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Who is more likely to incite or commit violent acts? (1 Viewer)


I don't respect you.
DP Veteran
Sep 13, 2007
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I love your hate.
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With all this talk about "violence" and recent events, which would you feel safer in from being attacked walking down the street? a Bernie or a trump hat?

A very simple question.
With all this talk about "violence" and recent events, which would you feel safer in from being attacked walking down the street? a Bernie or a trump hat?

A very simple question.

Don't think it's quite that simple. Location, location, location.
Bernie hat, unless I'm at a Trump event.
Don't think it's quite that simple. Location, location, location.

Sure it is.

If I wanted to get into a fight with someone by just sitting on a park bench, I'd wear a trump hat. I'd be ignored in a bernie hat.
With all this talk about "violence" and recent events, which would you feel safer in from being attacked walking down the street? a Bernie or a trump hat?

A very simple question.

I don't trust anyone with a hat.
Sure it is.

If I wanted to get into a fight with someone by just sitting on a park bench, I'd wear a trump hat. I'd be ignored in a bernie hat.

Again, it depends on what park you're sitting in.

A "bernie hat" sure as hell might infer you're unarmed and therefore an easy target.
A "trump hat" might infer you're armed, and therefore somebody to avoid.

I don't think your question is as black and white as you suggest.

Or, is your intention here to suggest people who support bernie might be more prone to violent attacks?
Really? I have not seen anyone go after a bernie supporter violently unprovoked. I have seen numerous in the other direction.

I guess it depends on how many of Trump's "campaign managers" are there. :lol:
Again, it depends on what park you're sitting in.

A "bernie hat" sure as hell might infer you're unarmed and therefore an easy target.
A "trump hat" might infer you're armed, and therefore somebody to avoid.

I don't think your question is as black and white as you suggest.

Or, is your intention here to suggest people who support bernie might be more prone to violent attacks?

I do believe and I already said that if I wanted to get some static, I'd walk down the street in a trump hat.

Like I said in general who's likely to get more flak, simply walking down the street, in a mall, etc, a bernie guy or a trump guy?
Really? I have not seen anyone go after a bernie supporter violently unprovoked. I have seen numerous in the other direction.

Like daring to walk up flight of stairs.
Again, it depends on what park you're sitting in.

A "bernie hat" sure as hell might infer you're unarmed and therefore an easy target.
A "trump hat" might infer you're armed, and therefore somebody to avoid.

I don't think your question is as black and white as you suggest.

Or, is your intention here to suggest people who support bernie might be more prone to violent attacks?

No, I think his point is that, for all the accusations against Trump supporters of violence, Trump supporters just out in the general public would likely be the ones to be harassed. I agree that's likely true.
Lol I'm pretty damn sure if I walked down my street in a Trump hat, I'd get harassed. However I doubt they even know who Bernie Sanders is.
I do believe and I already said that if I wanted to get some static, I'd walk down the street in a trump hat.

Like I said in general who's likely to get more flak, simply walking down the street, in a mall, etc, a bernie guy or a trump guy?

Static? Flak?

Title of thread asks about "violent attacks".

OP states "violence" and "attack".

I know plenty of died-in-the-wool republicans/conservatives who are horrified at the idea of trump being the nominee.

I would not be shocked to find people who "attack" a Trump supporter for simply wearing some kind of "Trump" gear are NOT planning on voting for any dem currently in the running.

And yes - there are obviously stupid, pathetic, and violent people from both the left and the right, as well as either extreme, and right down the middle.

Trump is obviously inciting a lot of emotion from all kinds of people. That's basically what he does. So yeah, wearing a Trump sign will probably set yourself up for
more "attention" than wearing a Bernie sign.
No, I think his point is that, for all the accusations against Trump supporters of violence, Trump supporters just out in the general public would likely be the ones to be harassed. I agree that's likely true.
I haven't been to grade school or college in quite a while but I imagine Trump supporters being harassed would be quite similar in atmosphere to school in the US. It's all ideological harassment.
With all this talk about "violence" and recent events, which would you feel safer in from being attacked walking down the street? a Bernie or a trump hat?.

As others have pointed out, it depends on your location. But all things bei ng equal, I tend to believe it is the Trump hat that is likely to receive the more aggressive response. But I think the reason may be different that you might assume.

The reason can boil down to threat level. I get the impression that many conservatives don't view Bernie or those who support his ideology to be a real threat, amusing or misguided certainly, but not a threat. On the other hand, just vouching for myself, I view Trump as a very real and legitimate threat to many aspects of the society which I value. And I tend to view supporters of him, ones that can so easily dismiss the types of quotes and behaviors cited in my signature line, through a similar prism. And I believe that I have a cool head that won't resort to criminal or tortious behavior.

But my wife?

I have already had to warn her not to engage in trespass or destruction of property the first time she sees a Trump sign. Getting the legal defense ready anyways.
Like daring to walk up flight of stairs.

If you want to isolate incidents be my guest. but if you look at which side has been more violent and aggressive, you are going to find you will lose as usual. Though you'll claim victory and tell us more about how you learned debate logic from the criminally insane or some such,.
Static? Flak?

Title of thread asks about "violent attacks".

OP states "violence" and "attack".

I know plenty of died-in-the-wool republicans/conservatives who are horrified at the idea of trump being the nominee.

I would not be shocked to find people who "attack" a Trump supporter for simply wearing some kind of "Trump" gear are NOT planning on voting for any dem currently in the running.

And yes - there are obviously stupid, pathetic, and violent people from both the left and the right, as well as either extreme, and right down the middle.

Trump is obviously inciting a lot of emotion from all kinds of people. That's basically what he does. So yeah, wearing a Trump sign will probably set yourself up for
more "attention" than wearing a Bernie sign.

Seriously, are you suggesting that the violence that has been directed at trump supporters is mostly from republicans?

are you saying that the victims kinda deserve it?
As others have pointed out, it depends on your location. But all things bei ng equal, I tend to believe it is the Trump hat that is likely to receive the more aggressive response. But I think the reason may be different that you might assume.

The reason can boil down to threat level. I get the impression that many conservatives don't view Bernie or those who support his ideology to be a real threat, amusing or misguided certainly, but not a threat. On the other hand, just vouching for myself, I view Trump as a very real and legitimate threat to many aspects of the society which I value. And I tend to view supporters of him, ones that can so easily dismiss the types of quotes and behaviors cited in my signature line, through a similar prism. And I believe that I have a cool head that won't resort to criminal or tortious behavior.

But my wife?

I have already had to warn her not to engage in trespass or destruction of property the first time she sees a Trump sign. Getting the legal defense ready anyways.
Yep. I was right. It's all ideological.
As others have pointed out, it depends on your location. But all things bei ng equal, I tend to believe it is the Trump hat that is likely to receive the more aggressive response. But I think the reason may be different that you might assume.

The reason can boil down to threat level. I get the impression that many conservatives don't view Bernie or those who support his ideology to be a real threat, amusing or misguided certainly, but not a threat. On the other hand, just vouching for myself, I view Trump as a very real and legitimate threat to many aspects of the society which I value. And I tend to view supporters of him, ones that can so easily dismiss the types of quotes and behaviors cited in my signature line, through a similar prism. And I believe that I have a cool head that won't resort to criminal or tortious behavior.

But my wife?

I have already had to warn her not to engage in trespass or destruction of property the first time she sees a Trump sign. Getting the legal defense ready anyways.

This begs the question though, if the threat leads you to commit violence on his supporters, who's the real "threat" here?
This begs the question though, if the threat leads you to commit violence on his supporters, who's the real "threat" here?
You understand their ideology demands a violent reaction against an ideology that isn't the same. Schools producing a bunch of lemmings? Higher learning my eye.
You understand their ideology demands a violent reaction against an ideology that isn't the same. Fostered in schools?

we live in a law and order society, you have a right to disagree with them, you don't have the right to attack them. Am I misunderstanding you post?
Sure it is.

If I wanted to get into a fight with someone by just sitting on a park bench, I'd wear a trump hat. I'd be ignored in a bernie hat.

I think that's sort of flipping it. Wearing a Trump hat is more likely to attract hostile attention, which doesn't necessarily make you more likely to incite violence.

Frankly, I'm not sure which side the BLM folks are coming down on. Broadly, blacks seem to be voting for Hillary, but I don't know if the activists reflect that.

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