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Who controls the media? (1 Viewer)

Who controls the media?

  • Liberals

    Votes: 16 47.1%
  • Conservatives

    Votes: 10 29.4%
  • Center

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters


Jul 16, 2005
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Canada eh!
Political Leaning
Who controls the media? Liberals or Conservatives? In Canada Liberals definatly do we only have 1 major station and it is so liberal. But in America I'm not sure with Fox though ABC and CNN are liberal.
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well, considering our president isnt liberal lol.... Fox is conserv, and the rest are either neutral or liberal, but i think its pretty neutral... the movie media is pretty liberal sometimes tho... so depends
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pretty good point but I think it's liberal actually only because they are more out spoken
yea, they sure as heck are ALLOWED to speak in the mdeia while most conseravtive views are not shown or attacked.... atleast not on most networks, fox does tho
Jews, as if you had to ask...
The largest media conglomerate is Disney. Disney is controlled by a jew, Michael Eisner. Sinc ehis takeover from gentiles, the organization went from wholesome movies like Snow White. Wen it was taken over by Jew, out came violence etc.

They also own Miramax films, headed up by two Jews, Bob and Harvey Weinstein.

Viacom-with 2003 revenues of just over $26.5 billion, is Viacom, Inc., headed by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein), a Jew.

Until the purchase in May 1998 of PolyGram by Jewish billionaire Edgar Bronfman, Jr., Warner Music was America's largest record company, with 50 labels. Warner Music was an early promoter of "gangsta rap." Through its involvement with Interscope Records (prior to Interscope's acquisition by another Jewish-owned media firm), it helped to popularize a genre whose graphic lyrics explicitly urge Blacks to commit acts of violence against Whites. Bronfman purchased Warner Music in 2004, keeping it solidly in Jewish hands.

NBC Universal. Another Jewish media mogul is Edgar Bronfman, Jr. He headed Seagram Company, Ltd., the liquor giant, until its recent merger with Vivendi. His father, Edgar Bronfman, Sr., is president of the World Jewish Congress.

In June 2000, the Bronfman family traded Seagram to Vivendi for stock in Vivendi, and Edgar, Jr. became vice chairman of Vivendi. Vivendi was originally a French utilities company, and was then led by Gentile Jean-Marie Messier. A board of directors faction led by Bronfman forced Messier to resign in July 2002.

Vivendi also acquired bisexual Jew Barry Diller's USA Networks in 2002. (Diller is the owner of InterActive Corporation, which owns Expedia, Ticketmaster, The Home Shopping Network, Lending Tree, Hotels.com, CitySearch, Evite, Match.com, and other Internet businesses.) Vivendi combined the USA Network, Universal Studios, Universal Television, and theme parks into Vivendi Universal Entertainment (VUE).

Time Warner is also Jewish dominated.

Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation owns Fox Television Network, Fox News, the FX Channel, 20th Century Fox Films, Fox 2000, and publisher Harper Collins. News Corp. is the fifth largest megamedia corporation in the nation, with 2003 revenues of approximately $19.2 billion. It is the only other media company which comes close to the top four.

Historian David Irving has published information from a claimed high-level media source who says that Murdoch's mother, Elisabeth Joy Greene, was Jewish, but we have not been able to confirm this.) Murdoch's number two executive is Peter Chernin, who is president and chief operating officer—and a Jew.

Under Chernin, Jews hold key positions in the company: Gail Berman runs Fox Entertainment Group; Mitchell Stern heads satellite television division DirecTV; Jane Friedman is chairman and CEO of Harper Collins; and Thomas Rothman is chairman of Fox Filmed Entertainment. News Corporation also owns the New York Post and TV Guide, and both are published under Chernin's supervision. The primary printed neoconservative journal, The Weekly Standard, is also published by News Corporation and edited by William Kristol, a leading Jewish neocon spokesman and "intellectual."

Most of the television and movie production companies that are not owned by the large media corporations are also controlled by Jews.

For example, Spyglass, an "independent" film producer which has made such films as The Sixth Sense, The Insider, and Shanghai Noon, is controlled by its Jewish founders Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum, who are co-chairmen. Jonathan Glickman serves as president and Paul Neinstein is executive vice president. Both men are Jews. Spyglass makes movies exclusively for DreamWorks SKG.

One major studio, Columbia Pictures, is owned by the Japanese multinational firm Sony. Nevertheless, the studio's chairman is Jewess Amy Pascal, and its output fully reflects the Jewish social agenda. Sony's music division recently merged with European music giant BMG to form Sony BMG Music Entertainment, now one of the world's largest music distributors. It is headed by CEO Andrew Lack, formerly president and CEO of NBC—and a Jew. Sony's overall American operations are headed by a Jew named Howard Stringer, formerly of CBS, who hired Lack.

The big three in television network broadcasting used to be ABC, CBS, and NBC. With the consolidation of the media empires, these three are no longer independent entities. While they were independent, however, each was controlled by a Jew since its inception: ABC by Leonard Goldenson; NBC first by David Sarnoff and then by his son Robert; and CBS first by William Paley and then by Laurence Tisch. Over several decades these networks were staffed from top to bottom with Jews, and the essential Jewishness of network television did not change when the networks were absorbed by other Jewish-dominated media corporations. The Jewish presence in television news remains particularly strong.

The Associated Press (AP), which sells content to newspapers, is currently under the control of its Jewish vice president and managing editor, Michael Silverman, who directs the day-to-day news reporting and supervises the editorial departments. Silverman had directed the AP's national news as assistant managing editor, beginning in 1989. Jewess Ann Levin is AP's national news editor. Silverman and Levin are under Jonathan Wolman, also a Jew, who was promoted to senior vice president of AP in November 2002.

The New York Times was founded in 1851 by two Gentiles, Henry J. Raymond and George Jones. After their deaths, it was purchased in 1896 from Jones's estate by a wealthy Jewish publisher, Adolph Ochs. His great-great-grandson, Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., is the paper's current publisher and the chairman of the New York Times Co. Russell T. Lewis, also a Jew, is president and chief executive officer of The New York Times Company. Michael Golden, another Jew, is vice chairman. Martin Nisenholtz, a Jew, runs their massive Internet operations.

The Sulzberger family also owns, through the New York Times Co., 33 other newspapers, including the Boston Globe, purchased in June 1993 for $1.1 billion; eight TV and two radio broadcasting stations; and more than 40 news-oriented Web operations. It also publishes the International Herald Tribune, the most widely distributed English-language daily in the world. The New York Times News Service transmits news stories, features, and photographs from the New York Times by wire to 506 other newspapers, news agencies, and magazines.

Time, with a weekly circulation of 4.1 million, is published by a subsidiary of Time Warner Communications, the news media conglomerate formed by the 1989 merger of Time, Inc., with Warner Communications. The editor-in-chief of Time Warner Communication is Norman Pearlstine, a Jew.

Newsweek, as mentioned above, is published by the Washington Post Company, under the Jew Donald Graham. Its weekly circulation is 3.2 million.

The Jews have established in Germany the category of thought crimes, making it illegal to deny that Hitler killed Jews.
Can I add a new option?


That's right. Media picks the stories it thinks will get consumers to buy their product. Some are liberal, some are conservative, others are neutral, but they are all selling something.
jakurus said:
Can I add a new option?


That's right. Media picks the stories it thinks will get consumers to buy their product. Some are liberal, some are conservative, others are neutral, but they are all selling something.

Ya my question was asking who controls it, like who does the best job and is out there and in your face all the time.
have to agree that corporate greed control our politics, The only news that is worth getting information from is Cspan and Public television. Air America is Ok some of the time. yet I am getting tired of government controlling the media. People like Lars Larson, and Rush are news and event interpreters. They have script writer like being on Broadway. How many dead Americans are there really in Iraq. one source said the Government is afraid to tell us that over 10,000 Americans have died
This source says that source is a liberal democratic piece of refuse.
Who controls the media? Corporations. That's why Republicans avoid talking about who actually owns the media, and instead claim that it's in the thrall of a liberal cabal, which is nonsense. The media is the corporate media, but since corporatism is a Republican article of faith, that makes for an awkward situation. So instead they concoct a liberal media conspiracy theory; it's not corporate America that's got a liberal bias and is brainwashing our kids with pornography and hate-America ideolgy, it's those evil "liberal elites" in New York and out in Hollywood like Dan Rather and Michael Moore who are "screwing up" America! Please.
argexpat said:
Who controls the media? Corporations. That's why Republicans avoid talking about who actually owns the media, and instead claim that it's in the thrall of a liberal cabal, which is nonsense. The media is the corporate media, but since corporatism is a Republican article of faith, that makes for an awkward situation. So instead they concoct a liberal media conspiracy theory; it's not corporate America that's got a liberal bias and is brainwashing our kids with pornography and hate-America ideolgy, it's those evil "liberal elites" in New York and out in Hollywood like Dan Rather and Michael Moore who are "screwing up" America! Please.

Yup!...Damn that corporate Republican George Soros!
I have this to say..

I really really don't like Michael Moore, but i suppose his hearts in the right place.

and you can't "kick" someone out of the media, its violation of rights, and even corporates have to withhold their arms to those.
lamaror said:
How many dead Americans are there really in Iraq. one source said the Government is afraid to tell us that over 10,000 Americans have died

hmm. You know we do have the names of all the dead. People would have noticed, and no the media-lords would not be able to stop this from getting out.

Why? Because of who owns the media. It's no one. Sometimes we tend to think that there's a committe that can give an order, push a magic button, and make it all stop - but they can't. The media is a spontaneous order that no one can control.
lamaor said:
How many dead Americans are there really in Iraq. one source said the Government is afraid to tell us that over 10,000 Americans have died.

In order for that to be true, that means that approx. 8300 more are dead right now than projected...which mean 8300 more families have been notified and HAVE KEPT THEIR MOUTH SHUT. That would be over 20000 people not saying a peep about their dead son, daughter, brother sister, cousin, etc.

Understand how stupid that sounds now?
Canadaians are getting something they haven't had for a while. A conservative voice on their TV's. Fox has gotton permission to be on Canadian Cable TV. Boy are the Canadians in for a shock.
Canada is a socialst country on its way to Politicaly correct Totolitarianism.Canadians will wake up someday and find many of their Rights,gone.
JOHNYJ said:
Politicaly correct Totolitarianism.Canadians will wake up someday and find many of their Rights,gone.

Wow, who knew? So Canada is the next Soviet Union, huh? Yet Canadians are free to travel to Cuba. Americans are not. Canadians are free to marry whoever they want. Americans are not. Canadians are free to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. Americans are not. In fact Canadians enjoy all the freedoms Americans enjoy, and then some. But you don't hear them bragging about it. That's called humility, and Americans ought to buy themselves some.
Arexpat RE:
Canada has adopted no one should be offended by anything theory. Where in the USA it has been decided that lettig people blow off steam saying what they think. So they dont get frustrated and go home and build a bomb makes sense.Canada has decided that making voicing unkind opinions a crime. Its better that they go home and build a bomb.
Canada, thinks editing the Bible and ministers sermons. So they dont offend any Gays is the way to go. the question is whats next? Making talking about the holocaust illegal because it offends germans ? Allowing Muslims to create little enclaves and be ruled by Shira thats a great idea.Look how its worked in Britain.
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Albeit the corporations control much of various media in the U.S., we mustn't neglect the fact that the licensing of such is still controlled by the government.

The fact that average citizens watch/read/view and obviously contribute to advertising monies is what any government could hope for. How would we KNOW GE could pump out such "great" lightbulbs or listening (spook) devices at the bottom of an ocean? Advertising tells us so. We may believe we're a "knowledgeable" society, but once bombarded with seductive sells, we're putty.

The spin goes full circle.

Any one of us can view Hollywood as liberal, that I concede (yet, Hollywood doesn't have to seek special privileges from DC). However, ABC/NBC/CBS, etc., ad naseum, would quickly find themselves on free radio should the government deem them unworthy of relicensing. Or that particular corporation doesn't have strong lobbyists in Washington...or that Senator's stock is falling...

The media monster is neither liberal or conservative. It's about money, pure and simple. And for any one of us to say that greed does not tempt either party, is a fool.

Just my .02
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Obviously the Conservative Right have the power.
The Democrats and the Republicans, in particular, are corporate they invest heavily in both parties to lobby their opinions. They invest in most corporations including the media, this influence filters down to the broadcasting.
Fox News Channel - Murdoch's empire

-check 'outfoxed'

The left are too disorganised to influence the mainstream media, the Guardian newspaper may be considered liberal but sadly the Sun (owned by Murdoch) is far popular.

This debate seems obvious
AliG said:
Obviously the Conservative Right have the power.
The Democrats and the Republicans, in particular, are corporate they invest heavily in both parties to lobby their opinions. They invest in most corporations including the media, this influence filters down to the broadcasting.
Fox News Channel - Murdoch's empire

-check 'outfoxed'

The left are too disorganised to influence the mainstream media, the Guardian newspaper may be considered liberal but sadly the Sun (owned by Murdoch) is far popular.

This debate seems obvious
CBS and CNN too! Yea because the left can't agree on anything, much less can they agree of their own power! :mrgreen:
Bluenote said:
Albeit the corporations control much of various media in the U.S., we mustn't neglect the fact that the licensing of such is still controlled by the government.

The fact that average citizens watch/read/view and obviously contribute to advertising monies is what any government could hope for. How would we KNOW GE could pump out such "great" lightbulbs or listening (spook) devices at the bottom of an ocean? Advertising tells us so. We may believe we're a "knowledgeable" society, but once bombarded with seductive sells, we're putty.

The spin goes full circle.

Any one of us can view Hollywood as liberal, that I concede (yet, Hollywood doesn't have to seek special privileges from DC). However, ABC/NBC/CBS, etc., ad naseum, would quickly find themselves on free radio should the government deem them unworthy of relicensing. Or that particular corporation doesn't have strong lobbyists in Washington...or that Senator's stock is falling...

The media monster is neither liberal or conservative. It's about money, pure and simple. And for any one of us to say that greed does not tempt either party, is a fool.

Just my .02
Read the thread "Corporations the worst thing on earth poll", it should clear your view just a little bit!
128shot said:
I have this to say..

I really really don't like Michael Moore, but i suppose his hearts in the right place.

and you can't "kick" someone out of the media, its violation of rights, and even corporates have to withhold their arms to those.
Yes but you CAN freely not buy their products! AKA need corporations to fund Micheal Moore AKA Disney!

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