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Why do so many people have to hate bush? (1 Viewer)


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Nov 15, 2005
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Slightly Conservative
Bush has done nothing but put his best knowledge and work in his presidency..........So i would like to here some logical reasons?
Okay, when he first became president, I didn't have a problem with it. I was interested to see what he would do while in office. I thought he did a tremendous job after 9-11. I thought those who criticized him for his reaction in the classroom after being informed of the planes hitting the WTC was ridiculous.

As time went on, I saw a man who cares more about industry and big business than a man who cares about the American people. He is slowly attempting to dismantle environmental regulations that have been in effect for decades. His father was more of an environmentalist than he is.

Then I saw him start talking about Iraq and wanting to attack a country that did not attack us on 9-11. He pushed and pushed and pushed. He gave Congress very little time to make a decision. He promised us that we would find WMDs, that Saddam Hussein was a threat to us, and that there was no distinguishing between those who attacked us on 9-11 and Saddam Hussein. None of that is true.

I have strong suspicions that he exaggerated the intelligence to get us into this war. After it was determined that there were no WMDs, Bush, at a dinner held at the White House, did a slide show and asked where the WMDs were and showed pictures of him looking under his desk in the Oval Office and other locations in his office. MEN AND WOMEN ARE DYING IN IRAQ, and Bush is making fun of the fact that WMDs had not been found. Niiiiiice.

Knowing that the intelligence he relied upon was "dead wrong" and that we did not send enough troops into Iraq, Bush awarded the highest civilian medal to 2 individuals who provided him with the wrong intelligence and who underestimated the number of soldiers we needed in Iraq. Huh? He doesn't have to shun them, but he should not be awarding such an honorable medal to them.

The man was touting his Social Security plan and even though people weren't buying it, he continued to spend the taxpayers's money and travel and promote it.

He attacks anyone who doesn't agree with him. Since when do the members of Congress have to agree with everything he does? He never admits mistakes.

I could go on and on. I think he is a dishonest man with little to no integrity.
I don't hate him, I just recognise that he's a fool and a liar. That's not hate, that's processing the available data and coming to the practical conclusion.

Why do so many of you people worship Bush?
Hate Bush? No. Hate a lot of his policies? Hell yeah.

He's the furthest thing from a traditional Republican when it comes to small federal government.

He's the furthest thing from a traditional Republican when it comes to spending.

He's attempting to federally outlaw same-sex marriage which is definitely a Hamiltonian not Jeffersonian principle (once again, sliding to the left).

He's taking the worst part of both parties, high spending and social intrusiveness, and doing them both.

I'd take a small government isolationist like Pat Buchanan anyday over Big Gov't Bush.
aps said:
He attacks anyone who doesn't agree with him.
This began two days ago, aps. You're being very disingenuous. Many feel his fighting back is long overdue.
BooRadley said:
I don't hate him, I just recognise that he's a fool and a liar.

and the smear machine continues. Hey, boo, will you be the one to finally give some evidence of this?
KCConservative said:
and the smear machine continues. Hey, boo, will you be the one to finally give some evidence of this?
Evidence that Bush is a fool?

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —President George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002
shuamort said:
Evidence that Bush is a fool?

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —President George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002
Possibly the funniest video I've ever seen...The Daily Show ran it non-stop for days...

But this is a simple "He with no sin on their soul" situation...

EVERYBODY on earth has had one of those moments where they want to turn the time machine back 30 seconds and say "Take Two"...

While you call that "evidence of being a fool", I say, "I commiserate with you...we've ALL been there before...It's evidence of being human."
shuamort said:
Evidence that Bush is a fool?

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —President George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

No, I recognize that calling him foolish is an opinion and you're entitled to it. I was asking, though, about your claim that he is a liar. Please show us something the supports this claim.
KCConservative said:
No, I recognize that calling him foolish is an opinion and you're entitled to it. I was asking, though, about your claim that he is a liar. Please show us something the supports this claim.
Change your pronouns in that one, it was BooRadley who called Bush a liar, not I.
a_marine4bush said:
Bush has done nothing but put his best knowledge and work in his presidency..........So i would like to here some logical reasons?

Bait. We need a little smily face of a guy fishing.
KCConservative said:
This began two days ago, aps. You're being very disingenuous. Many feel his fighting back is long overdue.

Maybe he started 2 days ago, but his administration has been attacking anyone who disagrees with their policies. I see that Ken Mehlman has gotten you to use their talking-point word of "disingenuous."
aps said:
Maybe he started 2 days ago, but his administration has been attacking anyone who disagrees with their policies. I see that Ken Mehlman has gotten you to use their talking-point word of "disingenuous."

Sorry, aps, disingenuous is a word I use in my own vocabulary, but it was a noble stab at an insult, none-the-less.

The administration has not attacked, at all, on the liberal lies. That is, not until the Veteran's Day speech. They don't attack if you disagree with policy. They attack when lies and disinformation are spread..
Last edited:
This moments ago from www.jb-williams.com


Watch your news tonight after 6:pM Eastern...

Democrats have once again cornered themselves with their anti-Bush rhetoric concerning their "retreat" talk on Iraq.

Republicans have introduced a "complete or retreat" bill intended to show our troops in harms way our support for completing their mission. House members will have to vote "on the record" to either pull out in surrender, or support their troops in completion of their mission.

Many Democrats who have been politicizing the war effort will no doubt be forced to vote against withdrawl "on the record" in front of their constituents back home. If they do, they will lose any remaining credibility for their anti-war rhetoric.

If they don't, they will be "on record" supporting surrender. Either way, they have cornered themselves into a losing position...

They may try to delay the vote in an attempt to avoid going "on the record". If they do, they will be "on record" of not being willing to take a stand on the life and death issue concerning American troops in harms way.

This is NOT a political game on the part of Republicans. It is a brilliant move to stop Democrats from mindlessly politicizing this war, further endangering American troops in that process.

God Bless those willing to stand and be counted!!!
KCConservative said:
Sorry, aps, disingenuous is a word I use in my own vocabulary, but it was a noble stab at an insult, none-the-less.

The administration has not attacked, at all, on the liberal lies. That is, not until the Veteran's Day speech. They don't attack if you disagree with policy. They attack when lies and disinformation are spread..

Hmmmm, within hours of Congressman Murtha stating he wants to bring the troops home, Scott McClellan held a press conference and equated Murtha with Michael Moore. Are you going to tell me that that is not attacking Murtha?

Let me tell you what I find so disappointing is that you cannot see that republicans/conservatives ever do anything wrong. When you can admit to errors here and there, KC, I will give you more credibility. But for now, you have none.
Who said anything about hate? I keep hearing ditto-heads accuse everyone of feeling "hate". The fact is that GW Bush is the biggest idiot who's ever held office in the United States. It's not hate, it just awareness.

I guess because right-wingers are so full of hatred for everyone who doesn't fit into their cult-like dogma, so they assume that everyone else also thinks the same way, or, rather, feels the same way.
Bush has los his bottle thats y people are going of him,does not have a clue
in what he is doing. When u go to war do the job right,it is the blind leading the blind.Alot of our soldiers have lost there lives,becouse he went the wrong way about it,as i have said before give the country we are fighting
know fooking chance and use every thing we have got,like a massive
blitz.on this showing the soldiers would have been safe and tucked up in bed.

and know more Iraq wiped of the fooking map

the END

regards mikeey
aps said:
Hmmmm, within hours of Congressman Murtha stating he wants to bring the troops home, Scott McClellan held a press conference and equated Murtha with Michael Moore. Are you going to tell me that that is not attacking Murtha?

Let me tell you what I find so disappointing is that you cannot see that republicans/conservatives ever do anything wrong. When you can admit to errors here and there, KC, I will give you more credibility. But for now, you have none.

I have said that the administration is fighting back...now. Beginning with the Veterans Day speech, the White House is not going to let the distortions go without rebuttal.
BooRadley said:
The fact is that GW Bush is the biggest idiot who's ever held office in the United States.

Except that isn't a fact. It is your opinion. Thanks for playing.
BooRadley said:
I guess because right-wingers are so full of hatred for everyone who doesn't fit into their cult-like dogma, so they assume that everyone else also thinks the same way, or, rather, feels the same way.

And the liberal left is any different?
The Real McCoy said:
And the liberal left is any different?
I don't know...

I'll go ask Zell Miller...:doh
Probably for the same reason Bush-lovers have to think, that hating Bush, is the only reason to criticize him.
Listen Guys His Policies Are Always Geared Toward The Future....therefore In The Long Run.......his Policies Will Have A Direct Positive Impact On This Country......the Media Fills Everyones Head With Crap And Someone Who Has Been To Iraq Says America Is Winning The War And Bush Is The Man To Lead Us Through This Time Of Hardship That Will Get Better
Originally posted by a_marine4bush:
Listen Guys His Policies Are Always Geared Toward The Future....therefore In The Long Run.......his Policies Will Have A Direct Positive Impact On This Country......the Media Fills Everyones Head With Crap And Someone Who Has Been To Iraq Says America Is Winning The War And Bush Is The Man To Lead Us Through This Time Of Hardship That Will Get Better
He's the man to lead us through the "...Hardship..." he exacerbated? I don't think so. This is the most secretive and incompetent and arrogant executive branch we have ever had. Because of his actions in office, we have lost the respect of the world and are now the most hated nation on the planet.

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