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Why Does VP Harris not Return Salutes from Military? (1 Viewer)

The VP is not in the US chain of command. She / He should not be saluting anyone unless He / She is a vet. Here in NZ the Governor-General receives the salute as the Queen's representative but does not normally return it unless formerly military personnel.
Vice President Kamala Harris is going through criticism for showing to interrupt with precedent and failing to salute the respect guard when boarding Air Drive Two.

And so what? Someone, somewhere, will be criticizing her. She's the first female to have achieved very high political-office. She replaces the PotUS if necessary.

The military are obliged to salute to show respect for direct-authority. The person saluted is irrelevant. And so is a return salute whether male or female.

Non-military personnel are not in the least bit obliged to return a military salute - but of course they may if so inclined ...
That the lady you voted in as VP displays her total lack of respect for our US military is what should make you feel ashamed...for her actions and for yours.

Her..."total" lack of respect?

You people are well beyond what that means after what you supported for four years. Your desperation to compensate is getting even more desperate as time goes on. You and the rest don't get to talk about "our" military as if you are fooling anybody.

I knew you cultists would pull this obviously exploitive trash once your national traitor left Office. Trump has been the only President in history to show a "total" lack of respect. And you groveled, rationalized, and supported every damn time. I warned all of you. You don't get to now go back to pretending that you "support the troop" or have respect for the military as you once pretended to do before Trump exposed it all and dared you all to defy Him. You all failed. Now you get to own what you all chose to be for Him.
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And so what? Someone, somewhere, will be criticizing her. She's the first female to have achieved very high political-office. She replaces the PotUS if necessary.

The military are obliged to salute to show respect for direct-authority. The person saluted is irrelevant. And so is a return salute whether male or female.

Non-military personnel are not in the least bit obliged to return a military salute - but of course they may if so inclined ...
That sounds a lot like...

Presidents are not in the least bit obliged to release their tax records - but of course they may if so inclined ...
And so what? Someone, somewhere, will be criticizing her. She's the first female to have achieved very high political-office. She replaces the PotUS if necessary.

The military are obliged to salute to show respect for direct-authority. The person saluted is irrelevant. And so is a return salute whether male or female.

Non-military personnel are not in the least bit obliged to return a military salute - but of course they may if so inclined ...

I prefer they not. It's looks awkward and they typically don't do it right anyway.
That the lady you voted in as VP displays her total lack of respect for our US military is what should make you feel ashamed...for her actions and for yours.
You must think that presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter all had "total lack of respect for our US military" because none of them returned salutes. All of them had military experience.

I am a veteran and I know that with one exception it is inappropriate for anyone in civilian attire to render a military salute.
You must think that presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter all had "total lack of respect for our US military" because none of them returned salutes. All of them had military experience.

I am a veteran and I know that with one exception it is inappropriate for anyone in civilian attire to render a military salute.

He thinks nothing. His little game is all about only serving partisan politics. They allowed Trump to expose of all of them for four years and now hope that the rest of us will just forget it all and allow them to go back to business as usual.

They didn't give a damn when Trump defaulted to routinely denigrating the service of political rivals, showed no respect and empathy towards Gold Star families, compared his sacrifice of money to the sacrifice in Arlington graves, and compared those who volunteered to serve in war as "cowards, American frauds, and losers."

Oh, but Harris didn't return a salute so she shows a "total" lack of respect! It's all bull shit that they no longer get to pull; and that bothers them. It's why they try to so hard to turn everything into a legitimate excuse for why they chose to grovel and serve a national traitor like Trump.
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View attachment 67324574
  • th

Did you object when Trump University conned disabled Veterans of the 9/11 GI Bill Education Benefits?

Selective outrage for partisan reasons me thinks
Did you object when Trump University conned disabled Veterans of the 9/11 GI Bill Education Benefits?

Selective outrage for partisan reasons me thinks

And there lies the resentment.

They know exactly what they ignored, and even supported, throughout Trump's brief and cut-short treacherous reign. They know the insults, the denigrations, and the harassments because they spent great energy denying, rationalizing, or simply defending them. Now, they shamelessly seek to pretend otherwise as they "defend" the military against a dastardly VP Harris?!

In the end, they must resent Trump for exposing them so blatantly. He's left them morally damaged and bare. He stripped away their patriotic falsehood and their once self-righteous monopoly on how to "support the troop" against Democrats. Where once they had Bill Clinton to exploit in order to promote their support for the military, now they have Trump exposing the lie. It was always, ever only about their self-centered idea of partisan politics. And with most of the military refusing to abide Trump by the summer of 2020, along with near 500 Generals and Admirals publicly endorsing Biden, the military is really no longer fooled either.
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And there lies the resentment.

They know exactly what they ignored and even supported throughout Trump's treacherous reign. They know the insults, the denigrations, and the harassments because they spent great energy denying, rationalizing, or simply defending them. Now, they shamelessly seek to pretend otherwise as they "defend" the military against a dastardly VP Harris?!

In the end, they must resent Trump for exposing them so blatantly. He's left them morally damaged and bare. He stripped away their patriotic falsehood and their once self-righteous monopoly on how to "support the troop" against Democrats. Where once they had Bill Clinton to exploit in order to show their support for the military, now they have Trump exposing the lie. It was always, ever only about their self-centered idea of partisan politics. And with most of the military refusing to abide Trump by the summer of 2020, along with near 500 Generals and Admirals publicly endorsing Biden, the military is really no longer fooled either.

The Trump stink will be with these hypocrites for a LONG time. I for one love knocking them off their false moral high ground.
The Trump stink will be with these hypocrites for a LONG time. I for one love knocking them off their false moral high ground.

I can't stand that they think that they can erase the last four years from everybody's memory and go back to pretending to "support the troop." I knew they would try it. It's insulting.

Trump is already being ranked at the very bottom of the pile by historians, political scientists, and the popularity polls. The damage to the U.S. and allied partners that he has done is easily quantifiable, with plenty of residual yet to be seen. The damage to the American reputation, its morality, and the integrity of its democratic institutions was witnessed by all the world. Yet, with every new scandal, they simply strengthened their cult and dug in deeper. Even Nixon didn't have this blind devotion going for him. The Republican Party turned on him in the end, which is why he quit rather than go through the full impeachment. Today, the Republican Party actually shrugs at a President trying to enlist a foreign government to interfere in an election and a physical attack on them. It's amazing to me that Trump can do so much damage on every level, lose the House, the Senate and the White House for them, and get impeached twice for treacherous acts against the country, and they still choose to worship him. There is no morality and no sense of standard when one chooses to worship a national traitor who is easily ranked among the garbage in American White House history.

They are all victims of decades worth of malicious right-wing propaganda, which has pushed them to think, above all else, that one must absolutely and irrationally hate "the left" at all cost. All else is acceptable in their name. They are so blind in their seething hatreds that they can't even recognize themselves for what they have become. Trump exposed them as traitors. He dragged them and their GOP through the gutter and dared them to complain about it. They refused and they know it. No rationalization for what we all witnessed for years will change that. And now they seek to drag anything they can down to their level in order to cope. Why improve when it is easier to just keep obtusely denying reality and drag the whole damn thing down? For example, Harris not returning a salute is now the same to them as calling the military "cowards, American frauds, overrated, and losers."

It's thoroughly insulting that, after all of this, they think that they can re-appoint themselves as the military's defenders against Democrats and think that the military is just too stupid to see through it. Especially, considering that the military went from abiding the insulting piece of shit in 2016 to being disgruntled by 2019, to not supporting the piece of traitorous shit by 2020.
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Speaking as someone who has never served in the military, I do not know the proper etiquette and form for giving or returning salutes.

I imagine it would look rather awkward and forced if I felt I had to do so.
I wouldn't do it. I don't feel entitled to. It's a military custom and I was never in the military.
I've seen people who I know we're never military or RCMP salute the flag at a Rememberance Day ceremony and it looked pretentious. I place a wreath on behalf of Merchant Marine sailors (my father joined the Merchant Marine in '42 at the age of 14) at our local ceremony and as the Legion member who escorted me stands holding his salute I stand beside him with my hat off and my hand over my heart.
I can't stand that they think that they can erase the last four years from everybody's memory and go back to pretending to "support the troop." I knew they would try it. It's insulting.

Trump is already being ranked at the very bottom of the pile by historians, political scientists, and the popularity polls. The damage to the U.S. and allied partners that he has done is easily quantifiable, with plenty of residual yet to be seen. The damage to the American reputation, its morality, and the integrity of its democratic institutions was witnessed by all the world. Yet, with every new scandal, they simply strengthened their cult and dug in deeper. Even Nixon didn't have this blind devotion going for him. The Republican Party turned on him in the end, which is why he quit rather than go through the full impeachment. Today, the Republican Party actually shrugs at a President trying to enlist a foreign government to interfere in an election and a physical attack on them. It's amazing to me that Trump can do so much damage on every level, lose the House, the Senate and the White House for them, and get impeached twice for treacherous acts against the country, and they still choose to worship him. There is no morality and no sense of standard when one chooses to worship a national traitor who is easily ranked among the garbage in American White House history.

They are all victims of decades worth of malicious right-wing propaganda, which has pushed them to think, above all else, that one must absolutely and irrationally hate "the left" at all cost. All else is acceptable in their name. They are so blind in their seething hatreds that they can't even recognize themselves for what they have become. Trump exposed them as traitors. He dragged them and their GOP through the gutter and dared them to complain about it. They refused and they know it. No rationalization for what we all witnessed for years will change that. And now they seek to drag anything they can down to their level in order to cope. Why improve when it is easier to just keep obtusely denying reality and drag the whole damn thing down? For example, Harris not returning a salute is now the same to them as calling the military "cowards, American frauds, overrated, and losers."

It's thoroughly insulting that, after all of this, they think that they can re-appoint themselves as the military's defenders against Democrats and think that the military is just too stupid to see through it. Especially, considering that the military went from abiding the insulting piece of shit in 2016 to being disgruntled by 2019, to not supporting the piece of traitorous shit by 2020.

Trump on stage hugging the Flag, these new Republicans have ALWAYS been fake!!

He whips the crowd into a frenzy by calling into question others service wheather it be military or community based. When Trump received his nation's call he went and got a sick note, for fake bone spurs. John Mc Cain mean while was sitting in a bamboo cage with broken ankles in N Vietnam.

Truly DEPLORABLE!! As our those that excuse Trump's behavior for political reasons.

I danced a jig when that POS lost in November. I will dance again when he is 6ft under!!
Trump on stage hugging the Flag, these new Republicans have ALWAYS been fake!!

He whips the crowd into a frenzy by calling into question others service wheather it be military or community based. When Trump received his nation's call he went and got a sick note, for fake bone spurs. John Mc Cain mean while was sitting in a bamboo cage with broken ankles in N Vietnam.

Truly DEPLORABLE!! As our those that excuse Trump's behavior for political reasons.

I danced a jig when that POS lost in November. I will dance again when he is 6ft under!!

I have to admit that I held onto a bit of anxiety until January 20. Trump Nation's persistent attempt to steal the election through lies and then their physical attack on January 6 left me wondering.

I was a bit disappointed that he capitulated and threw Trump Nation under the bus after his attack, denying White House security the joy of tossing the squatter over the wall. From here we saw the extremist element of Trump Nation quickly call him a traitor for ending his game. And now, with his court crusader (Sidney Powell) admitting that they were obviously lying the whole time, the Trumpkin cult looks ever more duped and stupid. "Deplorable" has always been the correct word.
I'd rather a Vice President who doesn't return a salute than a President who thinks he knows better than top military officials who have spent decades working hard to get there.
Where were all these false military supporters then? Not one of them I saw called Trump out on his insults.
She continues the behavior

Vice President Kamala Harris is going through criticism for showing to interrupt with precedent and failing to salute the respect guard when boarding Air Drive Two.

Video reviewed by Fox Information confirmed that her predecessors, former Vice President Mike Pence and President Biden, usually saluted the respect guard in the identical state of affairs.

What does this have to do with government regulation?
I'd rather a Vice President who doesn't return a salute than a President who thinks he knows better than top military officials who have spent decades working hard to get there.

I'd rather have a VP who doesn't salute than a President who says he doesn't like Prisoners of War.
After reading your post I was intrigued and clicked on the OP link. I only got as far as this:

The translation app needs work.

Nobody ever accused "conservatives" (translation - Trump devotees) of being intelligent or coherent.
That was an unforgivable statement.

Yes, it was - before Trump came along. Any real Republican would have turned his or her back on a candidate who made such a disgusting statement.

But Trump devotees? No. They loved the guy. Because they hate the military as much as Trump does. They just pretended otherwise for years before he came along and exposed it.

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