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Why Are Avowed Atheist Governments Always Seeking War And Conquer Their Peaceful Neighbors (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 19, 2020
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Vladimir Putin’s brutal attack on Ukraine is part of a large, ugly picture​

It seems like what happened when Soviet forces invaded Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Or is it like Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003?​

Russia , North Korea , China, etc,etc, etc ...
Why is it all these practicing atheist governments make clear their desire to attack, kill, and destroy their peaceful neighboring countries, over and over again.
Atheist Russia has previously slaughtered almost 4 million Ukrainians under avowed atheist Joe Stalin .
But it seems that is not enough blood to satisfy these atheist governments
What is up with them
Satan is happiest when he's stirring up trouble...

Why Are Avowed Atheist Governments Always Seeking War And Conquer Their Peaceful Neighbors​

Assumes facts not in evidence. Theocratic countries are no better. In fact, their history is much worse. Afghanistan never attacked anybody, nor did Iraq in 2003.
Israel, a Jewish state, is constantly bombing neighboring regions. Saudi Arabia, an Islamic state, has been engaged in genocide in Yemen for the better part of 6 years.
Are they following Jesus' commandments? No...

Why Are Avowed Atheist Governments Always Seeking War And Conquer Their Peaceful Neighbors​

Assumes facts not in evidence. Theocratic countries are no better. In fact, their history is much worse. Afghanistan never attacked anybody, nor did Iraq in 2003.
Name a non-atheist country in 2022 that has made the right to attack & conquer their peaceful neighbor the official government position as stated before the United Nations?

Vladimir Putin’s brutal attack on Ukraine is part of a large, ugly picture​

It seems like what happened when Soviet forces invaded Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Or is it like Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003?​

Russia , North Korea , China, etc,etc, etc ...
Why is it all these practicing atheist governments make clear their desire to attack, kill, and destroy their peaceful neighboring countries, over and over again.
Atheist Russia has previously slaughtered almost 4 million Ukrainians under avowed atheist Joe Stalin .
But it seems that is not enough blood to satisfy these atheist governments
What is up with them

How is Eastern Orthodox Russia “avowed atheist”?
How is Eastern Orthodox Russia “avowed atheist”?
The ruling government of Russia is KGB style atheist, as well as all his murdering child killing KGB henchmen.
Are you trying to say Valdimir Putin is a religious man ?
The ruling government of Russia is KGB style atheist, as well as all his murdering child killing KGB henchmen.
Are you trying to say Valdimir Putin is a religious man ?

Provide a link to the Russian government “avowing” it is atheist.

Because I can provide multiple links of them publicly supporting the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Provide a link to the Russian government “avowing” it is atheist.

Because I can provide multiple links of them publicly supporting the Eastern Orthodox Church.
They can call themselves anything they like...they are not Christians...Satan also has a church...
Provide a link to the Russian government “avowing” it is atheist.

Because I can provide multiple links of them publicly supporting the Eastern Orthodox Church.
All commie KGB are murdering Atheists for life .
I'll be glad to provide that information for you.
But please tell first that you sincerely believe Valdimir Putin is a religious man, or are you just kidding ?

Vladimir Putin’s brutal attack on Ukraine is part of a large, ugly picture​

It seems like what happened when Soviet forces invaded Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Or is it like Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003?​

Russia , North Korea , China, etc,etc, etc ...
Why is it all these practicing atheist governments make clear their desire to attack, kill, and destroy their peaceful neighboring countries, over and over again.
Atheist Russia has previously slaughtered almost 4 million Ukrainians under avowed atheist Joe Stalin .
But it seems that is not enough blood to satisfy these atheist governments
What is up with them
Whay are avowed religious govt. always doing the same?
All commie KGB are murdering Atheists for life .
I'll be glad to provide that information for you.
But please tell first that you sincerely believe Valdimir Putin is a religious man, or are you just kidding ?

So you don’t have any such link or source?

Why are you unapologetically bearing false witness? Will you blame yourself when you rampant sinning sends you to hell?
Russia isn't an "avowed atheist government." Putin's party is super-close to the Russian Orthodox Church. They are one of Putin's most important domestic allies.
All commie KGB are murdering Atheists for life .
Russia hasn't been communist for over 30 years.
I'll be glad to provide that information for you.
But please tell first that you sincerely believe Valdimir Putin is a religious man, or are you just kidding ?
I don't know or care whether he personally observes the sacraments, or what his theological beliefs are. Worrying about what other people truly believe deep down, in their heart, is an exercise in futility.

But for all outward appearances, Vladimir Putin loves the Russian Orthodox Church and vice versa. His party's alliance with the church has been one of the pillars of his regime's political support for a long time.

Calling Russia an "avowed atheist government" is ridiculous. They are about as closely tied to the Church as is possible for a nominally-secular government to be.
Russia , North Korea , China, etc,etc, etc ...
Why is it all these practicing atheist governments make clear their desire to attack, kill, and destroy their peaceful neighboring countries, over and over again.
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, ect..
These are some theocracies which engaged in war and terrorism. So if you think violence and war is the result of atheism, you are clearly wrong and misguided in your thinking.
Atheist Russia has previously slaughtered almost 4 million Ukrainians under avowed atheist Joe Stalin .
Stalin was initially a student of an orthodox seminary. He was also insane.
But it seems that is not enough blood to satisfy these atheist governments
What is up with them
A sweeping generalization.
There has not been a theocratic nation since the Israelite nation...

  1. a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.
    "his ambition is to lead a worldwide theocracy"

Um… the Papal States?

Seriously, why would you lie about something that can be instantly fact checked?

Or is this a situation where you are totally ignorant, even of basic history?
What does atheism have to do with imperialism?
lol...the farthest thing from theocracy...

Literally a government ruled by priests in the name of a god. You can’t get much more theocratic than that.

Why are you lying when it’s so obvious? Does the salvation of your soul mean so little to you that you would throw it away by bearing false witness?

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