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Why I left the Republican Party....and other basement goodies (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
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Louisville, KY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative


Annoy a Liberal: WORK...SUCCEED...BE HAPPY!

Oppose a Liberal:

**I neutered my cat, now he's a liberal!

Join Date: 12-14-2005
Total Posts: 261 (4.69 posts per day)
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Conservative to the right of Atilla the Hun
New Hampshire
Teaching liberals to be American
Disabled combat veteran, Vietnam
Political Leaning:
Very Conservative
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There is simply no possible way I can look in the mirror....knowing I have anything in common with this person
Perhaps I should have listed the names of all the former liberals that I have influenced into becoming true Conservatives. Obviously, someone like you is easily influenced by the anti American rhetoric of the liberal media. You were never a Republican; more like a RINO (Republican in name only) at best.

Strong willed--politically astute people like myself are always going to be a threat to weak-kneed ass-kissing phonies like you.

Put your bio up there sport; I need a good belly laugh today.
ptsdkid said:
Perhaps I should have listed the names of all the former liberals that I have influenced into becoming true Conservatives. Obviously, someone like you is easily influenced by the anti American rhetoric of the liberal media. You were never a Republican; more like a RINO (Republican in name only) at best.

Strong willed--politically astute people like myself are always going to be a threat to weak-kneed ass-kissing phonies like you.

Put your bio up there sport; I need a good belly laugh today.
Are you somehow trying to insinuate that the Bush Republicans are Conservative? If so, then take that elephant out of your avatar, and replace it with something a little more appropriate, like this one:

danarhea said:
Are you somehow trying to insinuate that the Bush Republicans are Conservative? If so, then take that elephant out of your avatar, and replace it with something a little more appropriate, like this one:


***No, I'm not insinuating that at all. I have never been in lock step with any president, but I sure would rather have Bush at the helm then a traitor like Kerry. Now, I find it hard to have differed with anything that Ronald Reagan did or stood for. Ronnie was America's third greatest president behind George Washington and honest Abe.
ptsdkid said:
Perhaps I should have listed the names of all the former liberals that I have influenced into becoming true Conservatives. Obviously, someone like you is easily influenced by the anti American rhetoric of the liberal media. You were never a Republican; more like a RINO (Republican in name only) at best.

Strong willed--politically astute people like myself are always going to be a threat to weak-kneed ass-kissing phonies like you.

Put your bio up there sport; I need a good belly laugh today.

I have to agree with Mr. Timmy here, if you were ever a true republican, you wouldn't be intimidated by anything, and most likely, agree with some of what TimKid writes. Im not a republican, but I can sure say, damn, he is ****in right about you.
@_girL........ said:
I have to agree with Mr. Timmy here, if you were ever a true republican, you wouldn't be intimidated by anything, and most likely, agree with some of what TimKid writes. Im not a republican, but I can sure say, damn, he is ****in right about you.

As if, in some way....your opinion may hold value to anyone......its no wonder you dwell in basements
tecoyah said:
As if, in some way....your opinion may hold value to anyone......its no wonder you dwell in basements
I value her opinion, The fact that she dwells in the basement is not the problem, it is the liberal sewer that is full of rats.
ptsdkid said:
Perhaps I should have listed the names of all the former liberals that I have influenced into becoming true Conservatives.

Knowing how nuts you are, I bet you did it at gun or knife point, Mr. Doctor of Nutsology.
ThePhoenix said:
I value her opinion, The fact that she dwells in the basement is not the problem, it is the liberal sewer that is full of rats.

Isn't hating such fun!
Middleground said:
Isn't hating such fun!
In reality, I hate no one. I hate the ideals of liberalism and am disgusted to the point it sickens me. What I do hate is the platform liberalism represents.
tecoyah said:
As if, in some way....your opinion may hold value to anyone......its no wonder you dwell in basements

I don't only dwell in the basement, Mr. Confused about what he really belives in. I make it a point to not get frustrated by idiots like you, so I keep myself entertained, in between debating. I didn't start off in the basement, nor will I end in the basement.
ptsdkid said:
***No, I'm not insinuating that at all. I have never been in lock step with any president, but I sure would rather have Bush at the helm then a traitor like Kerry. Now, I find it hard to have differed with anything that Ronald Reagan did or stood for. Ronnie was America's third greatest president behind George Washington and honest Abe.

The difference between you and me is that I never differed with anything Reagan did, except Iran-Contra, and unlike Bush, Reagan had the balls to admit screwing up on that one. Much of what Bush is doing is contrary to the Reagan approach. In fact, Reagan kept the Neocons at arms length when he was in office, and Bush's own father referred to them as "the crazies in the basement". Your saying on one hand how great Reagan was, and at the same time supporting a donkey in an elephant suit who is the exact opposite of Reagan, which is what Bush is, is laughable.
Ivan The Terrible said:
Ivan The Terrible, Your Master, has entered the debate!

You know, Ivan, I have yet to see you say anything substantive on this message board. Besides the above line, posting who are your accolytes, enemies, and who you have "terminated," and making really ridiculous statements, you have said nothing else. Personally, I find it utterly boring, and it's not funny/interesting anymore. *snore*

@girL........, don't be mad at me. I just needed to get this off my chest.
aps said:
You know, Ivan, I have yet to see you say anything substantive on this message board. Besides the above line, posting who are your accolytes, enemies, and who you have "terminated," and making really ridiculous statements, you have said nothing else. Personally, I find it utterly boring, and it's not funny/interesting anymore. *snore*

@girL........, don't be mad at me. I just needed to get this off my chest.

I agree, get some new material dude, even for the basement, this is lame, and that's saying something.:doh

You know, Ivan, I have yet to see you say anything substantive on this message board. Besides the above line, posting who are your accolytes, enemies, and who you have "terminated," and making really ridiculous statements, you have said nothing else. Personally, I find it utterly boring, and it's not funny/interesting anymore. *snore*

Just as morning has a way to work. So do the apples.... At night... sixy seconds of after shot.
Tea Coy Ah!

Did you really leave the Conservative party or is this just a sick joke aimed at an Honarable Mark?
I see you have no answer human... I am glad you left the Party. We will do well without weak minded people such as yourself.
Coming to a War Theatre near you!

Captain America,

Dum **** Mountain was a master piece! I especially enjoyed the part were George W. Bush, Your President, finally kills the libreal and/because gay-homosexual John Kerry in an old fasion Texas shootout.

What happened to you? You used to be such a patriot.
Ivan The Terrible said:
Captain America,

Dum **** Mountain was a master piece! I especially enjoyed the part were George W. Bush, Your President, finally kills the libreal and/because gay-homosexual John Kerry in an old fasion Texas shootout.

What happened to you? You used to be such a patriot.

He still IS a patriot. He just simply saw the treason.

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