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Why Is Biden Afraid To Be Interviewed On Cable News? (3 Viewers)

Why Is Biden Afraid Of Being Interviewed on Cable News?

  • He is Afraid of Making Gaffes

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • His Campaign Directed Him Not To

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • He Is Afraid Of COVID

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • He Is Unsure Of His Own Positions On Issues

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • He Is Intimidated By People Asking Questions

    Votes: 3 10.7%

  • Total voters
As to my bona fides:

On a basic level, when performing a poll, there are two ways to account for possible sample bias regarding cross-tabs. Weighing, or stratified sampling. The latter is done before the polling, the former after.

Weighing is manipulating the results after the poll, according to demographics. If 20% of your respondents were Black, but only 16% of your population was, you modify the numbers accordingly. This type of adjustments warps the results in a way that can be dangerous, and scientifically unsound.

Stratification is different - with a stratified sample, the pollster has separate phone lists, divided by various demographic information. When the poll is performed, X percent of calls are made from each demographic list - where X is the percentage of the population represented by that list.

Both of these metrics require immaluble and mutually exclusive demographics, if any sense of accuracy is to be maintained. Which is why self-described party registration can not be used as either a weight, or a stratification.
Lookit those goal posts move!!!

No kidding! Why does it matter if he's in the studio? Many interviews arent in-person these days.

And 'softballs?' Please.

I do not currently work for a polling company. I have.

Just to be clear, I am against weighing, as a general rule.

Most of this post is in the not even wrong category.
So someone who actually knows how polls work has no business commenting on how polls work? Lol okay.

What specific polls are "skew" the weighting as you claim? Cite specific polls and methodology to back up your claim.

The Church of wokeness



Same old boring

I'm going to attack attack attack until my opposition shuts the hell up

Give it up, you have been owned so many times on this thread, you would think you would learn.

No acknowledgement at all. :roll:

Buncha goalpost movin' by him and the other followers tho.

Unweighted polls, which same Dems and Reps proportionately, have Biden with a much slimmer lead. This is fact. Check on it.

The United States has tens of millions more registered Democrats than it does registered Republicans - according to voter registration data.

What do you mean by "proportional"?
I guess so because Trump did great, as usual.

Was that this interview?

Fact check: At his first coronavirus briefing since April, Trump repeats a handful of classic false claims - CNNPolitics

Lie after lie. Or one ignorance after ignorance after another.

Neither is acceptable in a supposed leader.

No acknowledgement at all. :roll:

Buncha goalpost movin' by him and the other followers tho.

It is the sign of a juvenile mind. He clearly made an error, but he just can't admit it, it makes him look worse. I admire someone who can own up to a mistake.
The United States has tens of millions more registered Democrats than it does registered Republicans - according to voter registration data.

What do you mean by "proportional"?


Some obviously voted for Trump
I get the feeling that some posters here have perfect insight into Biden's campaign strategy

Yup...let The Donald make an incompetent ass of himself.

Did you see the huge (YUGE!) course-correction today? The Donald is on the run.

And JB doesnt have to do a damn thing except let him hang himself.

Fact-checking alone drives a few nails into that campaign coffin.

Fact check: At his first coronavirus briefing since April, Trump repeats a handful of classic false claims - CNNPolitics

How did he drop any ball?

See: Tulsa campaign rally and Mt Rushmore July 4th event.

And his 180 degree turnaround today. His YUGE fails became so evident that his handlers were finally able to convnce him to change course...radically. And now sound like even more of an ignorant hypocrite.

Fact check: At his first coronavirus briefing since April, Trump repeats a handful of classic false claims - CNNPolitics :mrgreen:

Waffles...they're not just for breakfast anymore! :lol:

The United States has tens of millions more registered Democrats than it does registered Republicans - according to voter registration data.
According to Gallup, voter registration in April had the country at 31% Democrat, 30% Republican, the rest Independent/Unaffiliated.
You realize Chris is an antagonist,right?

So no 'softballs' then, as has been claimed, at least by others.

Fact check: At his first coronavirus briefing since April, Trump repeats a handful of classic false claims - CNNPolitics

What a shame this has become. Liberals will eagerly vote for a piss stained, drooling idiot to lead this country into the gutter.

*snicker* I'm willing to bet you already did in 2016.

I voted He Is Unsure Of His Own Positions On Issues -because he just flipped flopped on getting rid of the fillibuster

Biden signals openness to eliminating Senate filibuster - POLITICO
As recently as February 2020, Biden opposed ending the filibuster.
Biden is attempting to appeal to skeptical left-wing voters.

No fillibuster = no minority check on 1 party rule

Yes but we are definitely horrified by the incumbant...so the turnout will be YUGE!

The Donald is literally handing away the minority vote.

Lol you're using fact-checking from CNN? :lamo

Let's see you dispute any of it.

Cites please?

Yes but we are definitely horrified by the incumbant...so the turnout will be YUGE!

The Donald is literally handing away the minority vote.
have you gone Progressive?
I seem to recall your posts being more libertarian

Lol you're using fact-checking from CNN? :lamo

Let's see you dispute any of it.

Cites please?

This is way off the topic of the poll.

With all due respect, you should start a thread on this, and I'll go through the claims.

You accused 'softballs' earlier. And you dont accept CNN as a legitimate cable news network as mentioned in your OP?

So...put your $$ where your mouth is. Show why CNN is not a legitimate source. Refute the fact-checking.

have you gone Progressive?
I seem to recall your posts being more libertarian

Anyone can be horrified by the current incumbant. Many Republicans/conservatives are too, as we are starting to find out.

I am more of a libertarian lean tho, correct. I find that lean very socially liberal.


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