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Why do many people in the Middle East have an intense dislike (hate) for America? (1 Viewer)

Why do many people in the Middle East have an intense dislike (hate) for America?

  • Because America makes them seem small and insignificant in comparison.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Because America's foreign policy towards the Middle East angers them.

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Other (Please post explanation)

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters

The Mark

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This is a question that has been bouncing around in the back of my mind for quite awhile. I've seen and read various articles, TV shows, etc. which give various possible reasons for this.

One of the more interesting of these (to me at least) put forward the idea that people in the middle east have such an intense dislike of America at least partly because we as a country make them seem small and less advanced compared to themselves.

I am sure that there are other reasons for people to hate (oops, I mean intensely dislike) America, but this one seemed to be the underlying source of all the others (IMO, at least).

Therefore, I thought it would be interesting to see what others thought and perhaps provoke discussion on what America could do to lower the amount of anger directed towards it.
I don't believe that all people in the ME hat us but the ones that do believe we are the infidel........
Alot of it comes from the fact that they hate/or refuse to recognize Israel and we support Israel.
Grr, my internet connection quit on me while I was making the poll.

Could a Mod please add a poll that contains the following options?

1. Because America makes them seem small and insignificant in comparison.

2. Because America's foreign policy towards the Middle East angers them.

3. Other (Please post explanation)
The Mark said:
This is a question that has been bouncing around in the back of my mind for quite awhile. I've seen and read various articles, TV shows, etc. which give various possible reasons for this.

One of the more interesting of these (to me at least) put forward the idea that people in the middle east have such an intense dislike of America at least partly because we as a country make them seem small and less advanced compared to themselves.

I am sure that there are other reasons for people to hate (oops, I mean intensely dislike) America, but this one seemed to be the underlying source of all the others (IMO, at least).

Therefore, I thought it would be interesting to see what others thought and perhaps provoke discussion on what America could do to lower the amount of anger directed towards it.

Enn you're way off, they hate the U.S. because they live in an Orwellian police state that not only tells them what to do but what to think, they are blasted with this propaganda from the cradle to the grave in their t.v. shows, their newspapers, and even in their churches. They spread this anti-American propaganda in order to take the focus off of their own corruption and failures. It's totalitarian power politics 101, the very essence of human nature is to want freedom so the totalitarian states have to contend with human nature in order to maintain control over the populace and the easiest way in which to create this unity is to find someone else to place all of the peoples troubles on; "it's the Jews, it's the U.S., it's the West etc." all the while the true reason for the societies failure remains safely in power while the oblivious populace dances like puppets.
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Navy Pride said:
I don't believe that all people in the ME hate us but the ones that do believe we are the infidel........

From what I've seen, you are only partially correct.

Some people in the ME hate us because we are "the infidel", but those are the extreme examples. For the most part the people who dislike the US, dislike the US, not the people of the US.

This seems an important distinction to me because if we can get them to like the US as a country, then the extreme groups (terrorists) will have a harder time recruiting members.

Think about it. If you were a 20ish person in the ME and you were angry at the US for various reasons (not all of them correct, there is propaganda produced by terrorists floating around on the internet, TV, newspapers, etc.), you might be inclined to join one of the previously mentioned groups.

OR. If you were a 20ish person in the ME and you were quite happy with the way the US was dealing with you, but a person approaches you and asks you to join a group opposed to the US and trying to do something about it.

In which situation would you be more likely to join an extreme (terrorist) group?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Enn you're way off, they hate the U.S. because they live in an Orwellian police state that not only tells them what to do but what to think, they are blasted with this propaganda from the cradle to the grave in their t.v. shows, their newspapers, and even in their churches. They spread this anti-American propaganda in order to take the focus off of their own corruption and failures. It's totalitarian power politics 101, the very essence of human nature is to want freedom so the totalitarian states have to contend with human nature in order to maintain control over the populace and the easiest way in which to create this unity is to find someone else to place all of the peoples troubles on; "it's the Jews, it's the U.S., it's the West etc." all the while the true reason for the societies failure remains safely in power while the oblivious populace dances like puppets.

I will agree with you partially, but I don't think ALL the people in the ME are constrained by those boundries.

Also, I am under the impression (mistaken or not) that the US supports some of those totalitarian governments.

If you were living under a totalitarian government and the US supported it, would you be feeling friendly towards the US?

About the propaganda, I quite agree that it is part of the problem. It would seem some counter-propaganda is in order, at least on the internet, and if possible on the other media.
The Mark said:
I will agree with you partially, but I don't think ALL the people in the ME are constrained by those boundries.

Also, I am under the impression (mistaken or not) that the US supports some of those totalitarian governments.

If you were living under a totalitarian government and the US supported it, would you be feeling friendly towards the US?

About the propaganda, I quite agree that it is part of the problem. It would seem some counter-propaganda is in order, at least on the internet, and if possible on the other media.

But what you have to realize is that every bit of information in their country is propaganda so when everything is propoganda it's impossible to see it for what it is. And we support some of these governments for one simple reason, the people who want to take over are far far worse, we support Democratic revolution in the Middle East but the revolutionaries over there are not Democratic their ideology is even more totalitarian and oppresive than the current regimes. It's the lesser of two evils deal.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
But what you have to realize is that every bit of information in their country is propaganda so when everything is propoganda it's impossible to see it for what it is. And we support some of these governments for one simple reason, the people who want to take over are far far worse, we support Democratic revolution in the Middle East but the revolutionaries over there are not Democratic their ideology is even more totalitarian and oppresive than the current regimes. It's the lesser of two evils deal.

I can understand the lesser of two evils thing, but I cannot agree that all information in a country would be propaganda. It is not possible.

I am almost sure that at least some information would not be propaganda, and if they have internet access, it would seem that some people would be able to break through any censorship that their government put on that form of media.

In addition, some of the people over there have studied in the US. It would seem unlikely that propaganda would overcome personal experiance, and I would think that they might pass along some of that info (unless they were threatened or something).
The Mark said:
Grr, my internet connection quit on me while I was making the poll.

Could a Mod please add a poll that contains the following options?

1. Because America makes them seem small and insignificant in comparison.

2. Because America's foreign policy towards the Middle East angers them.

3. Other (Please post explanation)

Done and Done.
They hate us because we've been sticking our noses in their business since as early as 1947.
There are a variety of reasons (not in order):
-They hate the West/Christians because of the Crusades.
-The US supports Israel.
-The US supports regimes like the Saudi Royal Family.
-We're infidels.
-We attacked Iraq and Afghanistan.
-The ME was once the center of civilization, culture, knowledge, prosperity, technology, etc. Now the West is more prosperous and technologically advanced.
-We owned Saddam in Operation Desert Storm.
Too many different reasons that this post would allow me space for. This poll demands a complex answer.
GySgt said:
Too many different reasons that this post would allow me space for. This poll demands a complex answer.

That's what the "Other" selection is for.

I had a hard time thinking of all the reasons they hate us, so I just threw in a couple and added the "other" option.

It's up to the debatees to fill in the blanks.
If you want to know why they hate us, you don't ask Americans, you ask Iraqis. That way, you can count on the information not being filtered.

They have always exploited our suffering
By Jamal Mudhafar Azzaman, February 11, 2006

We remember the suffering Iraqis underwent due to U.N. trade sanctions which lasted from 1990 to shortly after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

The victims of the embargo were millions of ordinary Iraqis who were denied food and medicine and basic amenities. The people of Iraq were the victims who paid dearly for the U.N.-imposed and U.S.-enforced sanctions.

The former leader Saddam Hussein, his cronies and aides did not suffer at all. The world knew this. The U.S. knew this. But still they persisted in keeping them in place.

Can you imagine how many Iraqis died because of these sanctions? The U.N. Children’s Fund – UNESCO – estimates that at least 500,000 Iraqi children below the age of five must have perished for reasons related to U.N. sanctions.

Instead of applying pressure on Saddam Hussein and his regime, the world turned against the Iraqi people. We went hungry because of those policies while Saddam and his men were living in luxury.

They wanted impoverished Iraqi children and their emaciated parents to exert pressure on Saddam Hussein to force him to listen to the so-called ‘international community.’

You want to find out the answer to your question, go to an Iraqi weblog and hear it from the horses mouth.
Billo_Really said:
If you want to know why they hate us, you don't ask Americans, you ask Iraqis. That way, you can count on the information not being filtered.

I will allow that you have a valid point if you change "you ask Iraqis" to "you ask a person from the ME". I am almost sure that Iraqis do not have a monopoly on hatred towards America.

Besides, I would lean towards thinking that other areas probably have more hatred towards America than Iraq, as I think one of the reasons that there is hatred towards the US is because we don't get rid of their dictators too.

Billo_Really said:
You want to find out the answer to your question, go to an Iraqi weblog and hear it from the horses mouth.

This is also a valid point. However, I am almost sure that at least some of those people posting on an Iraqi weblog (or for that matter, any ME weblog) are part of (or sympathize with) a terrorist group, which might be considered bias.

That said, could you recommend a weblog that you have visited and found informative?
Originally posted by The Mark
I will allow that you have a valid point if you change "you ask Iraqis" to "you ask a person from the ME". I am almost sure that Iraqis do not have a monopoly on hatred towards America.

Besides, I would lean towards thinking that other areas probably have more hatred towards America than Iraq, as I think one of the reasons that there is hatred towards the US is because we don't get rid of their dictators too.
Aside from that being illegal according to International Law, I think they would prefer that we do not interfere in their internal affairs. But you have got the right idea. Don't believe me, just ask them [ME].

Originally posted by The Mark
This is also a valid point. However, I am almost sure that at least some of those people posting on an Iraqi weblog (or for that matter, any ME weblog) are part of (or sympathize with) a terrorist group, which might be considered bias.
How could anyone possibly know that from reading a weblog? An opinion is an opinion. There is nothing wrong with being cognizant of that. It's still the readers choice how he/she reacts to it. Some of them that have no links to any terrorist organization say some pretty hateful things about us. I don't think we are the great satan that were made out to be. But we certainly are far from being angels.

Originally posted by The Mark
That said, could you recommend a weblog that you have visited and found informative?
Here's a couple that will get you started.


The Mark said:
That's what the "Other" selection is for.

I had a hard time thinking of all the reasons they hate us, so I just threw in a couple and added the "other" option.

It's up to the debatees to fill in the blanks.

Here's your reason:




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Most people in the middle east are jelous,ignorant,barbaric people and no one is realy working to change it.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Enn you're way off, they hate the U.S. because they live in an Orwellian police state that not only tells them what to do but what to think, they are blasted with this propaganda from the cradle to the grave in their t.v. shows, their newspapers, and even in their churches. They spread this anti-American propaganda in order to take the focus off of their own corruption and failures. It's totalitarian power politics 101, the very essence of human nature is to want freedom so the totalitarian states have to contend with human nature in order to maintain control over the populace and the easiest way in which to create this unity is to find someone else to place all of the peoples troubles on; "it's the Jews, it's the U.S., it's the West etc." all the while the true reason for the societies failure remains safely in power while the oblivious populace dances like puppets.

So Musharref brain washes his citizens into hating America and then sides with the US on the war on terror...thereby alienating his population and leading to massive civil discontent. What a brilliant move!

Or...maybe there's a more complex reason they dislike us other than "their government made them do it.
Kelzie said:
So Musharref brain washes his citizens into hating America and then sides with the US on the war on terror...thereby alienating his population and leading to massive civil discontent. What a brilliant move!

Or...maybe there's a more complex reason they dislike us other than "their government made them do it.

Kelzie, Mushareff does not run that country, the religious leaders do, he runs the military that keeps them in line when it's necessary. He would actually prefer to play both sides against the middle, something he does quite well.......well I mean he isn't dead yet, lol, he must be doing something right. If he were to allow us to go in and find UBL, he would indeed have a civil unrest on his hands, he is much too smart for that.
Deegan said:
Kelzie, Mushareff does not run that country, the religious leaders do, he runs the military that keeps them in line when it's necessary. He would actually prefer to play both sides against the middle, something he does quite well.......well I mean he isn't dead yet, lol, he must be doing something right. If he were to allow us to go in and find UBL, he would indeed have a civil unrest on his hands, he is much too smart for that.

Well it's not the government doing the brainwashing then, now is it?
Kelzie said:
Well it's not the government doing the brainwashing then, now is it?

No it's not, they stay clear of those issues, or they die, it's really that simple. Had Saddam made an attempt to control those issues in his country, he would have been dead long ago. It's a fine line they walk, both depend on the other for the control of the populace, but it's accountability that is lost there, this is why democracy is so necessary!
Deegan said:
No it's not, they stay clear of those issues, or they die, it's really that simple. Had Saddam made an attempt to control those issues in his country, he would have been dead long ago. It's a fine line they walk, both depend on the other for the control of the populace, but it's accountability that is lost there, this is why democracy is so necessary!

All I was saying is not every Middle Eastern government brainwashes their citizens into hating America. Whether they have control over their country is irrelevant to the point I was making (although I suspect not irrelevant to them),
Kelzie said:
All I was saying is not every Middle Eastern government brainwashes their citizens into hating America. Whether they have control over their country is irrelevant to the point I was making (although I suspect not irrelevant to them),

I see, but shouldn't the issue be that it does not matter who does the brainwashing, but that brainwashing is indeed going on? And how they manage to hide this with their current system, one with no accountability, and where no one is held to account for the many horrors that happen daily there in the M.Eastern countries, that's what concerns me, when will this change?

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