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Why is pay in advance a custom for USA/Canada prostitutes? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 1, 2015
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Why would any man consent to that? The provider can cut the session short with no recourse, not provide service or mandate the terms of the session and make it not up for discussion. A USA prostitute is useless. A Canadian one is hit or miss.
This is what we worry about?
Why would any man consent to that? The provider can cut the session short with no recourse, not provide service or mandate the terms of the session and make it not up for discussion. A USA prostitute is useless. A Canadian one is hit or miss.

Life is tough when you’re preying on economically vulnerable women eh SDET?

Wouldn’t life be easier if they all just accepted $20 cell phones for sex like your creepy Cuban story?
Life is tough when you’re preying on economically vulnerable women eh SDET?

Wouldn’t life be easier if they all just accepted $20 cell phones for sex like your creepy Cuban story?

Life is tough when you’re preying on economically vulnerable women eh SDET?

Wouldn’t life be easier if they all just accepted $20 cell phones for sex like your creepy Cuban story?

It would leave enough money to pay the $250 round trip airfare Miami-Havana. However in the city, along the Malecon for example, expect to spend maybe $50-60 for the best.
Why would any man consent to that? The provider can cut the session short with no recourse, not provide service or mandate the terms of the session and make it not up for discussion. A USA prostitute is useless. A Canadian one is hit or miss.

Because its illegal and if a guy doesn't pay up front, gets a BJ or more then they're satisfied and can walk away without paying. The prostitute has no recourse legally speaking to get the theft of the money for services rendered because prostitution is an illegal.
Why would any man consent to that? The provider can cut the session short with no recourse, not provide service or mandate the terms of the session and make it not up for discussion. A USA prostitute is useless. A Canadian one is hit or miss.

A fast Google indicates that you have an interesting question, one that does not get often asked. My guess is that paying for sex is emotionally charged negatively so there is no interest in doing it twice....half before and half after to spread the risk. I also wonder if giving woman all the money upfront was a way to honor her, to further reward her for her willingness to spread her charms on a fee for service basis.
It would leave enough money to pay the $250 round trip airfare Miami-Havana. However in the city, along the Malecon for example, expect to spend maybe $50-60 for the best.

Not true

Alpha males get the best and they do not pay. Alpha males get the alpha females. The ones who are smart, successful, sexy, uninhibited, and since they are getting their own sexual needs fulfilled, they are happy to fulfill themselves without charging for it. Hell, some of them will cook for you too and even help straighten out the mess in your home.

Betas have to make do with the sort of women I would not **** for free with my worst enemies ****, and they have to pay for the privilege. Some betas are so low on the spectrum that they have to travel to third world countries in order to be able to afford the privilege
The prostitutes had to do like the gas stations did.Too many were pumping and not paying.
His fixation on prostitutes is certainly well known by now on the forum - as is his pathetic and desperate opinion of women in his messages overall.
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His fixation on prostitutes is certainly well known by now on the forum - as is his pathetic and desperate opinion of women in his messages overall.

We dont operate like the Borg just yet.....
The prostitutes had to do like the gas stations did.Too many were pumping and not paying.

Does not answer why the dont operate as most contractors do in that situation, half up front and half when the job is completed.
Not true

Alpha males get the best and they do not pay. Alpha males get the alpha females. The ones who are smart, successful, sexy, uninhibited, and since they are getting their own sexual needs fulfilled, they are happy to fulfill themselves without charging for it. Hell, some of them will cook for you too and even help straighten out the mess in your home.

Betas have to make do with the sort of women I would not **** for free with my worst enemies ****, and they have to pay for the privilege. Some betas are so low on the spectrum that they have to travel to third world countries in order to be able to afford the privilege

This is true, but sadly you must have quoted the wrong quote.
Do Americans tip?

Maybe that's why?

Lemme know what you find out.
Canadian hos ain't got **** on American hos!

To clarify, I've no idea. Just sayin'.
First World problems....

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