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Why are so many girls attracted to bad boys. (1 Viewer)

"Moody jerks" may be attractive to some women, the reason why is beyond me. But they aren't in any way attractive to me; in fact I consider them to be utter losers. If I ever got stuck with such a guy on a first date, I wouldn't ever go for a second one.

I don't know about "moody jerk," I think it's just "bad boy" behavior. I remember my first boyfriend was kind of a "bad boy" (for a kid anyway - LOL). He used to ride around on his BMX bike, wouldn't take any crap, got into a lot of fights, and he stole and drank beer sometimes too. I thought Bobby was SOOOO cool. ;) For some reason, when I was young, I was attracted to that kind of boy. Maybe it's a rebellion kind of thing that girls go through. The boys do it by acting bad, and the girls do it by being attracted to them. :lol:
Which is why neolithic hunter gatherers made their huts out of mammoth bones, right? :roll:
I found some discarded Mammoth bones in the dirt, therefore I must be a badass hunter.
Why are moody pricks who may or may not thrash on their ladies so popular with the ladies? I have never understood it. Have any of you? Why are moody jerks attractive to the ladies? Answers please.

Men who kick up **** are a hugely better genetic bet, even if their masters are more likely to lock up or kill them.
They are the ones who put out.

They are also the one you usually have gifts that keep on giving if you get my drift. Unless you like those kinds of gifts, keeping your pecker in your pants would be the ideal plan. But hey you may get lucky in more ways than one.
They are also the one you usually have gifts that keep on giving if you get my drift. Unless you like those kinds of gifts, keeping your pecker in your pants would be the ideal plan. But hey you may get lucky in more ways than one.

Dearie me - American male fantasy again, like all those well-endowed 'blacks'. The key point is that obedient conformists are no good to man nor beast, let alone women - only to their masters.
Dearie me - American male fantasy again, like all those well-endowed 'blacks'. The key point is that obedient conformists are no good to man nor beast, let alone women - only to their masters.

Not fantasy, its experience. I am well traveled, chances are I have been they done that and got the T-shirt. The gals that like the bad boys especially the ones that are out of their early twenties on up generally I have found like to sleep around. Hence the chances of them having a gift that I don't want are much greater. So if it was me choosing between them for the night or Rosie Palm, Rosie Palm and here five friends get the call. There's crap overseas for sure and here in the states that will make your dick fall off, or at least you get the strong feeling it will. I like my pecker just the way it is, thank you very much. For those you who say use a condom, you are idiots. Condoms don't prevent disease and they barely prevent pregnancy.

I don't know or care about the qualities of other peckers than my own. Lately the qualities of my pecker are sliding down the lists of things I am concerned with.

If you want to be non-conformist on the subject be my guest and satisfy the ladies.
Not fantasy, its experience. I am well traveled, chances are I have been they done that and got the T-shirt. The gals that like the bad boys especially the ones that are out of their early twenties on up generally I have found like to sleep around. Hence the chances of them having a gift that I don't want are much greater. So if it was me choosing between them for the night or Rosie Palm, Rosie Palm and here five friends get the call. There's crap overseas for sure and here in the states that will make your dick fall off, or at least you get the strong feeling it will. I like my pecker just the way it is, thank you very much. For those you who say use a condom, you are idiots. Condoms don't prevent disease and they barely prevent pregnancy.

I don't know or care about the qualities of other peckers than my own. Lately the qualities of my pecker are sliding down the lists of things I am concerned with.

If you want to be non-conformist on the subject be my guest and satisfy the ladies.

I don't think the stags that beat other stags have bigger dicks - that is a male fantasy. They are dominant because they aren't servile and fight their would-be masters, I think.
I don't think the bolded is truly the case. I think that many of the "bad boys" may appear to be self-confident in certain mannerisms, but I think it's really just a façade to cover up an actual lack of self-esteem.

I think so too, Lizzie. When I was a teen, I confused the roller-coaster dramarama--the possessiveness and stupid jealousy and exciting recklessness--with love and real masculinity. I grew out of it. ;)
I don't think the stags that beat other stags have bigger dicks - that is a male fantasy. They are dominant because they aren't servile and fight their would-be masters, I think.

I don't think we are reading the same book let alone on the same page.
I got as far as this before I just hit my talking-reality-with-Gathomas limit.

Gathomas, you are aware we are a profoundly social, communal species and always have been, aren't you? And that we generally existed in rather small numbers?

It has NEVER been to the benefit of human evolution to be a hyper-aggressive asshole. That kind of crap got you kicked out of a tribe. And this runs right through some of our closer primate relatives too. Even bonobos will shun a rapist or an otherwise violent jerk, for example.

I know in your head you like to imagine manly men wrestling saber tooth cats barehanded and ordering around the starry-eyed wimmenz, but humans are not a caveman comic strip from the 1950's. In reality, we stayed the hell away from the big carnivores no matter how big our testicles were, and humans survived by profound cooperation because that's how you make a big brain count -- especially when you're slow and weak on your own.

Ok, my brain hemorrhage limit must be low today. I'm out.

Huge tribe. Of cooperating people. Hunting an herbivore. Dude. Are you blind?


You're paying my medical bill.

Coming back to this for a moment, I think it's actually rather humorous how effectively you manage to sink your own argument here.

You are aware that stereo-typically "jerky" Alpha Male men tend to excel in exactly the kinds of activities you're describing here, correct?

After all, who's more liable to be "Captain" of the sports team even these days, and therefore snag the highest quality females in environments where that kind of thing matters? Who is more valued by the community at large? Is it the "sensitive" nerd sitting home doing his homework on weekends, or the "testosterone poisoned" jock sticking nerds' heads in toilets and getting trashed in his spare time?

Why on Earth would you imagine that this would have been any different one hundred thousand years ago on an African Savannah extensively populated by dangerous mega-fauna without any sign of "civil" society to be found?

If anything, these kinds of men would have been more dominant, as "team based" activities like hunting and defending the homestead (very likely along with endemic warfare against other tribes) would have basically been a man's primary purpose in life.
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Men who kick up **** are a hugely better genetic bet, even if their masters are more likely to lock up or kill them.

I have had enough drama in my first 18 years to last a lifetime. I've enjoyed the lack of it for the past 10. No thank you. I prefer drama to stay on the BRAVO Network where I won't have to see it. Rebelliousness for the sake of rebelliousness is a sign of immaturity and not being able to get along with those who you need to get along with.

It's better to do what most other people do: smile, shake hands, and then vent to another person afterward.

It's not dramatic, but being dramatic often comes with its immediate negative consequences.
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I have had enough drama in my first 18 years to last a lifetime. I've enjoyed the lack of it for the past 10. No thank you. I prefer drama to stay on the BRAVO Network where I won't have to see it. Rebelliousness for the sake of rebelliousness is a sign of immaturity and not being able to get along with those who you need to get along with.

It's better to do what most other people do: smile, shake hands, and then vent to another person afterward.

It's not dramatic, but being dramatic often comes with its immediate negative consequences.

I think you're being rather dramatic about the whole thing. :mrgreen:
Coming back to this for a moment, I think it's actually rather humorous how effectively you manage to sink your own argument here.

You are aware that stereo-typically "jerky" Alpha Male men tend to excel in exactly the kinds of activities you're describing here, correct?

After all, who's more liable to be "Captain" of the sports team even these days, and therefore snag the highest quality females in environments where that kind of thing matters? Who is more valued by the community at large? Is it the "sensitive" nerd sitting home doing his homework on weekends, or the "testosterone poisoned" jock sticking nerds' heads in toilets and getting trashed in his spare time?

Why on Earth would you imagine that this would have been any different one hundred thousand years ago on an African Savannah extensively populated by dangerous mega-fauna without any sign of "civil" society to be found?

If anything, these kinds of men would have been more dominant, as "team based" activities like hunting and defending the homestead (very likely along with endemic warfare against other tribes) would have basically been a man's primary purpose in life.

Just what are you saying here? Do you honestly believe that a person is just "one" thing? I'm sure many of these "alpha" males that you like to trash have some redeeming qualities as well.
I think you're being rather dramatic about the whole thing. :mrgreen:

Do you think it would award me with an appearance with James Lipton? :p
Do you think it would award me with an appearance with James Lipton? :p

I think you might have to work on it just a LITTLE bit more first. :lol:
Just what are you saying here? Do you honestly believe that a person is just "one" thing? I'm sure many of these "alpha" males that you like to trash have some redeeming qualities as well.

No one is "just one thing," and many "bad boys" eventually grow up. I'm not trying to insinuate anything here other than what I have already stated.

The fact of the matter here remains, however, that when women are on the prowl for sex (or simply very young and naive), they overwhelmingly tend to prefer physically powerful and inter-personally aggressive men over men with more "average" or "reserved" attributes. They prefer "Alpha Males." Not to step on anyone's toes, but "Alpha Males" can have a definite tendency to be pushy and abrasive "jerks," or impulsive risk taking "bad boys" a lot of the time as well.

That's really all there is to it.

This isn't to say that all dominant men are like this, per se, and it isn't even to say that many of the men who do fit this description will not ultimately mature out of it either. Frankly, beyond even that, it is undeniably true that men who manage to combine "Alpha Male" physical and social bearing with brains and personal restraint are usually far more successful in life than those who are simply physically powerful or inter-personally aggressive alone.

I was simply pointing out the way things are, and, due to our evolutionary history, always have been. Trying to deny that basic reality (as some posters in this thread have done) is pointless.

It is self-evidently true.
No one is "just one thing," and many "bad boys" eventually grow up. I'm not trying to insinuate anything here other than what I have already stated.

The fact of the matter here remains, however, that when women are on the prowl for sex (or simply very young and naive), they overwhelmingly tend to prefer physically powerful and inter-personally aggressive men over men with more "average" or "reserved" attributes. They prefer "Alpha Males." Not to step on anyone's toes, but "Alpha Males" can have a definite tendency to be pushy and abrasive "jerks," or impulsive risk taking "bad boys" a lot of the time as well.

That's really all there is to it.

This isn't to say that all dominant men are like this, per se, and it isn't even to say that many of the men who do fit this description will not ultimately grow out of it either. Frankly, beyond even that, it is undeniably true that men who manage to combine "Alpha Male" physical and social bearing with brains and personal restraint are usually far more successful in life than those who are simply physically powerful or inter-personally aggressive alone.

I was simply pointing out the way things are, and, due to our evolutionary history, always have been. Trying to deny that basic reality (as some posters in this thread have done) is pointless.

It is self-evidently true.

I think that ANYONE can be a pushy abrasive jerk, not JUST alpha males. :lol:
I think that ANYONE can be a pushy abrasive jerk, not JUST alpha males. :lol:

Sure. It simply happens to be the case that 6'3" 250lb meat heads with voices like foghorns and attitudes to match tend to be a lot better at it. :lol:
Sure. It simply happens to be the case that 6'3" 250lb meat heads with voices like foghorns and attitudes to match tend to be a lot better at it. :lol:

I don't know about that. I'm only 5 feet 1 inch tall and 105 pounds, and I'm pretty good at it apparently! :2razz:
Sure. It simply happens to be the case that 6'3" 250lb meat heads with voices like foghorns and attitudes to match tend to be a lot better at it. :lol:

Hey, if you want to be an alpha male, just walk into a place and say, "YO, listen up all you bitches and hoes, this is how it's goin' DOWN!" :lol:

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