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Why am I so great? (1 Viewer)

Why am I so great? Is it my:

  • A. Style

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Class

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Charm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Intelligence

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • E. Sexual Prowess

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F. Larger than average phallice

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • G. Physical skills

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • H. Humility

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • I. all of the above

    Votes: 3 42.9%

  • Total voters
Humility of course ;)
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
It has recently come to my attention that I am the greatest person to ever walk the earth, sliced bread aint got **** on me. But the question I've been asking myself is why?

Keep asking....keep asking.
It's not April 1st, is it?
Cuz God don't make no junk!
What's A phallice?

Well, we can determine a couple things from this poll. 1) you are not so familiar with your Phallus, so therefor it's not inordinately large, and could be possible you haven't actually seen it without electoric or visual aids. Which leads me to Conclue NOT D. Intiilgence (you can't spell or spell check), E. Sexual Prowess or F. Phallice (ahah)

As must time as you spend on the forums, you are likely not to be in peak physical shape either, that excludes both E. Sexual Prowess and G. Physical Skills. You know, humility is out, Greatest man to walk the Earth was Christ. Not H. Humility.

So we have Class, excluded because you spend so much of the poll on your pole. Not B.

Style? haven't seen anything special there at all, at least politics forums Style. Maybe you're a snazzy metrosexual dresser, but I certainly couldn't vote on that.

So, all we have left is Charm. Could be charm, the kind of way a puppy with Down's Syndrome is charming.
I am greatly offended by this lack of ommage to my greatness, now pitiful groveling masses kneel before me and give praise so that you may be awash in the my magnificent malevolence or risk my wrath!
teacher said:

**** in retrospect it may not have been such a wise decision but hay live and learn and then get burned by the dispenser of smack and provayer of ludicrious pyramid theories . . . come on Teach fess up you know the Egyptians used ramps not levers.
huh I can't answer becaus your greatness is shrouded by............is :afraid: ......is that your ego???????ewww gross it is your ego....put it away ...put it away
I had to go with I all of the above while there may be some haters out there, TOT is oh so great.

However since I am not sure if this one is true -Larger than average phallice- I will need some physical evidence to back that one up..... should I get out the yard stick, measuring tape, or ruler?
because excess alcohol is bad for brain functions.
The bigger question is why you are rooting through ancient threads.

PS the post by teacher above was classic -- and why this place isn't the same without him.
The bigger question is why you are rooting through ancient threads.

PS the post by teacher above was classic -- and why this place isn't the same without him.

It was brought up in the basement and needed the attention it deserves.
The bigger question is why you are rooting through ancient threads.

PS the post by teacher above was classic -- and why this place isn't the same without him.

This really was one of his best. :lol:
I had to go with I all of the above while there may be some haters out there, TOT is oh so great.

However since I am not sure if this one is true -Larger than average phallice- I will need some physical evidence to back that one up..... should I get out the yard stick, measuring tape, or ruler?

or micrometer?:2wave:
Original thread created 12/05?

Holy ****, it must be a slow day at DP.
Electron microscope.
I'm going to go with... NO COMMENT!


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