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who do U think is the best president ever (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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who do U think is the best President ever, i say Rosevelt.

mikeey said:
who do U think is the best President ever, i say Rosevelt.


Which one, Franklin or Teddy?
Theodore Roosevelt

We all know about the anti-trust breakups of big business, the Panama canal construction, the enforcement of the Monroe doctrine. But personally, I consider him my favorite because of his conservation. If I may quote from a brief biography:

Undaunted by charges of "executive usurpation," Roosevelt also doubled the number of national parks, his five additions including Mesa Verde and Crater Lake; created 16 national monuments such as California's Muir Woods; and established 51 wildlife refuges. "Is there any law that will prevent me from declaring Pelican Island a Federal Bird Reservation?" the President asked. "Very well, then I so declare it." As Roosevelt's long-term adversary, Sen. Robert M. LaFollette (R-Wis.) later wrote, Roosevelt's "greatest work was inspiring and actually beginning a world movement for ... saving for the human race the things on which alone a peaceful, progressive, and happy life can be founded."

Teddy also "turned" on his handlers, the bigwigs of his party, and did some things that he thought was right, without regard to what his party wanted him to do. That should be the power of a second term president, to do the right things without regard to kissing the asses that put him in power in the first place.
I don't think there can be a "best" president ever. They've all presided at different points in history with vastly different issues at hand. My personal favorites are Washingotn, Jefferson, Lincoln, both Roosevelts, Eisenhower and Reagan to a degree.
The best President ever has not yet been elected, in fact, he/she might not even be born yet.:lol:
mikeey said:
who do U think is the best President ever

FDR is certainly the best, for obvious reasons, though I also like Lincoln, and LBJ I liked whan he tried to decrease poverty and the likes.
I will be the best president in the history of the world.
128shot said:
I will be the best president in the history of the world.

I will never be President...

I don't want to be in charge of people....people suck...
Comrade Brian said:
FDR is certainly the best, for obvious reasons, though I also like Lincoln, and LBJ I liked whan he tried to decrease poverty and the likes.

Lyndon Johnson was responsible for the embarassment that was Vietnam and his "Great Society" programs including medicare and welfare expansion were a disaster. While it's heartfelt and humane to sympathize the poor, government intervention is not and will never be the best solution to these problems.
The Real McCoy said:
Lyndon Johnson was responsible for the embarassment that was Vietnam and his "Great Society" programs including medicare and welfare expansion were a disaster. While it's heartfelt and humane to sympathize the poor, government intervention is not and will never be the best solution to these problems.
The right kind of govt. intervention might work, and that IMHO is a real education system that does not allow dropouts or slackers.
cnredd said:
I will never be President...

I don't want to be in charge of people....people suck...

That is the truest statement I have ever heard.:smile: :smile: :smile:
The Real McCoy said:
Lyndon Johnson was responsible for the embarassment that was Vietnam and his "Great Society" programs including medicare and welfare expansion were a disaster. While it's heartfelt and humane to sympathize the poor, government intervention is not and will never be the best solution to these problems.

LBJ's "Great Society" was not a failure entirly, poverty, homelessness, etc. did go down somewhat, but it did fail to reach its goals. I agree that government intervention is not the best solution, there are better ways, but poverty and such can't be erased under the current social and econmomic systems.

I said I kind of liked him for his Great Society efforts, I didn't like however his Vietnam War.
Comrade Brian said:
but poverty and such can't be erased under the current social and econmomic systems.

No human devised system will ever completely erase poverty and other economic woes.
UtahBill said:
The right kind of govt. intervention might work, and that IMHO is a real education system that does not allow dropouts or slackers.

The "right" kind of govt. intervention is a lack of govt. intervention.

An education system that doesn't allow dropouts or slackers? How would that be enforced?
The Real McCoy said:
The "right" kind of govt. intervention is a lack of govt. intervention.

An education system that doesn't allow dropouts or slackers? How would that be enforced?
Dropouts get drafted into some kind of menial, miserable government service until they turn 18, slackers get "motivational" summer school, aka boot camp.
And the parents have to pay their room and board while they are doing it.
Yeah, I know, the ACLU would fight that.
My personal favorite is washington. Without him this country would never exist. Thats what makes him the best period. Without him you wouldnt have the rest of the presidents. :cool:
My personal favorite is washington. Without him this country would never exist. Thats what makes him the best period. Without him you wouldnt have the rest of the presidents. :cool:

Jefferson (along with numerous other founding fathers) is just as responsible, if not more so than Washington, to the beginning of our country. Washington happened to be the first president, no doubt he was great though.
UtahBill said:
Dropouts get drafted into some kind of menial, miserable government service until they turn 18, slackers get "motivational" summer school, aka boot camp.
And the parents have to pay their room and board while they are doing it.
Yeah, I know, the ACLU would fight that.

Nice. As long as the ACLU is fighting it, I'm supporting it. :2dancing:
The Real McCoy said:
Jefferson (along with numerous other founding fathers) is just as responsible, if not more so than Washington, to the beginning of our country. Washington happened to be the first president, no doubt he was great though.

Actually no. Jefferson could never run an army neither could franklin or madison or adams. Why do you think they all supported washington in commanding the army and when the war was over they all supported him to be the first president? No one even ran against washington. It was a total landslide.

Also if it wasnt for washington we would have never won the revolutionary war which inturn this naton would never exist which inturn the rest of the founding fathers would never exist. These are all facts.
Actually no. Jefferson could never run an army neither could franklin or madison or adams. Why do you think they all supported washington in commanding the army and when the war was over they all supported him to be the first president? No one even ran against washington. It was a total landslide.

Also if it wasnt for washington we would have never won the revolutionary war which inturn this naton would never exist which inturn the rest of the founding fathers would never exist. These are all facts.

Washington may have provided the military strategy but men like Jefferson and Madison provided the intellectual heft to spark the revolution, declaration of independence and Constitution which our entire government is based on.
Also, Washington's accomplishments while in the office of presidency were mediocre compared to Jeffereson's.

If I'm sounding like a Washington basher, I'm certainly not that. He was a helluva guy.
Jefferson (along with numerous other founding fathers) is just as responsible, if not more so than Washington, to the beginning of our country. Washington happened to be the first president, no doubt he was great though.
Washington wasn't a particularly good general, but he was an amazing figure head. There was just something about him that was so endearing, he was fiercely popular, his presents at the Philadelphia is one of the main reasons that it was successful. He was a shoe in for the first presidency. But other "Forefathers" were very important as well, revolutionists such as Patrick Henry, and Samuel Adams, Constitution delegates James Madison, James Wilson, and Alexander Hamilton, and future leaders Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams (who were better revolutionists than presidency really).

As far as you was the "greatest" president (in terms of effect on the country or world) Washington was indeed the greatest. Much of the policy of the Government and interpretation of the Constitution was decided (such as the US Bank), and the two term precedent was born.

Much over looked are the non-presidents. Colonists such as Gouverneur Morris, James Wilson, and George Mason are not very well known because they were never presidents. Senators and Representatives that held the nation from was Civil War in the 1840's and 50's like Webster and Clay, and even Calhoun. And great Justices such as John Marshall and others.

The next important president is hard to decide, I'd rather go chronologically showing the most important. Jefferson was great (effected the nation/world) because of the Louisiana Purchase and lack of enforcement of the 1808 slave clause in the Constitution. Jackson expanded the powers of the presidency. Polk got a lot of land from Mexico. Buchanan set the nation up for Civil War, and then Lincoln Carried out that war, strengthened the federal government, and suspended some rights of the Constitution. McKinley's death started the switch to the Merit based system. WWI and the League of Nations (US not member in the end) formation was under Wilson's presidency. Coleridge helps set up the world for WWII by not extending European loans. FDR did a lot to comfort the people of the US in the Depression, and kept people from dying for the most part, but it was WWII that got the US out of the Depression. Truman's decisions during that war effected the world greatly (like the atomic bomb). Kennedy starts and Johnson finishes the Civil Rights Movement (for the most part). Reagan did much to destroy the Welfare system that had laid untouched for years. It's hard to pick out any "greats" after Reagan, with out the benefit of retrospect.
-Demosthenes- said:
Jefferson was great (effected the nation/world) because of the Louisiana Purchase and lack of enforcement of the 1808 slave clause in the Constitution. Jackson expanded the powers of the presidency. Polk got a lot of land from Mexico. Buchanan set the nation up for Civil War, and then Lincoln Carried out that war, strengthened the federal government, and suspended some rights of the Constitution. McKinley's death started the switch to the Merit based system. WWI and the League of Nations (US not member in the end) formation was under Wilson's presidency. Coleridge helps set up the world for WWII by not extending European loans. FDR did a lot to comfort the people of the US in the Depression, and kept people from dying for the most part, but it was WWII that got the US out of the Depression. Truman's decisions during that war effected the world greatly (like the atomic bomb). Kennedy starts and Johnson finishes the Civil Rights Movement (for the most part). Reagan did much to destroy the Welfare system that had laid untouched for years. It's hard to pick out any "greats" after Reagan, with out the benefit of retrospect.

Like I said, it's hard to pick a "best" president considering the wide range of different times they presided during and the vastly different issues they faced.

BTW... your sig: HILARIOUS

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