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who is the worse president in our history? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific Northwest, Oregon
Political Leaning
In my opinion the worst presidents in history, were the current George W. Bush, George Bush Sr, Jimmy Carter, and Herbert Hoover.

George W. Bush is the first President to start a totally unprovoked war and lie like Satan to get support for the war. Bush's policies are aggression and terror based, and his financial policies are against the American People.
Originally posted by dragonslayer:
In my opinion the worst presidents in history, were the current George W. Bush, George Bush Sr, Jimmy Carter, and Herbert Hoover.

George W. Bush is the first President to start a totally unprovoked war and lie like Satan to get support for the war. Bush's policies are aggression and terror based, and his financial policies are against the American People.
George Bush is the first President that didn't give a f_ck about the nation he served.
dragonslayer said:
In my opinion the worst presidents in history, were the current George W. Bush, George Bush Sr, Jimmy Carter, and Herbert Hoover.

George W. Bush is the first President to start a totally unprovoked war and lie like Satan to get support for the war. Bush's policies are aggression and terror based, and his financial policies are against the American People.
George W. Bush: stupid to assume anything with out the benefit of retrospect.

George Bush Sr.: Again, little retrospect.

Jimmy Carter: Camp David accords.

Herbert Hoover: Largely a victim of circumstance, the Depression was long in coming before Hoover was president.
-Demosthenes- said:
George W. Bush: stupid to assume anything with out the benefit of retrospect.

George Bush Sr.: Again, little retrospect.

Jimmy Carter: Camp David accords.

Herbert Hoover: Largely a victim of circumstance, the Depression was long in coming before Hoover was president.

I think it is impossible to tell how you would rate Presidents before the 20th century. As for me though, the three worst Presidents were 1.) Warren Harding, 2.) Little George Bush, 3.) Lyndon Johnson. The reason for Harding being number one was that he was perhaps the most corrupt and his isolationist policies lead to the Depression I think. Little George Bush is second most corrupt and his little wars have gotten us entangled. I also think he is overseeing the merging of business and government in a neo-fascist state. Lyndon Johnson was third because he created the most screwed up socialized system in history.
Axismaster said:
I think it is impossible to tell how you would rate Presidents before the 20th century. As for me though, the three worst Presidents were 1.) Warren Harding, 2.) Little George Bush, 3.) Lyndon Johnson. The reason for Harding being number one was that he was perhaps the most corrupt and his isolationist policies lead to the Depression I think. Little George Bush is second most corrupt and his little wars have gotten us entangled. I also think he is overseeing the merging of business and government in a neo-fascist state. Lyndon Johnson was third because he created the most screwed up socialized system in history.

Johnson's 'Great Society' visions were askew but not the most screwed up system in history. It implemented the Civil Rights Act, Medicare, domestic reform of education, housing and welfare. Loopholes abound and these had their share. Also, these were things in discussions during Kennedy's term-as liberals go, Johnson as a VP was relatively conservative and was chosen as VP to counter Kennedy's liberal views, Catholic upbringing and sway the southern vote. Johnson's downfall was not his social reforms-it was southeast asia-something Eisenhower got us into, Kennedy increased our presence and Johnson saw no way out and instead, furthered our involvement thinking erroneously it would end the conflict sooner. Once he saw the error, he 'abdicated'-choosing not to run again and serve out his term as quietly as possible(which turned out not so quietly). The nation as a whole experienced good prosperity under his term, but was becoming disillusioned as the war in Vietnam escalated. Prosperity wasn't enough though and Johnson saw no easy way out of Vietnam-something he deeply regretted the rest of his life, even with his successes with Civil Rights.
When researching 'worst of' lists, it's interesting to note that many presidents who actually implemented good programs were making these lists based on their persona and the mistakes made while 'best of' lists use persona and forego the mistakes. Kennedy almost got us blown to bits! During his term, the mafia thrived. He plunged us further into the illegal war in Vietnam. But he makes almost every best president list you can find, based on charm, charisma and the economic good times we were experiencing-nothing having to do with his policies or solid achievements(unless you call the President's Council on Physical Fitness and the Peace Corps solid achievements)
Oh my god dude you people are soooooo right.

Bush lied babies died!
Bush lied babies died!
Bush lied babies died!
Bush lied babies died!

Like saddam was totally just chillin in Iraq minding his own business when we totally like flew in there and bombed a bunch of nursery schools. Bush like totally hates Iraqi babies. Saddam is like totally peaceful and muslim and stuff.

What? Saddam invaded Kuwait and stole every car off the streets and robbed all the banks? No dude. That was like totally a conservative LIE man.

What? Saddam threw men into wood choppers in front of their families? No way dude. Saddam is like a super nice old guy. Just like Stalin. Totally harmless dude. Another conservative lie.

What? Saddam's son Uday kidnapped a college girl off the street, shot her boyfriend in the face, raped her for a week, then covered her in honey and fed her to his dogs? Laughing while they tore her apart? No way man. Saddam is like totally a good father and would never let his kids do that.

Yeah man Bush is a facist man. He is worse than HITLER man. He totally invaded iraq for no reason at all just for the oil.

Wait hold on... I have to go. My mom is yelling at me again to get back to my homework.
dragonslayer said:
In my opinion the worst presidents in history, were the current George W. Bush, George Bush Sr, Jimmy Carter, and Herbert Hoover.

George W. Bush is the first President to start a totally unprovoked war and lie like Satan to get support for the war. Bush's policies are aggression and terror based, and his financial policies are against the American People.

But in seriousness, a guy whos name on a POLITICAL forum is "dragonslayer" shouldn't be taken seriously.

People that live in D&D fantasy land don't always have the best political opinions. Emphasis on the word fantasy.
FreeThinker said:
But in seriousness, a guy whos name on a POLITICAL forum is "dragonslayer" shouldn't be taken seriously.

People that live in D&D fantasy land don't always have the best political opinions. Emphasis on the word fantasy.
Dude, he's older than me and I was a classmate of Mary Magdalene's....:mrgreen:
George_Washington said:
The worst President in our history is Bill Clinton.

I hope this will enrage the liberals. Hahaha. I'm just joking, I'm not sure who the worst President was.

Clinton was too impotent (no pun intended) to be the worst president in history. The conservative congress at that time prevented him from passing his communist wife's insane proposals.
FreeThinker said:
Clinton was too impotent (no pun intended) to be the worst president in history. The conservative congress at that time prevented him from passing his communist wife's insane proposals.

Clinton has a commie wife?:confused:
Originally posted by Comrade Brian:
Clinton has a commie wife
I thought she was a lesbian?
Billo_Really said:
I thought she was a lesbian?

It doesn't matter what she is, it only matters that she never is elected President!
Originally posted by Axismaster:
It doesn't matter what she is, it only matters that she never is elected President!
Too late for that. She's going to be the next President of the United States.
Not a chance, everybody on both sides hate her.
Billo_Really said:
George Bush is the first President that didn't give a f_ck about the nation he served.

Amen.....He is most defiantly the worst..........
Originally posted by alphieb:
Amen.....He is most defiantly the worst..........
Although I had issues with him too, Bush's father was a better President.
FreeThinker said:
Oh my god dude you people are soooooo right.

Bush lied babies died!
Bush lied babies died!
Bush lied babies died!
Bush lied babies died!

Like saddam was totally just chillin in Iraq minding his own business when we totally like flew in there and bombed a bunch of nursery schools. Bush like totally hates Iraqi babies. Saddam is like totally peaceful and muslim and stuff.

What? Saddam invaded Kuwait and stole every car off the streets and robbed all the banks? No dude. That was like totally a conservative LIE man.

What? Saddam threw men into wood choppers in front of their families? No way dude. Saddam is like a super nice old guy. Just like Stalin. Totally harmless dude. Another conservative lie.

What? Saddam's son Uday kidnapped a college girl off the street, shot her boyfriend in the face, raped her for a week, then covered her in honey and fed her to his dogs? Laughing while they tore her apart? No way man. Saddam is like totally a good father and would never let his kids do that.

Yeah man Bush is a facist man. He is worse than HITLER man. He totally invaded iraq for no reason at all just for the oil.

Wait hold on... I have to go. My mom is yelling at me again to get back to my homework.

what exactly was that reason? (that he invaded iraq?)

According to his press secretary and himself it was originally to;

"prevent the mushroom cloud" (woops.... you mean the fission bombs that we have stockpiled over the years?)

Then it was to;

"liberate the iraquis" (woops.... you mean the people that we have basically denied any form of civil rights, independent or 'free' thought, basic logistics (such as water and electricity), and implanted false media?) Perhaps they should be just like us here and have to pay uncle sam to breath the polluted air and sacrifice their dreams and hopes at the will of elite corporations and militant industries.

Now it is only to;

"relentlessly agree with the Bush Administration (pnac) and to be a good blind American and never doubt the intelligence of the Bush administration nor their subservient followers" A league of Sycophants. Toads. People who haven't the faintest clue of what the words liberty or justice mean.
Bottom Five from the Worst First.

George W. Bush
Richard Nixon
Ronald Reagan
Warren Harding
Millard Filmore
George W. Bush
Richard Nixon
Ronald Reagan
Warren Harding
Millard Filmore
William Harrison!!!!!

That mother ****er didn't do $HIT.
Originally posted by Caine:
William Harrison!!!!!

That mother ****er didn't do $HIT.
Excuse me, that's William Henry Harrison! Good day, sir.
Billo_Really said:
Excuse me, that's William Henry Harrison! Good day, sir.

Blah.... whatever his middle name is, not like I give a fiznuck.

He still didn't do $HIT for this country.
-Demosthenes- said:
George W. Bush
Richard Nixon
Ronald Reagan
Warren Harding
Millard Filmore


Bush - Owned by the House of Saud, utter mismanagement of the war on terror, borrow and spend nightmare of a budget killer, right wing Christian stooge, assaulting the 4th amendment, etc.

Nixon- Assaulting the constitution in many ways, broke the bonds of trust between government and governed in a way that has gotten worse rather than gotten better.

Reagan - Sold arms to terrorists, exiled our children's future to the phantom zone of unimaginable debt, ignored the AIDS epidemic for years till it killed a friend of his, was the first of the GOP line that has created the current GOP Noise machine that relies utterly on disinformation and libel/slander. Hugely corrupt administration.

Harding - Almost as corrupt as Regan and the current Bush.

Filmore - his bumbling made the civil war inevitable and destroyed what had been the most powerful party in the US at the time.
Vandeervecken said:
Bush - Owned by the House of Saud, utter mismanagement of the war on terror, borrow and spend nightmare of a budget killer, right wing Christian stooge, assaulting the 4th amendment, etc.

Nixon- Assaulting the constitution in many ways, broke the bonds of trust between government and governed in a way that has gotten worse rather than gotten better.

Reagan - Sold arms to terrorists, exiled our children's future to the phantom zone of unimaginable debt, ignored the AIDS epidemic for years till it killed a friend of his, was the first of the GOP line that has created the current GOP Noise machine that relies utterly on disinformation and libel/slander. Hugely corrupt administration.

Harding - Almost as corrupt as Regan and the current Bush.

Filmore - his bumbling made the civil war inevitable and destroyed what had been the most powerful party in the US at the time.

Yes, all of these men were horrible Presidents except Reagan, though himself was only mediocre.

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