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WikiLeaks Releases Hillary's Paid Speech Transcripts . (1 Viewer)

The Russians really don't want Hillary to be the president.
The Russians really don't want Hillary to be the president.

No one with a brain wants Hillary to be President. In these transcripts she discusses having two policies.

A public policy, meant to lull soft headed voters into voting for her, and a private policy where she plans on enriching the top 1% and herself once she gets into office
The Russians really don't want Hillary to be the president.

If you want Hillary the incompetent criminal to be president I question if you should be voting.
So far there doesn't appear to be the smoking gun Assange alluded to. Maybe it is coming.
No one with a brain wants Hillary to be President. In these transcripts she discusses having two policies.

A public policy, meant to lull soft headed voters into voting for her, and a private policy where she plans on enriching the top 1% and herself once she gets into office

You mean in the transcripts that could have been doctored by the Russians?
So far there doesn't appear to be the smoking gun Assange alluded to. Maybe it is coming.

Seriously, what in the hell would be the smoking gun to you people? She would basically have to eat a child or something for you people to think she is a bad pick.
You mean in the transcripts that could have been doctored by the Russians?

It's not like the woman doesn't have a long history of this kind of stuff. Nope.
If you want Hillary the incompetent criminal to be president I question if you should be voting.

I am sorry but Hillary has not been charged or convicted of a crime. Are you in the habit of denying due process to all Americans or just her?

As far as competency, I would love to match your candidate to her.
I am sorry but Hillary has not been charged or convicted of a crime. Are you in the habit of denying due process to all Americans or just her?

As far as competency, I would love to match your candidate to her.

Are you in the habit of ignoring evidence and agreeing with someone that thinks you can only violate the law if it is a hard copy?
Seriously, what in the hell would be the smoking gun to you people? She would basically have to eat a child or something for you people to think she is a bad pick.

Assange said his next leak would provide enough evidence to get her indicted. What I have seen of this most recent leak so far doesn't even have criminal behavior. Just the same sleezy duplicity we have come to expect from politicians.
Assange said his next leak would provide enough evidence to get her indicted. What I have seen of this most recent leak so far doesn't even have criminal behavior. Just the same sleezy duplicity we have come to expect from politicians.

I don't know if this is "it" but there are a few thousand emails.
It takes a while to go through them all.
So far there doesn't appear to be the smoking gun Assange alluded to. Maybe it is coming.

Apparently you didn't read them. She talks about having two policies, one for the voters and one to enrich the 1%

All the Bernie supporters are getting the wool pulled over their eyes.
When Loyd Blankefield quipped that you go to Washington to make a small fortune she agreed, and then complained about ethics rules that force people to divest from certain assets before entering into office
So far there doesn't appear to be the smoking gun Assange alluded to. Maybe it is coming.

He said he would be releasing new information every week leading up to the election. Perhaps there is more.
Apparently you didn't read them. She talks about having two policies, one for the voters and one to enrich the 1%

All the Bernie supporters are getting the wool pulled over their eyes.
When Loyd Blankefield quipped that you go to Washington to make a small fortune she agreed, and then complained about ethics rules that force people to divest from certain assets before entering into office

That's literally nothing new.

Nor would Trump change that, so I don't know why y'all are grasping at this straw.
That's literally nothing new.

Nor would Trump change that, so I don't know why y'all are grasping at this straw.

So your'e saying her supporters and Bernie supporters have known all along that she was feeding them a line of BS, telling them what they want to hear when it came to her policy initiatives ?

Look who's grasping at straws
So your'e saying her supporters and Bernie supporters have known all along that she was feeding them a line of BS, telling them what they want to hear when it came to her policy initiatives ?

Look who's grasping at straws

Judging from the reactions of a lot of people before, during and after literally everything Hilary Clinton has ever said, it'd be hard to come to a conclusion otherwise.

The idea that this is somehow magically going to vault Trump to victory is laughable, and that's the only reason y'all brought it up, so.....

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