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Why Eve? Why not Adam? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 29, 2013
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Political Leaning
I've been asking myself lately - Why did the serpent talk to Eve, and not Adam?

I don't think what transpired between the serpent and Eve was impromptu, or a spur of the moment. It was planned by Satan.
What could be the reason why the serpent had approached Eve and not Adam?
I've been asking myself lately - Why did the serpent talk to Eve, and not Adam?

I don't think what transpired between the serpent and Eve was impromptu, or a spur of the moment. It was planned by Satan.
What could be the reason why the serpent had approached Eve and not Adam?
Men wrote the Bible; not women. And in the era when the Bible was written, women were clearly second fiddles to men, which is verified many times in Biblical scripture. Therefore the men who wrote the Bible, not surprisingly, decided it would be Eve ( the woman ) who was the gullible one who would succumb to temptation, and be the one who is responsible for 'Original Sin", not Adam ( the male ).
Men wrote the Bible; not women. And in the era when the Bible was written, women were clearly second fiddles to men, which is verified many times in Biblical scripture. Therefore the men who wrote the Bible, not surprisingly, decided it would be Eve ( the woman ) who was the gullible one who is responsible for 'Original Sin", not Adam ( the male ).

Romans 5:12
Death in Adam, Life in Christ
12 Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men

And yet.................................. it was Adam who was blamed in the Bible for the sin of mankind.
Romans 5:12
Death in Adam, Life in Christ
12 Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men

And yet.................................. it was Adam who was blamed in the Bible for the sin of mankind.
Adam didn't keep a close enough reign on his second fiddle, Eve. Eve was made from a rib. ( "cheaper cut" - Archie Bunker- ) ;)
Adam didn't keep a close enough reign on his second fiddle, Eve. Eve was made from a rib. ( "cheaper cut" - Archie Bunker- ) ;)

Actually, that must be true.
Adam is held responsible for his household.
But, why Eve?
See post# 2.

However, the narrative shows Eve to have been the one who had led Adam.
In a patriarchal culture, Adam would be the head of the family, the one who should've led Eve.
However, the narrative shows Eve to have been the one who had led Adam.
In a patriarchal culture, Adam would be the head of the family, the one who should've led Eve.
A "patriarchal culture" would, not surprisingly, put the blame on the second fiddle, Eve. ( woman ) Control mechanism/agenda. Of course Eve was made out to be the one who "led astray" good ole patriarch Adam. ( the male/patriarch ) Brains aren't derived from ribs.
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I've been asking myself lately - Why did the serpent talk to Eve, and not Adam?

I don't think what transpired between the serpent and Eve was impromptu, or a spur of the moment. It was planned by Satan.
What could be the reason why the serpent had approached Eve and not Adam?
Because women bad, and men good. Becuase the Bible is written by men.
Men wrote the Bible; not women. And in the era when the Bible was written, women were clearly second fiddles to men, which is verified many times in Biblical scripture. Therefore the men who wrote the Bible, not surprisingly, decided it would be Eve ( the woman ) who was the gullible one who would succumb to temptation, and be the one who is responsible for 'Original Sin", not Adam ( the male ).

I think that’s a plausible motivation to “put the blame on mom,” though to be sure the text doesn’t ascribe motives to any character.
I think that’s a plausible motivation to “put the blame on mom,” though to be sure the text doesn’t ascribe motives to any character.
The Bible writers weren't attorneys or detectives or DAs, or the sharpest tools in the tool box. No motive needed by the Bible writers. Just attribute the deed to the second fiddle. Who, from that patriarchal era, was going to question/inquire about "motive"? Certainly not women.
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I've been asking myself lately - Why did the serpent talk to Eve, and not Adam?

I don't think what transpired between the serpent and Eve was impromptu, or a spur of the moment. It was planned by Satan.
What could be the reason why the serpent had approached Eve and not Adam?
Because men were male chauvinist pigs even back then. It couldn't be the man's fault — blame the weak and easily influenced woman.
Men wrote the Bible; not women. And in the era when the Bible was written, women were clearly second fiddles to men, which is verified many times in Biblical scripture. Therefore the men who wrote the Bible, not surprisingly, decided it would be Eve ( the woman ) who was the gullible one who would succumb to temptation, and be the one who is responsible for 'Original Sin", not Adam ( the male ).
Yeah, what he said.
I've been asking myself lately - Why did the serpent talk to Eve, and not Adam?

I don't think what transpired between the serpent and Eve was impromptu, or a spur of the moment. It was planned by Satan.
What could be the reason why the serpent had approached Eve and not Adam?

Because the ancient Hebrews were a patriarchal, misogynistic society, so of course their stories are going to paint women as weaker than men and easily corruptible.
Because men were male chauvinist pigs even back then. It couldn't be the man's fault — blame the weak and easily influenced woman.
Thats just stupid. Eve didnt get the blame, Adam did.
Thats just stupid. Eve didnt get the blame, Adam did.
Token lip service from the misogynistic, male bible writers used as a precursor for future biblical scriptures to be used as an excuse to keep the second fiddles ( women ) in their subservient roles. "Fix me a sammie, and don't even think about preaching the gospel in the Houses of our Lord."
Token lip service from the misogynistic, male bible writers used as a precursor for future biblical scriptures to be used as an excuse to keep the second fiddles ( women ) in their subservient roles. "Fix me a sammie, and don't even think about preaching the gospel."
That6s false and rather stupid. But its all you got.
The trouser snake will always approach the woman?
I've been asking myself lately - Why did the serpent talk to Eve, and not Adam?

I don't think what transpired between the serpent and Eve was impromptu, or a spur of the moment. It was planned by Satan.
What could be the reason why the serpent had approached Eve and not Adam?
IMHO - these subjects are better taken to a forum/site that is Christian and where mockery of Christians, the bible, and blasphemy toward God are not tolerated - as they are here.
IMHO - these subjects are better taken to a forum/site that is Christian and where mockery of Christians, the bible, and blasphemy toward God are not tolerated - as they are here.
So you are advocating for an echo chamber, not an open 'debate' forum with free speech, in which opposing views are "tolerated", and allowed to be presented. Got it.

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