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Why A Government Shutdown Over The Wall? (1 Viewer)

Short answer to the thread OP question ?...Because Trump is showing once again he is a petulant child who doesn't care how many Americans suffer as long as he gets his way.
Trump couldn't get his wall for two damn years, with a total Republican government. And now when the Dems come to power, he wants to shut down the government over it? B.S. He's using the Dems as a bogeyman, attempting to hold his reign on power.


"the Dems come to power" That doesn't happen until next year.

The Senate Dems have been holding this up for two years.

Chuck sat there and told Trump...and the people...that the Senate Dems won't fund the wall. He told Trump to shut down the government.
A. The President is using it as a way to keep us from talking about just how screwed he may well be.

B. He's doing using his normal negotiating tactic of bullying and threatening to bring to the other side around.

C. He's a 70 year old man having a temper tantrum.

D. He wants to bang Pelosi and is trying to show her what a stud he is.
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More What About What About Obama excuses...trump can shove that wall up his ass

lol it helped obama when the republicans shut down the government. Why, then, do you think it's going to help democrats to shut down the government? If the wall is so useless, as every democrat says, why not just let it be built? It hurts no one, and conservatives feel better about it, so build it.

Uh because the democrats aren’t going to shut the government down the President is. Or are we still not taking him at his word?

Why spend billions on something that is useless? Why confiscate lots of private property through eminent domain to build it? Or do you not care about property rights?

Post a link to Schumer telling Trump to shut down the government.

Option D made me laugh out loud. +10


According to the Dems, it's NEVER them who shut down the government...even when they do.

According to the Dems, it's NEVER them who shut down the government...even when they do.

When was they last time they have?

According to the Dems, it's NEVER them who shut down the government...even when they do.

Hmmm. So I know I’m starting to get up there in years and have listened to and played far too much loud music but is distinctly heard Me Trump say that he was going to shut down the government, that he was proud to do it and he wouldn’t blame the democrats.

Maybe I didn’t hear that and should go see an audiologist.

The Democrats will be the ones shutting down the government. Build the wall; no shutdown.
The Democrats will be the ones shutting down the government. Build the wall; no shutdown.

Trump disagrees with you. Its his, lock stock and barrel if it happens. I do expect him to come up with some comical loophole and try to wheedle that fat, tub o' lard body of his out of it if it happens. But he has been suckered into owning it to this point.

As absurd as that meeting was, Shumer offered him a way out and Pelosi offered him a way out. He rejected it.

Build the wall. Shutdown avoided. It isn't rocket science.
Building a wall...making Mexico pay for it...those are both very easy things to do.

Possibly, but unfortunately for the citizens of the USA, according to many top WH staffers they have a moron or an idiot, take your pick, as their POTUS. And let's face it, idiots and morons have a tough time getting even easy things done.

By the way, how is that "easy to win" trade war with China going?
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Build the wall. Shutdown avoided. It isn't rocket science.

Maybe if Trump gives in on DACA without Miller's draconian legal Immigration policy, he gets his $5M for more idiot wall funding. Without that, the Dems will just let Trump own the shutdown since he is so anxious to do it.

He'll remain a giant snowflake and blame it on the Dems. His base seems to respect giant snowflakes like Trump, so they will accept it.
Uh because the democrats aren’t going to shut the government down the President is. Or are we still not taking him at his word?
Good, it should be an easy thing for them to approve then.
Why spend billions on something that is useless? Why confiscate lots of private property through eminent domain to build it? Or do you not care about property rights?
Because that's why Trump was elected. Give people what they want, or suffer for it.
Good, it should be an easy thing for them to approve then.

Because that's why Trump was elected. Give people what they want, or suffer for it.

You mean the 30% of the Electorate that actually support Trump? Worked once...won't work again.
Because that's why Trump was elected. Give people what they want, or suffer for it.

The problem is only idiots want to spend 25+ billion dollars on a wall that can be defeated by a $29 ladder. Haven't you noticed how many top WH staffers and Trump advisors point out that he is an idiot (or a moron)?

If you give those people what they want, everyone will suffer for it.

Can you present arguments other than your TDS? This is nothing but a liberal troll thread.
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Build the wall. Shutdown avoided. It isn't rocket science.

So, extortion from trump is what you support got it. BTW trump has already owned he will be proud to shut down the government. It will be Trump that shuts down the government and you and the other cons posting dishonest comments cannot change that fact. You think trump should be king and what he says should be law.
Can you present arguments other than your TDS? This is nothing but a liberal troll thread.

Only is the dishonest comments of a con would Holding a president accountable for his words he TDS. You cons post such dishonest comments, you are no moderate.

And the battle lines are drawn.

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