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Who's the best debator on these forums? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
My nominations.

GySgt. Even though I don't agree with him on a number of issues. He makes the most illogical arguments somehow seem logical. He obviously has a great understanding of global politics, either way.

Galen. His arguments not only make sense, but they are funny. He also doesn't play that whole party game and criticizes both equally.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

No love? hehehe ;)


Galen is alright, I like Sygt too, but kelzie is fun, maybe not the best, but she's fun....
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

Well, I think I'm the best debator but I also liked a lot of others. kelzie is pretty cool. But V.I. Lenin also was, not to mention quite intelligent and funny, but he doesn't seem to be posting in quite a while. Gysgt and galen are both fairly well debators. I can't stand that Stu Ghatze fellow, he only posts to critisize liberals, like its his life.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

I'd have to say either Gunny or Billo_Really. SKILMATIC is an excellent debater for how young he is. Goes to show you that age means nothing, you can be smart or dumb at any age.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

IMO,side from myself obviously. I would have to say Gunny, trajon octavius, hiker.

Now for the best debaters who usually dont agree with me kal-el, totalitarian, Rightnyu and napoleon. I think all of you who I dont agree with have some very insightful things and I really do take in what you say seriously.

Now the worst debater is Canuck(banned!)
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

IMO,side from myself obviously. I would have to say Gunny, trajon octavius, hiker.

Now for the best debaters who usually dont agree with me kal-el, totalitarian, Rightnyu and napoleon. I think all of you who I dont agree with have some very insightful things and I really do take in what you say seriously.

Now the worst debater is Canuck(banned!)

Though, sissy-boy and Billo are taking Canuck's spot here lately! :rofl
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

There are many very good debaters. People have their strong points just like anything else. In some debates certain people are better then others. So its a real hard decision to reign someone master debater. O btw, Teacher is another good one that comes to mind along with my good friend ak conservative.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

FinnMacCool said:
Again? How come?

Go read one of his posts. O wait you cant becasue it isnt even in a format that anyone can understand. So theres your answer. He never made a debate or a rebuttal.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

Best debator?

Shaumort without question. He never ever types a word without linking to sources and backs himself on his thoughts. He hand picks which topics he participates in and goes for the throat.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

galenrox said:
That is true, he's one guy that I don't want to be on the wrong side of, I think it's happened before, cause I remember vaguely him making me feel like a jackass.
And the hard part comes WHERE?...;)
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

There are many very good debaters. People have their strong points just like anything else. In some debates certain people are better then others. So its a real hard decision to reign someone master debater. O btw, Teacher is another good one that comes to mind along with my good friend ak conservative.

How true is that? Obviously if we are debating politics you, Gunny, and Billo are untouchable. But on other subjects such as abortion, evolution, etc.I'd have to say no one touches steen.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

kal-el said:
How true is that? Obviously if we are debating politics you, Gunny, and Billo are untouchable. But on other subjects such as abortion, evolution, etc.I'd have to say no one touches steen.

SKIL and Billo are untouchable cause they won't listen to reason.:lol:

Hey SKIL, still think that Saddam had WMD?
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

Kelzie said:
SKIL and Billo are untouchable cause they won't listen to reason.:lol:

Hey SKIL, still think that Saddam had WMD?

:lol: I guess so. But GySgt on the other hand, is on his own level. He should be a ****ing journalist or something.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

kal-el said:
:lol: I guess so. But GySgt on the other hand, is on his own level. He should be a ****ing journalist or something.

I think he is. Although he did have one instance where he refused to agree that there was oil in Africa. I pulled out charts and graphs and everything. Wouldn't budge. The one and only time I've been mod-gaveled. :lol:

Other than that one time, he's got my vote. Especially if he concedes the point...

Although, really, a lot of people have my vote.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

Kelzie said:
I think he is. Although he did have one instance where he refused to agree that there was oil in Africa. I pulled out charts and graphs and everything. Wouldn't budge. The one and only time I've been mod-gaveled. :lol:

Other than that one time, he's got my vote. Especially if he concedes the point...

Although, really, a lot of people have my vote.

Yes, practically everyone on this forum is a good debater in their own right, however Gunny IMO is well above the rest. (trying hard not to kiss ass). Billo, SKILMATIC,Napolean's Nightengale, steen, are great debaters just to name a few. Again,not trying to brown-nose or anything, but for only being 21,Skilly is a great debater. I have never met anyone that age that has a grasp on issues like him.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

kal-el said:
Yes, practically everyone on this forum is a good debater in their own right, however Gunny IMO is well above the rest. (trying hard not to kiss ass). Billo, SKILMATIC,Napolean's Nightengale, steen, are great debaters just to name a few. Again,not trying to brown-nose or anything, but for only being 21,Skilly is a great debater. I have never met anyone that age that has a grasp on issues like him.

I'm going to be nice and say everyone has their own opinions. :2wave:
Can't touch Gunny...(Gunny-time!)...:doh

teach and galenrox are good when they want to be...
AlbqOwl does a good job without getting too technical...

Now if we're going to go for "Best debator to make you laugh, but not in a political or argumentative sort of way"...Look no further...:2bow:
cnredd said:
Can't touch Gunny...(Gunny-time!)...:doh

teach and galenrox are good when they want to be...
AlbqOwl does a good job without getting too technical...

Now if we're going to go for "Best debator to make you laugh, but not in a political or argumentative sort of way"...Look no further...:2bow:

I'm sorry I forgot to mention you cnredd, you are a very formidable debater.
Haven't seen anyone who really stands out but the quality here is very high compared to other boards I have been on. I have seen a few on this board who absolutely suck though :mrgreen:
galenrox.....and Kandahar

smart and to the point
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

Kelzie said:
SKIL and Billo are untouchable cause they won't listen to reason.:lol:

Hey SKIL, still think that Saddam had WMD?

HAHA very funny. Hey your the socialist here. I wonder why France is having problems??? Hmm....???? :rofl

just kidding.

Hey SKIL, still think that Saddam had WMD?

Yes he did have them and you even admitted that yourself. A matter a fact almost everyone on this forum with a brain has admitted that he once possessed them. To debate against facts is retardation.

Insert foot in mouth. Or a PEN15. :lol:

I think he is. Although he did have one instance where he refused to agree that there was oil in Africa.

I dont beleive that. Thats hard to beleive. I mean we even import oil from Africa. You have to submit a link for me on this.

Yes, practically everyone on this forum is a good debater in their own right, however Gunny IMO is well above the rest. (trying hard not to kiss ass). Billo, SKILMATIC,Napolean's Nightengale, steen, are great debaters just to name a few. Again,not trying to brown-nose or anything, but for only being 21,Skilly is a great debater. I have never met anyone that age that has a grasp on issues like him.

Awweee thanks dude.

I'm going to be nice and say everyone has their own opinions.

Awwe how sweet.

Haven't seen anyone who really stands out but the quality here is very high compared to other boards I have been on. I have seen a few on this board who absolutely suck though

I do have to agree with him here.

smart and to the point

Well at least we know who likes to be concise.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

HAHA very funny. Hey your the socialist here. I wonder why France is having problems??? Hmm....???? :rofl

just kidding.

Yes he did have them and you even admitted that yourself. A matter a fact almost everyone on this forum with a brain has admitted that he once possessed them. To debate against facts is retardation.

Insert foot in mouth. Or a PEN15. :lol:

I dont beleive that. Thats hard to beleive. I mean we even import oil from Africa. You have to submit a link for me on this.

Awweee thanks dude.

Awwe how sweet.

I do have to agree with him here.

Well at least we know who likes to be concise.

Okay fine...if you wanna play hard ball :)lol: ). Did he have them when we invaded?

And mannn...I don't wanna find it. Sigh...

And it took forever too:

GySgt said:
Africa is unwilling to even help themselves. The only reason they are worse off than the Middle East is because they don't have oil to produce for the rest of the world. Buying them some nets and other things is just a band aid. That continent is full of war lords, militant leaders, and crime bosses that extort from villages and towns. Ethnic cleansing is deep rooted. We can not force people to be civilized. At least with the Middle East, they have structured governments with some modernization in their technologies. Africa would bankrupt everyone's government. Why is everyone on the Africa bandwagon anyway? Nobody seemed to have cared about it when I was in Somalia. They certainly didn't care when they lent their voices to Al-Quada and pleaded for President Clinton to just pull us out.

from here:


And then we argued about it for a couple pages. I so shoulda won that one.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

Kelzie said:
Okay fine...if you wanna play hard ball :)lol: ). Did he have them when we invaded?

And mannn...I don't wanna find it. Sigh...

And it took forever too:

from here:


And then we argued about it for a couple pages. I so shoulda won that one.

Shoot, I would have just admitted that one. I remember that. I was making a point and you side tracked it. I was generally speaking of Africa, not focusing on the Arab rich territories which make a small portion of the continent. Remember, I was speaking on the civilization comparisons.

You got gaveled.
Re: Whose the best debator on these forums?

GySgt said:
Shoot, I would have just admitted that one. I remember that. I was making a point and you side tracked it. I was generally speaking of Africa, not focusing on the Arab rich territories which make a small portion of the continent. Remember, I was speaking on the civilization comparisons.

You got gaveled.

Shut up. :lol:

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