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Why? (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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Simple question. Why does Biden get all worked up about Americans dying of Covid?

I refer to the statics that show chances of dying from Covid are minuscule?

And at the same juncture he (or whoever) is marching us toward world extinction via WW3

How do we square the two?
I'm sure your words comfort the families of the ~700,000 covid dead. I find you using them as a political poker chip disgusting, but not a surprise.

And I'd love to hear what you'd prefer he do regarding Putin and Ukraine.

Your solution(s) please?
Simple question. Why does Biden get all worked up about Americans dying of Covid?

I refer to the statics that show chances of dying from Covid are minuscule?

And at the same juncture he (or whoever) is marching us toward world extinction via WW3

How do we square the two?
It all comes from "Never let a good crisis go to waste." (Even if you have to manufacture the crisis.)
Number 1 cause Heart Disease
Number 2 cause COVID
Number 3 cause Cancer

Are you much happier with these types of statements
-You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April."
(at least he didn't state a year)
Number 1 cause Heart Disease
Number 2 cause COVID
Number 3 cause Cancer

Are you much happier with these types of statements
-You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April."
(at least he didn't state a year)

He was worried only 99.1% of people survive Covid. Then marches out to beat the drums of 100% world extinction via Ukraine
I'm sure your words comfort the families of the ~700,000 covid dead. I find you using them as a political poker chip disgusting, but not a surprise.

And I'd love to hear what you'd prefer he do regarding Putin and Ukraine.

Your solution(s) please?

Almost a million now, in the US....

Simple question. Why does Biden get all worked up about Americans dying of Covid?

Because for all his faults, he is not an evil sociopath. He is actually a president in more than the technical sense, like him or not.
Simple question. Why does Biden get all worked up about Americans dying of Covid?

I refer to the statics that show chances of dying from Covid are minuscule?

And at the same juncture he (or whoever) is marching us toward world extinction via WW3

How do we square the two?
This is an example of conservative ethics. Almost 1 million Americans are dead (990K plus) and all the GOP sees are politics. More than half of those deaths were preventable.
Simple question. Why does Biden get all worked up about Americans dying of Covid?
I refer to the statics that show chances of dying from Covid are minuscule?

And at the same juncture he (or whoever) is marching us toward world extinction via WW3

How do we square the two?
I feel no need to "square" reality and your silly fantasies.
The overall death rates per 100k from 2017 to current have been trending DOWN...even during the two highest rated COVID years. When this has all been settled and the political weaponizing of numbers is no longer a thing, we are going to find that there were no increases in overall death rates because the people that died "because of COVID" did not die "because of COVID"...they died because of the same age related poor health and co-morbid ailments that have always killed the elderly.

At the same time, you cant (should not) compare the political use of COVID to an ongoing war started by Russia...and as grossly incompetent as Biden is, there is nothing he has done to date to push us headlong into a war with Russia.
Simple question. Why does Biden get all worked up about Americans dying of Covid?

I refer to the statics that show chances of dying from Covid are minuscule?

And at the same juncture he (or whoever) is marching us toward world extinction via WW3

How do we square the two?

Because it is preventable in most cases. And what is the conservative answer to Ukraine? Just let Putin take it, do nothing, not even sanctions?
This is an example of conservative ethics. Almost 1 million Americans are dead (990K plus) and all the GOP sees are politics. More than half of those deaths were preventable.
They are so devoid of empathy that they actually do not believe it exists in other people. They believe that any outward showing of empathy is falsified because that's what they do. They are faking it, so why would they believe some of us aren't?
Covid is still polling as something people are worried about so the Biden campaign needs to show they're doing something.
Covid is about control. Break people to control them.
Regarding Ukraine, Biden doesn't want WWIII. This is a proxy war with Russia, to deplete and destroy them.
Biden's shown restraint so far in not sending troops.
Covid is about control. Break people to control them.
Regarding Ukraine, Biden doesn't want WWIII. This is a proxy war with Russia, to deplete and destroy them.
Biden's shown restraint so far in not sending troops.
Covid is about public health. It is not about controlling people.

Putin invaded Ukraine without reason and now is trying to say that anyone defending Ukraine from his aggression is a threat to him. How much is Putin paying you for this lame defense?
Covid is still polling as something people are worried about so the Biden campaign needs to show they're doing something.
Not true. Use Google and search recent ABC and quinn polls #1 Inflation... #2 Immigration
Covid is about control. Break people to control them.
Regarding Ukraine, Biden doesn't want WWIII. This is a proxy war with Russia, to deplete and destroy them.
Biden's shown restraint so far in not sending troops.
It's coming. The bell was rung
Covid is about control. Break people to control them.
Why are other countries dealing with covid then? Why did they have lockdowns? Why, esp countries like China where they already have an exceedingly autocratic society and more than that kind of control over people and are still cracking down on them in Shanghai for example?

How do you explain this apparent contrast in realities?
Regarding Ukraine, Biden doesn't want WWIII. This is a proxy war with Russia, to deplete and destroy them.
Biden's shown restraint so far in not sending troops.

Russia was/is an economic under-performer, it was nowhere near the economic power that Putin dreamed of achieving (or Khrushchev, lol)...no one wanted to waste resources or lives destroying it. No one needed to bother. Please provide some rational basis for such a ridiculous idea.

We dont 'want' Russia. It would be a giant money-sucking hole...just like it is for Putin...which is why Putin is hoping to expand.
Almost a million now, in the US....

Because for all his faults, he is not an evil sociopath. He is actually a president in more than the technical sense, like him or not.
But he wants to turn us to glass at the same time. You forgot about part of the thread equation

Do better
Covid is about control. Break people to control them.
Speed limits are about control. Break people to control them.
But he wants to turn us to glass at the same time. You forgot about part of the thread equation

Do better
You think Joe Biden wants to turn you into glass.
You think Joe Biden wants to turn you into glass.
Yes... His actions are leading to nuclear winter. He lacks the faculties to avoid it.
Yes... His actions are leading to nuclear winter. He lacks the faculties to avoid it.

And your plans that you'd recommend?

Surely you didnt miss where I asked you that already in post 2?
It all comes from "Never let a good crisis go to waste." (Even if you have to manufacture the crisis.)
6 million dead worldwide and you are still claiming it is all a hoax. No wonder your side are also the holocaust deniers. You have no heart.
6 million dead worldwide and you are still claiming it is all a hoax. No wonder your side are also the holocaust deniers. You have no heart.
I have never claimed Covid is a hoax.

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