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Why Does Religious People Attack Atheist? (1 Viewer)

I'll e-mail you the book if you like, and give you page numbers... Just not posting it on DP.

Editing out the context is still a cheap ploy, no matter how many times you repeat it

I could do the same to Uncle Toms Cabin and "prove" that Ms Stowe supported slavery. I can give you page #'s too
Read some books please... (Other than the bible) Start with Sam Harris': "The End of Faith"

I don't see how citing a book that attacks christians will prove your point that atheists don't attack christians :lamo:

I did not know that Martin Luther King Jr presided over witch trials and The Crusades :cuckoo:

Good thing hate-theists have no wacky ideas :roll:
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I did not know that Martin Luther King Jr presided over witch trials and The Crusades :cuckoo:

Good thing hate-theists have no wacky ideas :roll:

Did that address any of my points? No.
I don't see how citing a book that attacks christians will prove your point that atheists don't attack christians :lamo:

It attacks more Muslims than Christians.
I don't see how citing a book that attacks christians will prove your point that atheists don't attack christians :lamo:

This is where your logic fails you. When I debate with someone on a topic such as global warming, no one gets offended. Why is it that you suddenly think it is an attack when I start discussing the bad things that religion has done to our world?

If this is the case, why do atheists never chastise Muslims who have waged just as much war, who push their repentance upon people, who worship a "sky god" that may or may not exist?
If this is the case, why do atheists never chastise Muslims who have waged just as much war, who push their repentance upon people, who worship a "sky god" that may or may not exist?

We do. We just tend to attack Christianity as it is the most prevalent religion in the U.S.
Whatever happened to people letting people believe what they want and not try to convince them otherwise?
If this is the case, why do atheists never chastise Muslims who have waged just as much war, who push their repentance upon people, who worship a "sky god" that may or may not exist?

a great majority of the population in america is christian,maybe this is a reason...in fact there is no difference between fanatical christians and muslims,all kind of extremism must be eliminated..
a great majority of the population in america is christian,maybe this is a reason...in fact there is no difference between fanatical christians and muslims,all kind of extremism must be eliminated..

What is most unfortunate about this is that by you being religious you are protecting, unintentionally, the extremist.
This is where your logic fails you. When I debate with someone on a topic such as global warming, no one gets offended. Why is it that you suddenly think it is an attack when I start discussing the bad things that religion has done to our world?

You responded to a question about why atheists attack christians, and responded by citing a book that attacks christians :lamo
a great majority of the population in america is christian,maybe this is a reason...in fact there is no difference between fanatical christians and muslims,all kind of extremism must be eliminated..

And they're all similar to fanatical atheists. All kinds of extremism should be eliminated
What is most unfortunate about this is that by you being religious you are protecting, unintentionally, the extremist.

What is most unfortunate about this is that by you being atheist you are protecting the extremist atheists
What is most unfortunate about this is that by you being atheist you are protecting the extremist atheists

Because extremist atheists fly planes into buildings...
a great majority of the population in america is christian,maybe this is a reason...in fact there is no difference between fanatical christians and muslims,all kind of extremism must be eliminated..

Why, yes, there is a difference between "fanatical Christians" and "fanatical Muslims," at least in our lifetimes and realities. Unless, of course, you can direct me to examples of "fanatical Christians" slaughtering thousands of innocent people in the name of their God.

And you cannot.
Whatever happened to people letting people believe what they want and not try to convince them otherwise?
How many Atheists knock on doors spreading the word? Are there Atheists slogans on out money? Is Atheism in our Pledge of Allegiance? Do Atheists regularly tell Christians that they will be tortured in their afterlife for not believing in Atheism? Do Atheists assume that Christians are agents of the devil? Do Atheists assert that Americans cannot be patriotic unless they are Atheists?

'Whatever happened to people letting people believe what they want and not try to convince them otherwise?' Indeed.

Perhaps you missed those things called "The Crusades"

Modern examples? The KKK and attacks on Jews. The conflict in Ireland. Abortion clinics being bombed.
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You are kidding right?
Perhaps you missed those things called "The Crusades"

Modern examples? The KKK and attacks on Jews. The conflict in Ireland. Abortion clinics being bombed.

You need to read more closely. The Crusades? I specified "at least in our lifetimes and realities."

Can you be more specific? Examples of "the KKK and attacks on Jews"?

LOL, what conflict in Ireland? Are you speaking about the IRA? In 1913 or in the '70's and '80's or when?

As for abortion clinic bombings, can you tell me how many there have been in the United States and when the last one was?

Well I was on my phone earlier so I will elaborate a bit more on this.

KKK and their attacks - they were undoubtedly Christian. Their message was to "spread Protestant values in America." How many blacks, Jews, and other minorities did they lynch and / or kill?

In Northern Ireland / The Republic of Ireland - the conflict between the Protestants and Catholics. (Over 1800 civilians dead and over 3500 overall. There's your thousands)

Abortion Clinic Bombings - the last one was 2007. Nonetheless, there have been 40+ bombings, over 150 arsons, and over 1200 counts of vandalism.

sorry but really I cant find any difference...

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