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Who's F-ing Brilliant on DP? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Under The Northern Star, Alaska
Political Leaning
Here's a list of people the I think are f-ing brilliant on DebatePolitics.com. They are in no particular or greatness or whatever. To be F-ing Brilliant I don't necessarily mean brain-wise brilliant. I mean ppl who are fun, can take a joke, don't get pissed off at me or anyone else for making light of some subjects, and are just well loved and respectable people. And others are welcome to make their own lists or made/delete from mine. Here it goes:

Everyone else
Captain America
George Washington
Navy Pride (aka Naval Prizzle)
Albq Owl

[There are others, but I can't think of their names right now. I'll add them later]

"vauge" not "vague".

"shuamort" not "Shuamort"

"jallman" not "Jallman".

"AlbqOwl" not "Albq Owl".
Last edited:
Oh God, I hate these things, I think everyone is brilliant in their own way, let's say, everyone who manages to not get banned, or make too many enemies, is brilliant in my opinion.;)

But if I had to pick just a few........

vauge for making it all possible, and being so gratious

Kelzie for her insight and honesty

jallman for his intelligence, and open mindedness

teacher for his sense of humor, and tireless efforts here

aps for being so kind, and understanding

hipsterdufus for his undying commitment to his cause

Albq owl for her grace under pressure, and intelligent debate

galen for his brutal honesty, and courage

cnredd for his sharp wit and intelligent debate

Mixey for her toughness, and always thoughtful debate

Navy for his loyalty to the military, and his undying love for our president, and we can throw James in there as well.

I am sure I am missed a bunch of folks, sorry, don't feel bad, I just did this between phone calls to clients.:(
Deegan said:
Oh God, I hate these things, I think everyone is brilliant in their own way, let's say, everyone who manages to not get banned, or make too many enemies, is brilliant in my opinion.;)

But if I had to pick just a few........

vauge for making it all possible, and being so gratious

Kelzie for her insight and honesty

jallman for his intelligence, and open mindedness

teacher for his sense of humor, and tireless efforts here

aps for being so kind, and understanding

hipsterdufus for his undying commitment to his cause

Albq owl for her grace under pressure, and intelligent debate

galen for his brutal honesty, and courage

cnredd for his sharp wit and intelligent debate

Mixey for her toughness, and always thoughtful debate

Navy for his loyalty to the military, and his undying love for our president, and we can throw James in there as well.

I am sure I am missed a bunch of folks, sorry, don't feel bad, I just did this between phone calls to clients.:(

You're missing the chief character of this site: ME, your ol' pal Donks!:mrgreen:
Donkey1499 said:
You're missing the chief character of this site: ME, your ol' pal Donks!:mrgreen:

Yeah, but you didn't add me you jackass!:lol:

Good thread though, I'm sure it will stir up some love.;)
americanwoman said:
I think Tashah is f-ing brilliant.

I certainly dig her, but she does not post enough, so I always forget her. I also forgot Gunny, for his intelligence, as well as his bravery and service, both on, and off the battlefield. Oh, and one of my favorite mods, RightatNYU, always a class act. I'll add more as I finish my work......yes, I do work sometimes.:3oops:
Donkey1499 said:
I forgot about you, Deeg. But you're added to the list though, not that I remember.

O.k, I tried to add you, but ran out of time, I also spelled gracious wrong, I hate when I type while too busy!:doh
See my favorite list. I don't like people who aren't brilliant. :cool:
Foolish Jackass!

This is not the place for your *** kissing. Take it upstairs.
Get a room you two. ;) :mrgreen:
Why don't you two get a room? We won't look. :notlook:

NEVER!!!! so.... you also make me laugh

:thanks :thanks

I try to spread happiness the way Bush spreads democracy. A true visionary.

*sighs* I could only wish

Me too... We can watch old Good Times reruns. Dynoamite!
KCConservative said:
Why don't you two get a room? We won't look. :notlook:

I'll look. :wow:

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