credentials of every single Edgeworth delegate to the1973 College Republican convention and putting forward a rival delegate.


The 1986 governor's race was a prime example. The contest between Rove's Republican client, Bill Clements, and the Democratic incumbent, Mark White, was neck and neck, when Rove announced he had found an electronic listening device in his office, and cried foul. The furore swung the election to Clements and to this day Texan Democrats are convinced Rove concocted the whole episode.

Eight years later, another Democrat, Anne Richards, occupied the governor's mansion, but Rove was promoting another Republican candidate, George W Bush. Governor Richards' advisers laughed openly at the challenge, but they were in for a shock. "We did not believe that Bush would be as disciplined as he was. He was extremely disciplined," recalls George Shipley, who was then Richards' campaign adviser. "Karl gave him 10 index cards and said, 'This is what you are going to say. Don't confuse yourself with the issues.' It's the model for the presidency."

In its last days, the 1994 campaign also turned nasty. Texan voters began receiving calls from "pollsters" asking questions such as: "Would you be more or less likely to vote for Governor Richards if you knew her staff is dominated by lesbians?" In the business, it is called "push-polling" and Shipley has no doubt who was behind it."Rove has used this kind of dirty tricks in every campaign he's ever run."

Only circumstantial evidence links Rove to the push-polling. In fact, his fingerprints have not been found on any dirty tricks since his College Republican days. Ray Sullivan, a political consultant who worked for Rove on a string of campaigns, argues that Rove is the target of "revisionist history" that portrays every low blow in every campaign to his orchestration. "He can be tough," Sullivan says, but insists he was always fair. "Politics in Texas is a contact sport. It is rough and tumble but those who cut corners and don't back up claims with facts don't last very long and Karl has lasted longer than anyone."

Navy Pride said:
Yeah and Jones and Broderick said Clinton raped them just like Cooper confirmed the leak.....

He said, she said...........does not mean squat..........prove it........
Now what are you getting at Mr. Pride? Need I remind you, again, how often you've called President Clinton a rapist? Remember these gems:
Navy Pride said:
As for polls they are phoney but thet does not change the fact that a huge majority of the military voted for President Bush in 2000 and 2004 and they love this president unlike that womanizing, draft dodger, pot head Rapist "Slick Willie."
Source: http://www.debatepolitics.com/showpo...&postcount=190
Or this time:
Navy Pride said:
Your boy Slick Willie was a womanizing, draft dodger, rapist, and convicted felon........Other then that he wasn't to bad.
Source: http://www.debatepolitics.com/showpo...&postcount=169

Needless to say you're missing the point, again. Why must you always use the same lame debating tactic? You can't defend Rove on his record or with the current facts so instead you bring President Clinton into this debate, again.

What Rove does or did is what this thread is all about, not about Clinton. Rove is, IMHO, a blight on the White House, and even Senators like Trent Lott have recently suggested that he needs to go. Not to mention how many other REPUBLICANS keep suggesting that Bush needs "fresh blood" in the White House. Bush is the All-Star CRONY of CRONIES. He puts his personal loyalties over the good of our country, yet another reason he's one of the very worst Presidents ever.

I cannot think of one American President who is despised the world round the way Bush is. 25,000 protesters today in Argentina just support the clear notion that the world Hates BUSH.

Are you prepared to tell us that being the most hated nation in the world with the most hated world leader is good for the USA?

Now you wrote this:
Navy Pride said:
He is a brilliant advisor to the president.
Now, considering that Rove is "Bush's Brain" I think it's not a leap to say that Rove has orchestrated the intense hatred for Bush worldwide. Yeah, he's some brilliant advisor these days.

In times gone by Rove was quite the manipulator. The problem is he became TOO confident in his ability to do whatever he wants and now he's in deep $hit. Will he be indicted? How knows? Time will tell.

Is Rove's litmus test to stay in his job that he's not been indicted? That's where the line is drawn?

Rove needs to go, the sooner the better. I think he will resign before the end of the year because at this point he's not effective anymore and even Bush will figure this out (someone will whisper it in his ear).
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Navy Pride said:
I don't know if Clinton is a rapist or not but judging by the number of women that accused him of rape and his disgraceful actions with Lewinsky and Flowers I sure would not put it past him...........

Where there is smoke there is usually fire.......
Bush has been accused of rape too, a lawsuit was even filed. The woman was found dead after filing the lawsuit.

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